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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Chip Makers Push New Senses For Smartphones–mobile World
From ACM News

Chip Makers Push New Senses For Smartphones–mobile World

Smartphones are about to get smarter, chip makers say, exploiting technologies that recognize people, objects and sounds to boost security and take helpful actions...

The Easiest Way to Get Hacked: ­se Phone at Phone Show
From ACM Opinion

The Easiest Way to Get Hacked: ­se Phone at Phone Show

Qr Codes Engineered Into Cybersecurity Protection
From ACM TechNews

Qr Codes Engineered Into Cybersecurity Protection

University of Connecticut researchers want to use quick response codes to protect national security. 

Pentagon Shops in Silicon Valley For Game Changers
From ACM Careers

Pentagon Shops in Silicon Valley For Game Changers

A small group of high-ranking Pentagon officials made a quiet visit to Silicon Valley in December to solicit national security ideas from start-up firms with little...

China Draft Counterterror Law Strikes Fear in Foreign Tech Firms
From ACM Careers

China Draft Counterterror Law Strikes Fear in Foreign Tech Firms

China is weighing a far-reaching counterterrorism law that would require technology firms to hand over encryption keys and install security "backdoors", a potential...

How to Sabotage Encryption Software (and Not Get Caught)
From ACM News

How to Sabotage Encryption Software (and Not Get Caught)

In the field of cryptography, a secretly planted "backdoor" that allows eavesdropping on communications is usually a subject of paranoia and dread.

Surveillance-Based Manipulation: How Facebook or Google Could Tilt Elections
From ACM Opinion

Surveillance-Based Manipulation: How Facebook or Google Could Tilt Elections

Someone who knows things about us has some measure of control over us, and someone who knows everything about us has a lot of control over us.

How Safe Are Perl, Php, and Ruby? The Experts Weigh In
From ACM TechNews

How Safe Are Perl, Php, and Ruby? The Experts Weigh In

Many developers of programming languages are quick to defend the security of their language. 

­S Government and Private Sector Developing 'precrime' System to Anticipate Cyber-Attacks
From ACM News

­S Government and Private Sector Developing 'precrime' System to Anticipate Cyber-Attacks

The USA's Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is soliciting the involvement of the private and academic sectors in developing a new 'precrime'...

How the Military Will Fight Isis on the Dark Web
From ACM News

How the Military Will Fight Isis on the Dark Web

The Dark Web is not so much a place as it is a method of achieving a level of anonymity online.

Surprise! America Already Has a Manhattan Project For Developing Cyber Attacks
From ACM News

Surprise! America Already Has a Manhattan Project For Developing Cyber Attacks

"What we really need is a Manhattan Project for cybersecurity." It's a sentiment that swells up every few years in the wake of some huge computer intrusion—most...

The Four Main Roadblocks Holding ­p Self-Driving Cars
From ACM TechNews

The Four Main Roadblocks Holding ­p Self-Driving Cars

There are four major obstacles facing developers of autonomous vehicles. 

More Watchful Eye Needed on 'dark Web' and Cybercriminal Activities, Notes New Paper
From ACM TechNews

More Watchful Eye Needed on 'dark Web' and Cybercriminal Activities, Notes New Paper

New research calls for increased monitoring of the Dark Web by security researchers and government investigators. 

Spy Research Agency Is Building Psychic Machines to Predict Hacks
From ACM TechNews

Spy Research Agency Is Building Psychic Machines to Predict Hacks

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity is working on a new contest aimed at creating a system to predict cyberthreats a network may face ahead...

Building a Face, and a Case, on Dna
From ACM News

Building a Face, and a Case, on Dna

There were no known eyewitnesses to the murder of a young woman and her 3-year-old daughter four years ago. No security cameras caught a figure coming or going.

Experts: Infrastructure 'legitimate Target' in Battle For Cyber Supremacy
From ACM TechNews

Experts: Infrastructure 'legitimate Target' in Battle For Cyber Supremacy

The leaders of the U.S. Defense Department, National Security Agency, and Cyber Command have all warned of the potential for a cyber 9/11.

Document Reveals Growth of Cyberwarfare Between the ­.S. and Iran
From ACM News

Document Reveals Growth of Cyberwarfare Between the ­.S. and Iran

A newly disclosed National Security Agency document illustrates the striking acceleration of the use of cyberweapons by the United States and Iran against eachnuclear...

Social Network Analysis Privacy Tackled
From ACM TechNews

Social Network Analysis Privacy Tackled

Pennsylvania State University researchers are researching ways to maintain privacy on social networks.

Python For Beginners
From Communications of the ACM

Python For Beginners

A survey found the language in use in introductory programming classes in the top U.S. computer science schools.

Car Talk
From Communications of the ACM

Car Talk

Vehicle-to-vehicle communication is coming. Are we ready for it?
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