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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Quantum World Arising from Many Ordinary Ones
From ACM News

A Quantum World Arising from Many Ordinary Ones

The bizarre behaviour of the quantum world—with objects existing in two places simultaneously and light behaving as either waves or particles—could result from...

­sing Drones to Make Peace, Not War
From ACM Careers

­sing Drones to Make Peace, Not War

Amin Rigi says drones should be used to save lives, not spy or kill.

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola
From ACM News

Scientists Consider Repurposing Robots For Ebola

Robotics scientists nationwide are pondering an intriguing possibility: Might robotic technologies deployed in rescue and disaster situations be quickly repurposed...

How Movie-Makers Read Your Mind
From ACM News

How Movie-Makers Read Your Mind

Why is there such interest in finding new ways to gauge audience reactions?

Phone Hackers Dial and Redial to Steal Billions
From ACM News

Phone Hackers Dial and Redial to Steal Billions

Bob Foreman's architecture firm ran up a $166,000 phone bill in a single weekend last March.

Oldest-Known Human Genome Sequenced
From ACM News

Oldest-Known Human Genome Sequenced

A 45,000-year-old leg bone from Siberia has yielded the oldest genome sequence for Homo sapiens on record—revealing a mysterious population that may once have spanned...

Machine-Learning Maestro Michael Jordan on the Delusions of Big Data and Other Huge Engineering Efforts
From ACM Opinion

Machine-Learning Maestro Michael Jordan on the Delusions of Big Data and Other Huge Engineering Efforts

The overeager adoption of big data is likely to result in catastrophes of analysis comparable to a national epidemic of collapsing bridges.

­.s. Government Probes Medical Devices For Possible Cyber Flaws
From ACM News

­.s. Government Probes Medical Devices For Possible Cyber Flaws

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is investigating about two dozen cases of suspected cybersecurity flaws in medical devices and hospital equipment that...

Data Bank Struggles As Protein Imaging ­ps Its Game
From ACM News

Data Bank Struggles As Protein Imaging ­ps Its Game

Structural biology, the mapping of complex biological molecules such as proteins, is in the grip of a revolution.

­.s. National Security Prosecutors Shift Focus from Spies to Cyber
From ACM News

­.s. National Security Prosecutors Shift Focus from Spies to Cyber

The U.S. Justice Department is restructuring its national security prosecution team to deal with cyber attacks and the threat of sensitive technology ending up...

Galactic Wheel of Life Shines in Infrared
From ACM News

Galactic Wheel of Life Shines in Infrared

It might look like a spoked wheel or even a "Chakram" weapon wielded by warriors like "Xena," from the fictional TV show, but this ringed galaxy is actually a vast...

How the World Came to Be Run By Computer Code
From ACM News

How the World Came to Be Run By Computer Code

From the scythe to the steam engine, we've always used technology to control the world around us.

This Incredible Oculus Sim Lets Soccer Players Relive Games
From ACM Careers

This Incredible Oculus Sim Lets Soccer Players Relive Games

For many athletes, watching game film is a necessary chore.

Wearable Tech Lets Boss Track Your Work, Rest and Play
From ACM News

Wearable Tech Lets Boss Track Your Work, Rest and Play

Some jobs come with a uniform. For an increasing number of employees, that uniform will soon include a badge that tracks everything they do.

The Quiet Rise of the Satellite Spy Agency
From ACM News

The Quiet Rise of the Satellite Spy Agency

As far as intelligence agencies go, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has remained relatively low profile—attracting neither the intrigue of, say, the...

A Dynamic New Tool to Preserve the Friendsters of the Future
From ACM TechNews

A Dynamic New Tool to Preserve the Friendsters of the Future

The constant updating of modern websites and social media platforms presents a problem to those who want to preserve the experience of using a site or service at...

All Three NASA Mars Orbiters Healthy After Comet Flyby
From ACM News

All Three NASA Mars Orbiters Healthy After Comet Flyby

All three NASA orbiters around Mars confirmed their healthy status Sunday after each took shelter behind Mars during a period of risk from dust released by a passing...

Stop Worrying About Mastermind Hackers. Start Worrying About the It Guy.
From ACM TechNews

Stop Worrying About Mastermind Hackers. Start Worrying About the It Guy.

Mistakes in launching Oracle software have led to millions of Americans' data being leaked onto the Internet. Those affected include universities or government...

More Training, Skills Development Needed For Analyzing Big Data, Experts Say
From ACM TechNews

More Training, Skills Development Needed For Analyzing Big Data, Experts Say

Big data training is a major challenge, according to a recently published study from the National Academies Press. The report notes the need for better educating...

In Conversation Marc Andreessen
From ACM Opinion

In Conversation Marc Andreessen

It's not hard to coax an opinion out of Marc Andreessen.
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