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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nvidia's Powerful New Computer Helps Teach Cars to Drive
From ACM News

Nvidia's Powerful New Computer Helps Teach Cars to Drive

As cars get smarter and creep ever-closer to driving themselves, the software that makes infotainment systems and adaptive cruise control work is becoming as important...

The Smartest Hackers in the Room (hint: They're Not the Humans)
From ACM TechNews

The Smartest Hackers in the Room (hint: They're Not the Humans)

Teams from around the world will engage in a dress rehearsal next month for the U.S. Pentagon's Cyber Grand Challenge, a competition to develop automated hacker...

Why Kevin Mitnick, the World's Most Notorious Hacker, Is Still Breaking Into Computers
From ACM Careers

Why Kevin Mitnick, the World's Most Notorious Hacker, Is Still Breaking Into Computers

Look no further than Kevin Mitnick's business card to see how some things never change.

Iarpa Preps Insider Threat-Monitoring Projects
From ACM TechNews

Iarpa Preps Insider Threat-Monitoring Projects

The U.S. intelligence community wants to develop insider threat-monitoring systems and new techniques for predicting cyberattacks. 

Extreme Cryptography Paves Way to Personalized Medicine
From ACM News

Extreme Cryptography Paves Way to Personalized Medicine

The dream for tomorrow's medicine is to understand the links between DNA and disease—and to tailor therapies accordingly.

Better Debugger
From ACM TechNews

Better Debugger

Researchers last week unveiled a new algorithm for identifying integer-overflow bugs. 

How Crashing Drones Are Exposing Secrets About ­.s. War Operations
From ACM News

How Crashing Drones Are Exposing Secrets About ­.s. War Operations

Crashing drones are spilling secrets about U.S. military operations.

Voice Control Will Force an Overhaul of the Whole Internet
From ACM News

Voice Control Will Force an Overhaul of the Whole Internet

Jason Mars built his own Siri and then he gave it away.

New Approach ­ses 'twisted Light' to Increase the Efficiency of Quantum Cryptography Systems
From ACM TechNews

New Approach ­ses 'twisted Light' to Increase the Efficiency of Quantum Cryptography Systems

University of Rochester researchers have developed a way to transfer 2.05 bits per photon by using "twisted light."

Polymorphic Security Warnings More Effective Than Same, Static Ones
From ACM TechNews

Polymorphic Security Warnings More Effective Than Same, Static Ones

Polymorphic security warnings help reduce habituation in the brain, making computer users more likely to pay attention and not dismiss them outright.

Deanonymizing Tor ­sers With Raptor Attacks
From ACM TechNews

Deanonymizing Tor ­sers With Raptor Attacks

Researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of a suite of traffic analysis attacks that deanonymize Tor users. 

Stealing Data from Computers ­sing Heat
From ACM News

Stealing Data from Computers ­sing Heat

Air-gapped systems, which are isolated from the Internet and are not connected to other systems that are connected to the Internet, are used in situations that...

What's the Price Now?
From Communications of the ACM

What's the Price Now?

Dynamic pricing finds its way into a growing number of industries.

Secure-System Designers Strive to STEM Data Leaks
From Communications of the ACM

Secure-System Designers Strive to STEM Data Leaks

Attackers using side-channel analysis require little knowledge of how an implementation operates.

How the Dark Web Spurs a Spying 'arms Race'
From ACM News

How the Dark Web Spurs a Spying 'arms Race'

It's a technological arms race, pure and simple.

What Your Tweets Say About You
From ACM News

What Your Tweets Say About You

How much can your tweets reveal about you? Judging by the last nine hundred and seventy-two words that I used on Twitter, I'm about average when it comes to feeling...

­.s. Must Step ­p Capacity For Cyberattacks, Chief Argues
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Must Step ­p Capacity For Cyberattacks, Chief Argues

The director of the U.S. National Security Agency and the U.S. Cyber Command  advocated development of cyberweapons as a means of deterring cyberattacks.

Edward Snowden Would Like to Explain Himself to a Jury, but He Can't
From ACM News

Edward Snowden Would Like to Explain Himself to a Jury, but He Can't

Edward Snowden wants to come home.

Computer-Stored Encryption Keys Are Not Safe From Side-Channel Attacks
From ACM TechNews

Computer-Stored Encryption Keys Are Not Safe From Side-Channel Attacks

Tel Aviv University researchers have found a way to ex-filtrate complex encryption data using side-channel technology. 

Researchers Find Same Rsa Encryption Key ­sed 28,000 Times
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Find Same Rsa Encryption Key ­sed 28,000 Times

Researchers at Royal Holloway, University of London have found that several million Internet hosts are still vulnerable to the FREAK flaw in the SSL/TLS encryption...
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