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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What Is It Like to Control a Robotic Arm with a Brain Implant?
From ACM Opinion

What Is It Like to Control a Robotic Arm with a Brain Implant?

Jan Scheuermann is not your average experimental subject.

Projecting a Robot's Intentions
From ACM TechNews

Projecting a Robot's Intentions

Measurable virtual reality combines ceiling-mounted projectors with motion-capture technology and animation software to project a robot's intentions in real time...

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do
From ACM News

Computers Are Learning to See the World Like We Do

What animal is in the picture above?

Google's Secretive Deepmind Start-up ­nveils A 'neural Turing Machine'
From ACM News

Google's Secretive Deepmind Start-up ­nveils A 'neural Turing Machine'

One of the great challenges of neuroscience is to understand the short-term working memory in the human brain.

Prepare For the Part-Time Self-Driving Car
From ACM News

Prepare For the Part-Time Self-Driving Car

Self-driving AI cars have been a staple in popular culture for some time—any child of the 1980s will fondly remember both the Autobots and Knight Rider's KITT—but...

The Rise of Human-Like Robots, Cars and Drones
From ACM News

The Rise of Human-Like Robots, Cars and Drones

Ginger is only a couple of feet tall, but she soon commands attention as she takes to the stage. "I would like to say it's a pleasure to be here," she tells the...

Could a Robot Do Your Job?
From ACM TechNews

Could a Robot Do Your Job?

Advances in technology could mean people in low-skill jobs will be replaced by robots. 

Google Teams ­p With Oxford Academics to Bring Human-Like Robots Closer to Reality
From ACM TechNews

Google Teams ­p With Oxford Academics to Bring Human-Like Robots Closer to Reality

Google is collaborating with Oxford University researchers to help machines better understand users, and to improve visual-recognition systems using deep learning...

Computing What Fits
From Communications of the ACM

Computing What Fits

New apps and pods improve the virtual and actual retail experiences by ensuring clothing and cosmetics look good on you before you buy them.

Researchers Simplify Parallel Programming
From Communications of the ACM

Researchers Simplify Parallel Programming

Parallel computing has become increasingly important as chipmakers put more and more processor cores on individual chips.

­sing Drones to Make Peace, Not War
From ACM Careers

­sing Drones to Make Peace, Not War

Amin Rigi says drones should be used to save lives, not spy or kill.

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola
From ACM News

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola

Robotics scientists nationwide are pondering an intriguing possibility: Might robotic technologies deployed in rescue and disaster situations be quickly repurposed...

Machine-Learning Maestro Michael Jordan on the Delusions of Big Data and Other Huge Engineering Efforts
From ACM Opinion

Machine-Learning Maestro Michael Jordan on the Delusions of Big Data and Other Huge Engineering Efforts

The overeager adoption of big data is likely to result in catastrophes of analysis comparable to a national epidemic of collapsing bridges.

Ask Watson or Siri: Artificial Intelligence Is as Elusive as Ever
From ACM TechNews

Ask Watson or Siri: Artificial Intelligence Is as Elusive as Ever

Scientists are no closer to achieving an overall general artificial intelligence, in the sense that a computer can behave like a human.

Researchers to Meet With Aid Workers to Build Ebola-Fighting Robots
From ACM TechNews

Researchers to Meet With Aid Workers to Build Ebola-Fighting Robots

Robotics researchers from numerous institutions are working to organize workshops that will bring together roboticists and humanitarian workers to discuss how robots...

To Siri, With Love
From ACM Opinion

To Siri, With Love

Just how bad a mother am I? I wondered, as I watched my 13-year-old son deep in conversation with Siri.

Robot From Twente to Save Lives in the Alps
From ACM TechNews

Robot From Twente to Save Lives in the Alps

The SHERPA project involves cooperation between human rescue workers, a ground robot with a robotic arm, and flying robots. 

Snakes and Snake-Like Robots Show How Sidewinders Conquer Sandy Slopes
From ACM TechNews

Snakes and Snake-Like Robots Show How Sidewinders Conquer Sandy Slopes

Researchers have improved the ability of a snake-like robot to traverse sandy slopes by examining how real-life snakes move. 

Automatic Authors: Making Machines That Tell Tales
From ACM TechNews

Automatic Authors: Making Machines That Tell Tales

Many artificial intelligence researchers believe one of the major breakthroughs in AI will be creating systems that are effective story-tellers. 

Should Industrial Robots Be Able to Hurt Their Human Coworkers?
From ACM News

Should Industrial Robots Be Able to Hurt Their Human Coworkers?

How much should a robot be allowed to hurt its coworkers?
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