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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What the Digital Brains of the Future Might Be Like
From ACM Opinion

What the Digital Brains of the Future Might Be Like

It is the rare entrepreneur who hits it truly big twice. Those who do—such as Ev Williams, Ted Turner, and Elon Musk—tend to stay within the original industry that...

Slime Mold Could Make Memristors For Biocomputers
From ACM TechNews

Slime Mold Could Make Memristors For Biocomputers

Researchers say the feeding fronds of the slime Physarum polycephalum could be used to build exotic computers. 

Nvidia's Graphics Brawn Powers Supercomputing Brains
From ACM News

Nvidia's Graphics Brawn Powers Supercomputing Brains

Nvidia, trying to move its graphics chips into the supercomputing market, has found a niche helping engineers build brain-like systems called neural networks.

Now You Can Build Google's $1m Artificial Brain on the Cheap
From ACM News

Now You Can Build Google's $1m Artificial Brain on the Cheap

Andrew Ng wants to bring deep learning—an emerging computer science field that seeks to mimic the human brain with hardware and software into the DIY era.

Data Highways For Quantum Information
From ACM TechNews

Data Highways For Quantum Information

Vienna University of Technology researchers have developed a quantum technique that makes it possible to store quantum information over a sufficiently long period...

Computer Memory Can Be Read with a Flash of Light
From ACM News

Computer Memory Can Be Read with a Flash of Light

Modern computer-memory technologies come with a trade-off. There is speedy but short-term storage for on-the-fly processing—random-access memory, or RAM—and slow...

The Remarkable Properties of Mythological Social Networks
From ACM News

The Remarkable Properties of Mythological Social Networks

Ten years ago, few people would have heard of a social network.

Why Google Is the Big Data Company That Matters Most
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Is the Big Data Company That Matters Most

Every now and then, someone asks "Who’ll be the Google of big data?"

Quantum Invisibility Cloak Hides Objects from Reality
From ACM News

Quantum Invisibility Cloak Hides Objects from Reality

Invisibility cloaks are all the rage these days.

Study Suggests Second Life For Possible Spintronic Materials
From ACM TechNews

Study Suggests Second Life For Possible Spintronic Materials

Researchers have made two important changes that will allow them to combine manganese and gallium nitride, which could allow them to create spintronics. 

NIST Researchers Offer Tool to Aid Standards Development, Implementation
From ACM TechNews

NIST Researchers Offer Tool to Aid Standards Development, Implementation

Researchers at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology are creating a computer-aided method for developing standards.

How Thoughts Can Control a Flying Robot
From ACM News

How Thoughts Can Control a Flying Robot

It's a staple of science fiction: people who can control objects with their minds.

New Tasks Become As Simple As Waving a Hand with Brain-Computer Interfaces
From ACM News

New Tasks Become As Simple As Waving a Hand with Brain-Computer Interfaces

Small electrodes placed on or inside the brain allow patients to interact with computers or control robotic limbs simply by thinking about how to execute those...

DARPA Robotics Challenge: The Search For the Perfect Robot Soldier
From ACM Careers

DARPA Robotics Challenge: The Search For the Perfect Robot Soldier

The Atlas robot looks something out of the post-apocalyptic future, or maybe a Will Smith blockbuster. It's a 330lb cyborg with eerily human-like hands and a head...

Atom by Atom, Bond by Bond, a Chemical Reaction Caught in the Act
From ACM News

Atom by Atom, Bond by Bond, a Chemical Reaction Caught in the Act

When Felix Fischer of the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory set out to develop nanostructures made of graphene using a new, controlled...

How You and I Could Become Nodes in the Internet of Things
From ACM News

How You and I Could Become Nodes in the Internet of Things

Ever wonder what the network infrastructure of the future will be? Try looking in the mirror.

Mit's Magic Bag Of Sand
From ACM Opinion

Mit's Magic Bag Of Sand

The camera pushes in. And there, near the meridian line, you see a faint scattering of red lights. Something is in the tar. And it's glowing.

This Man Is Not a Cyborg. Yet.
From ACM News

This Man Is Not a Cyborg. Yet.

Get right up close to Dmitry Itskov and sniff all you like—you will not pick up even the faintest hint of crazy.

A Camera Without a Lens (and a Sensor the Size of a Pixel)
From ACM News

A Camera Without a Lens (and a Sensor the Size of a Pixel)

Cameras as we know them have long been eye-like: a lens captures light and focuses it on film or a detection sensor, just as the lenses in our eyes focus light...

Hack a Virus, Win a Prize: Scientist Recognized For 'useful' Germ Modding
From ACM Careers

Hack a Virus, Win a Prize: Scientist Recognized For 'useful' Germ Modding

The inventor of a viral technology behind tomorrow's electric car batteries, flexible touchscreen computers, and non-invasive cancer screening was awarded a $500...
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