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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From Reagan's Cyber Plan to Apple Vs. Fbi: 'everything Is ­p For Grabs'
From ACM Opinion

From Reagan's Cyber Plan to Apple Vs. Fbi: 'everything Is ­p For Grabs'

The heated debate between the FBI and Apple over the encryption of the iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the two people who massacred 14 people in San Bernardino...

Apple Gets Short-Term Win, But New Mysterious Fbi ­nlocking Method Looms
From ACM News

Apple Gets Short-Term Win, But New Mysterious Fbi ­nlocking Method Looms

Less than 24 hours before a highly anticipated Tuesday court session where prosecutors and Apple lawyers would have squared off here in federal court, government...

Fbi May Not Need Apple to ­nlock San Bernardino Shooter's Iphone
From ACM News

Fbi May Not Need Apple to ­nlock San Bernardino Shooter's Iphone

The FBI may have found a way without Apple’s assistance to unlock the iPhone used by one of the shooters in the San Bernardino terrorist attack, Justice Department...

­tah's Online Caucus Gives Security Experts Heart Attacks
From ACM News

­tah's Online Caucus Gives Security Experts Heart Attacks

Security researchers pretty much uniformly agree that letting people vote online is a very bad idea, one that is fraught with risks and vulnerabilities that could...

Long Before the Apple-Fbi Battle, Lavabit Sounded a Warning
From ACM News

Long Before the Apple-Fbi Battle, Lavabit Sounded a Warning

Three years ago, Ladar Levison, the founder of the now-defunct secure email service known as Lavabit, was in the same position Apple finds itself today: facing...

Johns Hopkins Researchers Poke a Hole in Apple's Encryption
From ACM TechNews

Johns Hopkins Researchers Poke a Hole in Apple's Encryption

A research team from Johns Hopkins University has successfully cracked Apple's iMessage encryption. Professor Matthew D. Green says this disproves the notion that...

­tah Republicans Open Caucuses to Online Voters
From ACM TechNews

­tah Republicans Open Caucuses to Online Voters

Utah residents this week will be able to cast ballots in the Republican presidential contest using computers, tablets, and smartphones, representing the largest...

Living Factories of the Future
From ACM News

Living Factories of the Future

From an evolutionary perspective, yeast has no business producing a pain killer. But by re-engineering the microbe's genome, Christina Smolke at Stanford University...

Driverless Cars Must Have Steering Wheels, Brake Pedals, Feds Say
From ACM News

Driverless Cars Must Have Steering Wheels, Brake Pedals, Feds Say

Driverless cars should have a fairly easy time getting the green light to operate on U.S. roadways, as long as they look and act like the vehicles people have been...

The Fbi Warns That Car Hacking Is a Real Risk
From ACM News

The Fbi Warns That Car Hacking Is a Real Risk

It's been eight months since a pair of security researchers proved beyond any doubt that car hacking is more than an action movie plot device when they remotely ...

Inside Apple Ceo Tim Cook's Fight With the Fbi
From ACM Opinion

Inside Apple Ceo Tim Cook's Fight With the Fbi

Apple Says Constitution 'forbids' What Fbi Is Asking
From ACM News

Apple Says Constitution 'forbids' What Fbi Is Asking

Apple shouldn't have to comply with a search order for an iPhone used by one the San Bernardino, California, terrorists because the Constitution forbids it, the...

Pentagon Paying Techies to Think Like Terrorists
From ACM Careers

Pentagon Paying Techies to Think Like Terrorists

To stop a terrorist, it helps to think like one.

Apple Fight Could Escalate with Demand For 'source Code'
From ACM News

Apple Fight Could Escalate with Demand For 'source Code'

The latest filing in the legal war between the planet’s most powerful government and its most valuable company gave one indication of how the high-stakes confrontation...

In the Apple Case, a Debate Over Data Hits Home
From ACM News

In the Apple Case, a Debate Over Data Hits Home

Three years ago, reeling from Edward J. Snowden’s disclosure of the government’s vast surveillance programs and uncertain how to respond, President Obama said he...

Obama Weighs In on Apple v. Fbi: 'you Can't Take an Absolutist View'
From ACM News

Obama Weighs In on Apple v. Fbi: 'you Can't Take an Absolutist View'

In his keynote address at the 2016 South By Southwest conference, President Barack Obama responded directly to a question about cybersecurity in light of the ongoing...

What Happens When the Surveillance State Becomes an Affordable Gadget?
From ACM News

What Happens When the Surveillance State Becomes an Affordable Gadget?

When Daniel Rigmaiden was a little boy, his grandfather, a veteran of World War II and Korea, used to drive him along the roads of Monterey, California, playing...

Apple and U.s. Bitterly Turn Up Volume in Iphone Privacy Fight
From ACM News

Apple and U.s. Bitterly Turn Up Volume in Iphone Privacy Fight

The Obama administration argued on Thursday that "no single corporation"—even one as successful as Apple—should be allowed to flout the rule of law by refusingF...

Welcome to the Crispr Zoo
From ACM News

Welcome to the Crispr Zoo

Timothy Doran's 11-year-old daughter is allergic to eggs. And like about 2% of children worldwide who share the condition, she is unable to receive many routine...

Biometrics Are Coming, Along With Serious Security Concerns
From ACM News

Biometrics Are Coming, Along With Serious Security Concerns

You're buying a pair of jeans. At the register, instead of reaching for your wallet or phone, you pull back your hair.
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