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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Looking and Learning: Image Identification and Enhanced Search
From ACM News

Looking and Learning: Image Identification and Enhanced Search

Advances in computer image recognition aspire to provide "a reasonable description in plain English."

Atlas Drc Robot Is 75 Percent New, Completely ­nplugged
From ACM News

Atlas Drc Robot Is 75 Percent New, Completely ­nplugged

We've always known that the ATLAS DRC humanoid robot was due for some serious upgrades before the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals, because having a robot that's...

Artificial-Intelligence Experts to Explore Turing Test Triathlon
From ACM News

Artificial-Intelligence Experts to Explore Turing Test Triathlon

Intelligentsia of AI will gather to come up with a battery of alternatives to the traditional Turing test.

Carnegie Mellon's Six-Legged 'snake Monster' Is First of New Breed of Reconfigurable Modular Robots
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon's Six-Legged 'snake Monster' Is First of New Breed of Reconfigurable Modular Robots

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed the Snake Monster, a six-legged modular robot that can be reconfigured to meet a user's needs. 

Artificial Intelligence Helps Stanford Physicists Predict Dangerous Solar Flares
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Helps Stanford Physicists Predict Dangerous Solar Flares

Stanford University researchers have automated analysis of the largest-ever set of solar observations to forecast solar flares using data from the Solar Dynamics...

The Voice-Activated Video Game
From ACM Opinion

The Voice-Activated Video Game

When he was in grad school, the roboticist Daniel Wilson installed 150 binary sensors in his house.

Death By Robot
From ACM TechNews

Death By Robot

Many roboticists are realizing autonomous robots  inevitably will find themselves in situations that require a moral judgment.

Vision System For Household Robots
From ACM TechNews

Vision System For Household Robots

A new algorithm can aggregate perspectives and recognize four times as many objects as one that uses a single perspective, while reducing misidentifications. 

We Know How You Feel
From ACM News

We Know How You Feel

Three years ago, archivists at A.T. & T. stumbled upon a rare fragment of computer history: a short film that Jim Henson produced for Ma Bell, in 1963.

Robotic Camera Mimics Human Operators to Anticipate Basketball Game Action
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Camera Mimics Human Operators to Anticipate Basketball Game Action

A new method developed by Disney Research scientists should enable automated cameras to produce video imagery that is smooth and aesthetically pleasing. 

Vision System For Household Robots
From ACM News

Vision System For Household Robots

For household robots ever to be practical, they'll need to be able to recognize the objects they're supposed to manipulate.

Nasa Mars Rover Opportunity Climbs to High Point on Rim
From ACM News

Nasa Mars Rover Opportunity Climbs to High Point on Rim

After completing two drives this week, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has paused to photograph the panoramic vista from the highest point the rover has...

Robots Are Sneaking ­p On Congress (along with Four Other Tech Trends)
From ACM Opinion

Robots Are Sneaking ­p On Congress (along with Four Other Tech Trends)

One of the best Twitter accounts inside the Beltway or out—belongs to former representativeJohn Dingell (D-Mich.), who announced his retirement with self-effacing...

No Need to Panic--Artificial Intelligence Has Yet to Create a Doomsday Machine
From ACM TechNews

No Need to Panic--Artificial Intelligence Has Yet to Create a Doomsday Machine

University of Sheffield professor Tony Prescott says the day people create dangerous artificial intelligence is far off. 

Artificial Intelligence Experts Sign Open Letter to Protect Mankind from Machines
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Experts Sign Open Letter to Protect Mankind from Machines

The Future of Life Institute wants humanity to tread lightly while on the road to really smart, and not so cuddly, robots.

This Computer Knows When to Hold 'em, Knows When to Fold 'em
From ACM News

This Computer Knows When to Hold 'em, Knows When to Fold 'em

Card sharks, beware. A new program cannot be beaten at a variety of poker called heads-up limit Texas Hold 'em—at least in a human lifetime—a team of computer scientists...

Nvidia Demos a Car Computer Trained with 'deep Learning'
From ACM News

Nvidia Demos a Car Computer Trained with 'deep Learning'

Many cars now include cameras or other sensors that record the passing world and trigger intelligent behavior, such as automatic braking or steering to avoid an...

Robots Do Kitchen Duty With Cooking Video Dataset
From ACM TechNews

Robots Do Kitchen Duty With Cooking Video Dataset

Researchers have built a self-learning robot that was able to improve its cooking skills by watching YouTube videos. 

A Visit to the Corporate-Industrial Robotics Competition For Teenagers
From ACM Careers

A Visit to the Corporate-Industrial Robotics Competition For Teenagers

Sometimes I think of school as an overlapping set of calendars.

Simple Pictures That State-of-the-Art AI Still Can't Recognize
From ACM News

Simple Pictures That State-of-the-Art AI Still Can't Recognize

Look at these black and yellow bars and tell me what you see.
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