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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Robo-Rescuers Battle It Out in Disaster Challenge
From ACM News

Robo-Rescuers Battle It Out in Disaster Challenge

When the humanoid robot SAFFiR gets a shove, it reflexively moves to maintain its balance. SAFFiR can also walk over uneven terrain, turn its head to scan its surroundings...

Facebook Invents an Intelligence Test For Machines
From ACM News

Facebook Invents an Intelligence Test For Machines

John is in the playground. Bob is in the office. Where is John?

­.k. Research Aims For Pervasive Mobile Robotics
From ACM TechNews

­.k. Research Aims For Pervasive Mobile Robotics

Oxford University researchers are developing situation-aware mobile robotic systems for use in diverse applications. 

Rise of the Fembots: Why Artificial Intelligence Is Often Female
From ACM TechNews

Rise of the Fembots: Why Artificial Intelligence Is Often Female

A disproportionate percentage of artificial intelligence systems have female personas, and researchers have struggled to determine why this phenomenon occurs. 

Artificial Intelligence Bests Humans at Classic Arcade Games
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Bests Humans at Classic Arcade Games

A recent article recounts how a team of artificial intelligence researchers trained a computer to play, and in some cases beat, human players in several arcade...

Invasion of the Friendly Movie Robots
From ACM Opinion

Invasion of the Friendly Movie Robots

Robots are becoming more of a reality in everyday life, and movies have started to overhaul their depiction of them. They're gentler, friendlier, and often better...

­S Government and Private Sector Developing 'precrime' System to Anticipate Cyber-Attacks
From ACM News

­S Government and Private Sector Developing 'precrime' System to Anticipate Cyber-Attacks

The USA's Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is soliciting the involvement of the private and academic sectors in developing a new 'precrime'...

Game-Playing Software Holds Lessons For Neuroscience
From ACM News

Game-Playing Software Holds Lessons For Neuroscience

DeepMind, the Google-owned artificial-intelligence company, has revealed how it created a single computer algorithm that can learn how to play 49 different arcade...

Spy Research Agency Is Building Psychic Machines to Predict Hacks
From ACM TechNews

Spy Research Agency Is Building Psychic Machines to Predict Hacks

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity is working on a new contest aimed at creating a system to predict cyberthreats a network may face ahead...

What Clever Robots Mean For Jobs
From ACM TechNews

What Clever Robots Mean For Jobs

For a long time economists maintained that new technology would not result in a net loss of jobs, but some economists now think the situation is more nuanced than...

What 'the Imitation Game' Didn't Tell You About Turing's Greatest Triumph
From ACM Opinion

What 'the Imitation Game' Didn't Tell You About Turing's Greatest Triumph

Freeman Dyson, 91, the famed physicist, author and oracle of human destiny, is holding forth after tea-time one February afternoon in the common room of the Institute...

Magic Leap
From ACM News

Magic Leap

Logically, I know there isn’t a hulking four-armed, twisty-horned blue monster clomping in circles in front of me, but it sure as hell looks like it.

The Hot Yet Little-Known Trend That'll Supercharge AI
From ACM News

The Hot Yet Little-Known Trend That'll Supercharge AI

When Andrew Ng trained Google's army of computers to identify cat videos using artificial intelligence, he hit a few snags.

If Software Looks Like a Brain and Acts Like a Brain—will We Treat It Like One?
From ACM News

If Software Looks Like a Brain and Acts Like a Brain—will We Treat It Like One?

Long the domain of science fiction, researchers are now working to create software that perfectly models human and animal brains.

Hoping Google's Lab Is a Rainmaker
From ACM Careers

Hoping Google's Lab Is a Rainmaker

Google's research arm, Google X, is called the company's Moonshot Factory. One reason the company picked the word "Moonshot" was to remind people to tackle big...

Cynthia Breazeal: Social Robotics Pioneer. MIT Lab Leader. Proud Mom
From ACM TechNews

Cynthia Breazeal: Social Robotics Pioneer. MIT Lab Leader. Proud Mom

In an interview, Cynthia Breazeal, director of the robotics lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and creator of the Jibo family robot, explores her...

Nasa Rides Artificial Intelligence to the Moon and Mars
From ACM TechNews

Nasa Rides Artificial Intelligence to the Moon and Mars

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration will use artificial intelligence to schedule research opportunities for its many probes and rovers.

Robots Can Build Cars; Now They Learn Not to Crush You
From ACM News

Robots Can Build Cars; Now They Learn Not to Crush You

Robots long ago earned a place in factories, where their pneumatic pumps and steel welding arms help manufacture everything from cars to planes.

How Moore's Law Made Google Possible
From ACM Opinion

How Moore's Law Made Google Possible

Gordon Moore's famous calculation of the gains in power and economy that would drive chip production continues to have profound implications for every enterprise...

Making AI Robust and Beneficial
From ACM News

Making AI Robust and Beneficial

A call for proposals on maximizing the social benefits of AI.
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