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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google's Project Glass Engineers: Who Are They?
From ACM Careers

Google's Project Glass Engineers: Who Are They?

Google’s Project Glass has put new focus on Google X, the lab at the tech giant where engineers work to develop the next big thing.

Verizon Envisions 4g Wireless in Just About Anything
From ACM News

Verizon Envisions 4g Wireless in Just About Anything

Tucked away in a new office block in Waltham, Massachusetts, is a kind of wireless Tomorrowland.

Self-Sculpting Sand
From ACM News

Self-Sculpting Sand

Imagine that you have a big box of sand in which you bury a tiny model of a footstool.

How the Cost of Computation Restricts the Processes of Life
From ACM TechNews

How the Cost of Computation Restricts the Processes of Life

Biologists and computer scientists have begun to examine what restrictions the theoretical limits of computation place on the way living things operate, which could...

Dead Stars 'to Guide Spacecraft'
From ACM News

Dead Stars 'to Guide Spacecraft'

German scientists are developing a technique that allows for very precise positioning anywhere in space by picking up X-ray signals from pulsars.

How the Cost of Computation Restricts the Processes of Life
From ACM News

How the Cost of Computation Restricts the Processes of Life

Back in the 1960s, the IBM physicist Rolf Landauer showed that computation comes with a cost: every (irreversible) calculation, he said, always burns through a...

Sanjeev Arora Wins 2011 Acm-Infosys Award
From ACM News

Sanjeev Arora Wins 2011 Acm-Infosys Award

Sanjeev Arora, a computer scientist at Princeton University, is honored for breakthroughs that have advanced the power of computing. 

China's Not-So-Super Computers
From ACM News

China's Not-So-Super Computers

The supercomputer in this southern boomtown is named Nebulae for the interstellar clouds of gas that give birth to stars.

Genius and Tragedy at Dawn of Computer Age
From ACM News

Genius and Tragedy at Dawn of Computer Age

One of the many myths about Apple is that the company's name is a reference to the half-eaten apple reportedly found beside the corpse of the British computer scientist...

The Snails of War
From ACM News

The Snails of War

The electric snail is here. There's an electric cockroach too.

Snowflake Growth Successfully Modeled from Physical Laws
From ACM News

Snowflake Growth Successfully Modeled from Physical Laws

Windswept from cloud to cloud until they flutter to Earth, snowflakes assume a seemingly endless variety of shapes.

Surprise! Astronomers Spot Life on Earth
From ACM News

Surprise! Astronomers Spot Life on Earth

No one knows when we'll spot life on another world, but everyone knows how it will happen.

From ACM News

Guiding Robot Planes with Hand Gestures

Aircraft-carrier crew use a set of standard hand gestures to guide planes on the carrier deck. But as robot planes are increasingly used for routine air missions...

Scientists Tap the Genius of Babies and Youngsters to Make Computers Smarter
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Tap the Genius of Babies and Youngsters to Make Computers Smarter

University of California, Berkeley researchers are studying how babies, toddlers, and preschoolers learn in order to program computers to think more like humans...

Simulations and Mathematics Suggest That There Always Be a Facebook
From ACM TechNews

Simulations and Mathematics Suggest That There Always Be a Facebook

National Center for Nuclear Research scientists are conducting research that could lead to the development of a field of mathematics focused on the theory of minority...

Life on Mars? Funds to Find Answer Fade
From ACM News

Life on Mars? Funds to Find Answer Fade

Just as NASA is on the cusp of answering the most fascinating questions about Mars—is there, was there or could there be life there?—the money needed to provide...

From ACM News

Software Translates Your Voice Into Another Language

Researchers at Microsoft have made software that can learn the sound of your voice, and then use it to speak a language that you don't.

DARPA Director Bolts Pentagon For Google
From ACM News

DARPA Director Bolts Pentagon For Google

Darpa director Regina Dugan will soon be stepping down from her position atop the Pentagon's premiere research shop to take a job with Google.

A Bit of Progress: Diamonds Shatter Quantum Information Storage Record
From ACM News

A Bit of Progress: Diamonds Shatter Quantum Information Storage Record

The quantum world and the everyday world of human experience are supposed to be two different realms. Quantum effects, as demonstrated in the lab, are usually confined...

Sometimes the Quickest Path Is Not a Sraight Line
From ACM News

Sometimes the Quickest Path Is Not a Sraight Line

Sometimes the fastest pathway from point A to point B is not a straight line: for example, if you're underwater and contending with strong and shifting currents...
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