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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How to Make Smart Watches Not Worth Stealing
From ACM TechNews

How to Make Smart Watches Not Worth Stealing

A prototype device can identify someone by measuring the electrical resistance of tissues within the person's wrist. 

Robots Compete in Disaster Scenarios
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Compete in Disaster Scenarios

The DARPA Robotics Challenge pitted teams from around the world against each other in a series of disaster-themed tasks.

Big Data Meets Big Science
From Communications of the ACM

Big Data Meets Big Science

Next-generation scientific instruments are forcing researchers to question the limits of massively parallel computing.

Science Dmz: Faster, More Secure High-Performance Computing
From ACM TechNews

Science Dmz: Faster, More Secure High-Performance Computing

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service is planning to award a contract for the construction of a Science DMZ network. 

Massachusetts High Court Orders Suspect to Decrypt His Computers
From ACM News

Massachusetts High Court Orders Suspect to Decrypt His Computers

Massachusetts' top court ruled, in a 5-2 decision on Wednesday, that a criminal suspect can be ordered to decrypt his seized computer.

Major Ruling Shields Privacy of Cellphones
From ACM News

Major Ruling Shields Privacy of Cellphones

In a sweeping victory for privacy rights in the digital age, the Supreme Court on Wednesdayunanimously ruled that the police need warrants to search the cellphones...

The Case That Might Cripple Facebook
From ACM Opinion

The Case That Might Cripple Facebook

An Irish judge has rendered a preliminary judgment that may have sweeping consequences for U.S. e-commerce firms.

Statistical Tricks Extract Sensitive Data From Encrypted Communications
From ACM TechNews

Statistical Tricks Extract Sensitive Data From Encrypted Communications

Private information can be obtained from encrypted communications using a technique known as traffic analysis to find patterns in the data stream. 

Google Glass Snoopers Can Steal Your Passcode With a Glance
From ACM TechNews

Google Glass Snoopers Can Steal Your Passcode With a Glance

Newly developed software uses video from wearable devices such as Google Glass and smartwatches to read PIN codes typed onto an iPad from almost 10 feet away.

Microsoft Makes Bet Quantum Computing Is Next Breakthrough
From ACM News

Microsoft Makes Bet Quantum Computing Is Next Breakthrough

Modern computers are not unlike the looms of the industrial revolution: They follow programmed instructions to weave intricate patterns.

Introducing the Vacuum Transistor: A Device Made of Nothing
From ACM News

Introducing the Vacuum Transistor: A Device Made of Nothing

In September 1976, in the midst of the Cold War, Victor Ivanovich Belenko, a disgruntled Soviet pilot, veered off course from a training flight over Siberia in...

Researchers Find and Decode the Spy Tools Governments ­se to Hijack Phones
From ACM News

Researchers Find and Decode the Spy Tools Governments ­se to Hijack Phones

Newly uncovered components of a digital surveillance tool used by more than 60 governments worldwide provide a rare glimpse at the extensive ways law enforcement...

Shortage of Cybersecurity Professionals Poses Risk to National Security
From ACM TechNews

Shortage of Cybersecurity Professionals Poses Risk to National Security

The nationwide shortage of cybersecurity professionals is posing risks for national and homeland security, according to a RAND Corporation study. 

Former Nsa Chief Mike Mcconnell Says Culture, Not Tech, Is Key to Cyber Defense
From ACM Opinion

Former Nsa Chief Mike Mcconnell Says Culture, Not Tech, Is Key to Cyber Defense

John M. (Mike) McConnell says that technology alone isn't enough to secure corporate networks from pervasive and increasingly damaging cyberattacks.

­nblinking Eyes Track Employees
From ACM Careers

­nblinking Eyes Track Employees

A digital Big Brother is coming to work, for better or worse.

Indoor Gps Is the Final Frontier of Personalized Navigation
From ACM News

Indoor Gps Is the Final Frontier of Personalized Navigation

Labs in the U.S. and U.K. are working on next-generation GPS that's so cool, it won't even use satellites.

Columbia Engineering Team Finds Thousands of Secret Keys in Android Apps
From ACM TechNews

Columbia Engineering Team Finds Thousands of Secret Keys in Android Apps

Columbia University researchers have discovered a security problem in Google Play. 

Hackers Reverse-Engineer Nsa's Leaked Bugging Devices
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Reverse-Engineer Nsa's Leaked Bugging Devices

Security researchers have reverse-engineered some of the wireless spying devices used by the U.S. National Security Agency.

As Robotics Advances, Worries of Killer Robots Rise
From ACM News

As Robotics Advances, Worries of Killer Robots Rise

From driverless cars to delivery drones, a new generation of robots is about to revolutionize the way people work, drive and shop.

A New Safety System For City and School Buses Will Avoid Accidents Around Bus Stops
From ACM TechNews

A New Safety System For City and School Buses Will Avoid Accidents Around Bus Stops

A new safety system for city and school buses detects the presence of pedestrians in the area surrounding a bus stop and warns the driver of dangerous conditions...
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