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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Bioengineers Build Open Source Language For Programming Cells
From ACM News

Bioengineers Build Open Source Language For Programming Cells

Drew Endy wants to build a programming language for the body.

From Eardrums to Electromagnetics, Demkowicz Hears the Problems
From ACM TechNews

From Eardrums to Electromagnetics, Demkowicz Hears the Problems

A University of Texas at Austin professor says his study of adaptive finite elements may be applied to math and software related to wave propagation. 

Proving Grounds
From Communications of the ACM

Proving Grounds

Researchers are making headway with one of quantum computing's major theoretical problems: multi-prover interactive proofs.

New Microbatteries a Boost For Electronics
From ACM News

New Microbatteries a Boost For Electronics

The most powerful batteries on the planet are only a few millimeters in size, yet they pack such a punch that a driver could use a cellphone powered by these batteries...

How to Target an Asteroid
From ACM News

How to Target an Asteroid

Like many of his colleagues at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., Shyam Bhaskaran is working a lot with asteroids these days.

Interview with Brain Project Pioneer: Miyoung Chun
From ACM Opinion

Interview with Brain Project Pioneer: Miyoung Chun

Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) project, which President Obama announced in his State of the Union address in February, will...

Will Google's Ray Kurzweil Live Forever?
From ACM Opinion

Will Google's Ray Kurzweil Live Forever?

Ray Kurzweil must encounter his share of interviewers whose first question is: What do you hope your obituary will say?

'chinese Google' Opens Artificial-Intelligence Lab in Silicon Valley
From ACM News

'chinese Google' Opens Artificial-Intelligence Lab in Silicon Valley

It doesn't look like much.

Hacker Says Phone App Could Hijack Plane
From ACM News

Hacker Says Phone App Could Hijack Plane

Could this be the deadliest smartphone app ever?

How Technology Is Slowly Developing Its Sense of Smell
From ACM Opinion

How Technology Is Slowly Developing Its Sense of Smell

Last week I attended what was, I think it is fair to say, the oddest conference I have been to yet. It was the first world congress of the Digital Olfaction Society...

Tiny Chiplets: A New Level of Micro Manufacturing
From ACM News

Tiny Chiplets: A New Level of Micro Manufacturing

Under a microscope, four slivers of silicon—electronic circuits called chiplets—perform an elaborate, jerky dance as if controlled by a hidden puppet master.

Nasa Associate Administrator on Asteroid Initiative
From ACM News

Nasa Associate Administrator on Asteroid Initiative

"The mission to find, capture and redirect an asteroid robotically, and then visit it with astronauts to study it and return samples takes advantage of expertise...

Mathematicians Predict the Future With Data From the Past
From ACM News

Mathematicians Predict the Future With Data From the Past

Professor Peter Turchin is the driving force behind a field where scientists analyze history in the hopes of finding patterns they can then use to predict the...

Don’t Call It Vaporware: Scientists Use Cloud of Atoms as Optical Memory Device
From ACM TechNews

Don’t Call It Vaporware: Scientists Use Cloud of Atoms as Optical Memory Device

Researchers have demonstrated a method for storing visual images within a thin vapor of rubidium atoms. 

Computers That Identify You By Your Thoughts
From ACM News

Computers That Identify You By Your Thoughts

Instead of typing your password, in the future you may only have to think your password, according to School of Information researchers. A new study explores the...

Will We Ever… Communicate Telepathically?
From ACM News

Will We Ever… Communicate Telepathically?

In a lab at Harvard Medical School, a man is using his mind to wag a rat's tail.

Mechanical Computer Flexes Its Muscle
From ACM News

Mechanical Computer Flexes Its Muscle

If we go way back to the 18th century, we find ourselves in the heyday of mechanics.

Top Brain Scientist Is 'philosopher at Heart'
From ACM News

Top Brain Scientist Is 'philosopher at Heart'

d Boyden tilts his head downward, remaining still except for his eyes, which dart back and forth between blinks for a full 10 seconds. Then, as if coming up for...

Obama to ­nveil Initiative to Map the Human Brain
From ACM News

Obama to ­nveil Initiative to Map the Human Brain

President Obama on Tuesday will announce a broad new research initiative, starting with $100 million in 2014, to invent and refine new technologies to understand...

How the Science of Swarms Can Help ­s Fight Cancer and Predict the Future
From ACM News

How the Science of Swarms Can Help ­s Fight Cancer and Predict the Future

The first thing to hit Iain Couzin when he walked into the Oxford lab where he kept his locusts was the smell, like a stale barn full of old hay.
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