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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Genetic Code For Genius?
From ACM News

A Genetic Code For Genius?

At a former paper-printing factory in Hong Kong, a 20-year-old wunderkind named Zhao Bowen has embarked on a challenging and potentially controversial quest: uncovering...

Diamond Idea For Quantum Computer
From ACM News

Diamond Idea For Quantum Computer

Quantum mechanics isn't what it used to be.

 DARPA Wants Teeny-Tiny Fluids to Cool Down Next-Gen Microchips
From ACM News

DARPA Wants Teeny-Tiny Fluids to Cool Down Next-Gen Microchips

The Pentagon's mad scientists have concocted a plan to keep the miniature, stacked brains of tomorrow's advanced computers cool enough to power next-gen technological...

Moshers, Heavy Metal and Emergent Behavior
From ACM TechNews

Moshers, Heavy Metal and Emergent Behavior

Researchers say the collective movement of concert-goers in a mosh pit is mathematically similar to that of a disordered 2-D gas. 

Carnegie Mellon Analysis Shows Online Songwriters Seek Collaborators With Complementary Skills, Status
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Analysis Shows Online Songwriters Seek Collaborators With Complementary Skills, Status

Researchers have found a way to determine the unique balance of qualities that contribute to musical collaborations. 

Oscar Sci-Tech Awards Honor Ingenious Screen Science and Engineering
From ACM News

Oscar Sci-Tech Awards Honor Ingenious Screen Science and Engineering

The goal of every movie is for the audience to suspend its collective disbelief and become immersed in the world created on screen.

Ancient Board Game Offers Insight Into Military, Cyber Threats
From ACM TechNews

Ancient Board Game Offers Insight Into Military, Cyber Threats

Penn State University researchers are using the ancient Chinese game of Go to help students learn new methods for countering future cyber-attacks. 

Will We Ever Simulate the Human Brain?
From ACM News

Will We Ever Simulate the Human Brain?

For years, Henry Markram has claimed that he can simulate the human brain in a computer within a decade. On 23 January 2013, the European Commission told him to...

Amateur Effort Finds New Largest Prime Number
From ACM News

Amateur Effort Finds New Largest Prime Number

The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) project has scored its 14th consecutive victory, discovering the largest prime number so far.

An Idea That Changed the World
From ACM News

An Idea That Changed the World

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was called the "Ten Days That Shook the World," the title of a book by foreign correspondent Jack Reed, Class of 1910. But how about...

Computer Scientists Take Road Less Traveled
From ACM News

Computer Scientists Take Road Less Traveled

Not long ago, a team of researchers from Stanford and McGill universities broke a 35-year record in computer science by an almost imperceptible margin — four hundredths...

DARPA Looking For Technology to Create 'transient Electronics' Devices
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Looking For Technology to Create 'transient Electronics' Devices

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Vanishing Programmable Resources program was established to foster the development of "transient electronics"...

Rice Technique Points Toward 2-D Devices
From ACM TechNews

Rice Technique Points Toward 2-D Devices

Rice University researchers have developed a method to make patterns in atom-thick layers of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride, which could lead to the creation...

Quantum Communication: Each Photon Counts
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Communication: Each Photon Counts

Researchers say they have developed ultrafast, efficient, and reliable single-photon detectors, which makes possible the application of the latest advances in optical...

Mathematical Breakthrough Sets Out Rules For More Effective Teleportation
From ACM News

Mathematical Breakthrough Sets Out Rules For More Effective Teleportation

For the past 10 years, theoretical physicists have shown that the intense connections generated between particles as established in the quantum law of 'entanglement'...

Two Science Projects to Receive Award of 1 Billion Euros
From ACM News

Two Science Projects to Receive Award of 1 Billion Euros

Projects to imitate the brain and to develop new materials for information technology have won awards of about 1 billion euros (U.S. $1.34 billion) each were announced...

Ito: Think Twice About Immortality and the Singularity
From ACM Opinion

Ito: Think Twice About Immortality and the Singularity

Ray Kurzweil's vision of the "singularity"—when nanobots make humans immortal and computer progress is so fast that the future becomes profoundly unknowable—is...

Ayasdi: Stanford Math Begets a Data Company
From ACM Careers

Ayasdi: Stanford Math Begets a Data Company

Like most of his peers, Gunnar Carlsson spends his time thinking about hairy, theoretical math problems.

IBM Predicts Cognitive Systems as New Computing Wave
From ACM TechNews

IBM Predicts Cognitive Systems as New Computing Wave

IBM expects cognitive computing systems to usher in a new era of computing by being capable of learning and adapting through their mimicry of human senses. Some...

MIT Scientists Achieve Molecular Data Storage Breakthrough
From ACM TechNews

MIT Scientists Achieve Molecular Data Storage Breakthrough

MIT researchers have developed a method for storing data on individual molecules at room temperature, which could lead to a 1,000-fold improvement in storage density...
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