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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Internet Censorship Revealed Through the Haze of Malware Pollution
From ACM TechNews

Internet Censorship Revealed Through the Haze of Malware Pollution

To explain how the Egyptian and Libyan governments shut down the Internet in their countries in early 2011, researchers at the University of California, San Diego...

Automatic Recharging, From a Distance
From ACM News

Automatic Recharging, From a Distance

Think how convenient it would be if you could recharge electronic devices without ever having to plug them in—or even take them out of your briefcase.

Three Things that Scare Google
From ACM News

Three Things that Scare Google

Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt told a crowd of journalists Wednesday night that there are some things about technology and the Internet that scare him,...

Cebit's Pole-Dancing Droids and Other New Technologies
From ACM News

Cebit's Pole-Dancing Droids and Other New Technologies

Robots everywhere, driverless cars, new eco-solutions, screens that "read" feelings, and smart museums and stadiums—just some of the "City of the Future" technologies...

One Thing Is Certain: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle Is Not Dead
From ACM News

One Thing Is Certain: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle Is Not Dead

What Einstein's E=mc2 is to relativity theory, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is to quantum mechanics—not just a profound insight, but also an iconic formula...

Pitt Research Team Says Communication Technologies Including Smartphones and Laptops Could Now Be 1,000 Times Faster
From ACM TechNews

Pitt Research Team Says Communication Technologies Including Smartphones and Laptops Could Now Be 1,000 Times Faster

University of Pittsburgh researchers have demonstrated a physical basis for terahertz bandwidth, which is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between infrared...

From ACM TechNews

Mobile Mayhem

University of Utah researchers are using the University of Tennessee's Cray XT5 Kraken supercomputer to simulate burning and detonation processes in transportable...

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization

 It's been an action-packed two years since Jeff Jaffe took over as the World Wide Web Consortium's chief executive, but more action is the order of the day at...

AI Designs Its Own Video Game
From ACM News

AI Designs Its Own Video Game

It is never going to compete with the latest iteration of Call of Duty, but then Space Station Invaders is not your typical blockbuster video game. While modern...

Research in Programming Languages
From ACM TechNews

Research in Programming Languages

Crista Videira Lopes has had a difficult time determining whether academic research in programming languages is a worthwhile endeavor.  

Behold the Cheetah Robot. The Singularity Is Nigh!
From ACM News

Behold the Cheetah Robot. The Singularity Is Nigh!

Big defense budgets during the aughts financed the deployment of thousands of robots, including unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles, to Iraq and Afghanistan...

For Impatient Web Users, an Eye Blink Is Just Too Long to Wait
From ACM News

For Impatient Web Users, an Eye Blink Is Just Too Long to Wait

Wait a second. No, that's too long.

­.s. Wants You to Hunt Fugitives With Twitter
From ACM News

­.s. Wants You to Hunt Fugitives With Twitter

A worldwide manhunt kicks off at the end of March—a search across America and Europe for five fugitives, identifiable only by their mugshots.

Google: Technology Is Making Science Fiction Real
From ACM News

Google: Technology Is Making Science Fiction Real

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt predicted that rapid advances in technology will soon transform science fiction into reality—meaning people will have driverless...

Microsoft Ponders Future of Kinect, Tech
From ACM News

Microsoft Ponders Future of Kinect, Tech

When Microsoft thinks about the future of technology, it seems to do so with its stomach.

Tiny 3D Chips
From ACM News

Tiny 3D Chips

Microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS, are small devices with huge potential. Typically made of components less than 100 microns in size—the diameter of a human...

Facebook: The Wimps Will Inherit the Data Center
From ACM News

Facebook: The Wimps Will Inherit the Data Center

Unlike Google, Facebook believes the wimps have a future in the data center. As variousacademics and free-thinking startups seek to reinvent the server using ultra...

Computer Modeling: Brain in a Box
From ACM TechNews

Computer Modeling: Brain in a Box

A proposal by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology scientist Henry Markram to build a supercomputer model integrating all knowledge about the human brain is one...

From ACM Opinion

The Coming Entanglement: Bill Joy and Danny Hillis

Digital innovators Bill Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, and Danny Hillis, co-founder of the Long Now Foundation, talk with Scientific American Executive Editor...

Seven Equations That Rule Your World
From ACM News

Seven Equations That Rule Your World

The alarm rings. You glance at the clock. The time is 6.30 am. You haven't even got out of bed, and already at least six mathematical equations have influenced...
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