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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Approach Trains Robots to Match Human Dexterity and Speed
From ACM News

New Approach Trains Robots to Match Human Dexterity and Speed

In an engineering laboratory here, a robot has learned to screw the cap on a bottle, even figuring out the need to apply a subtle backward twist to find the thread...

Mit's Humanoid Robot Goes to Robot Boot Camp
From ACM Careers

Mit's Humanoid Robot Goes to Robot Boot Camp

As Russ Tedrake flings up the garage door to the dusty MIT lab, light whooshes in, revealing a 360-pound humanoid robot hanging from a rope.

Wolfram's Id Project Launch Touts Imageidentify Function
From ACM TechNews

Wolfram's Id Project Launch Touts Imageidentify Function

Wolfram Research's artificial intelligence-based Language Identification Project is equipped with an ImageIdentify function.

Between the Lines
From Communications of the ACM

Between the Lines

Smartphone apps are driving changes in the way people park. Sensors, crowdsourcing, and big data are making it easier to find open parking spots.

Plenty of Proteins
From Communications of the ACM

Plenty of Proteins

The growth of structural biology brings new challenges for the world's protein data archive.

Humans Out-Play an AI at Texas Hold 'em—for Now
From ACM Careers

Humans Out-Play an AI at Texas Hold 'em—for Now

In 1997 chess master Gary Kasparov went to battle against the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue in a landmark match. After six games Deep Blue prevailed, marking the...

Hacking the Brain
From ACM Opinion

Hacking the Brain

The perfectibility of the human mind is a theme that has captured our imagination for centuries—the notion that, with the right tools, the right approach, the right...

Predictive Analytics Provides Powerful Benefits to Healthcare
From ACM News

Predictive Analytics Provides Powerful Benefits to Healthcare

Medical treatment is on the verge of a "radical transformation" thanks to statistical data analysis techniques that predict future outcomes.

Computers Harness Language Translation
From ACM TechNews

Computers Harness Language Translation

Statistical machine-translation technologies developed at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory have helped the Army become less reliant on human translators.

Attention White-Collar Workers: The Robots Are Coming For Your Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Attention White-Collar Workers: The Robots Are Coming For Your Jobs

From the self-checkout aisle of the grocery store to the sports section of the newspaper, robots and computer software are increasingly taking the place of humans...

Say Hello to Machines That Read Your Emotions to Make You Happy
From ACM TechNews

Say Hello to Machines That Read Your Emotions to Make You Happy

EmoSPARK is an artificial intelligence-based device that can gauge a person's mood based on what they say and how they say it. 

What a Dinosaur's Mating Scream Sounds Like
From ACM News

What a Dinosaur's Mating Scream Sounds Like

Two years ago, Sean Murray, a video-game developer from the town of Guildford, outside London, announced an ambitious game that he had been working on in secrecy...

Baidu's Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer Beats Google at Image Recognition
From ACM News

Baidu's Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer Beats Google at Image Recognition

Chinese search giant Baidu says it has invented a powerful supercomputer that brings new muscle to an artificial-intelligence technique giving software more power...

Robots, Hungry for Power, Are Too Weak to Take Over the World
From ACM News

Robots, Hungry for Power, Are Too Weak to Take Over the World

Today's robots may just be too hungry and unfit to take over the world any time soon.

Rise of the Machines
From ACM News

Rise of the Machines

Elon Musk busies himself building other people's futures.

How Daimler Built the World's First Self-Driving Semi
From ACM News

How Daimler Built the World's First Self-Driving Semi

Christian Urban waves his hands to make a point, then looks at his nails and cracks wise about needing a manicure.

Google's Self-Driving Cars of Tomorrow Face the Mean Streets of Today
From ACM TechNews

Google's Self-Driving Cars of Tomorrow Face the Mean Streets of Today

Google says its self-driving cars will be good for road safety because they can pay better attention to the road than humans do. 

Even Robots Now Have Their Own Virtual World
From ACM News

Even Robots Now Have Their Own Virtual World

In a month's time, a motley assortment of robots will attempt to navigate a punishing obstacle course laid out in a fairground park in Pomona, California.

Nasa Selects Advanced Space Technology Concepts For Further Study
From ACM News

Nasa Selects Advanced Space Technology Concepts For Further Study

NASA has selected 15 proposals for study under Phase I of the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC), a program that aims to turn science fiction into science...

Self-Driving Cars Getting Dinged in California
From ACM News

Self-Driving Cars Getting Dinged in California

Four of the nearly 50 self-driving cars now rolling around California have gotten into accidents since September, when the state began issuing permits for companies...
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