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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Knowledge Transfer: Computers Teach Each Other Pac-Man
From ACM TechNews

Knowledge Transfer: Computers Teach Each Other Pac-Man

A computer now can give advice and teach skills to another computer similar to the way a real teacher interacts with a student.

The Build-Up: Good and Ready
From ACM TechNews

The Build-Up: Good and Ready

Robotics appears to be preparing for a major acceleration after a slow start.

Can a Computer Craft Compelling Stories?
From ACM TechNews

Can a Computer Craft Compelling Stories?

University of Southern California professor Andrew Gordon has a new project that involves getting computers to read and generate stories.

Immigrants From the Future
From ACM TechNews

Immigrants From the Future

Robots intrigue both designers and enthusiasts in a way that goes beyond the technology's current practical applications.

Carnegie Mellon Robot Invites Humans to Play Mean Game of Scrabble
From ACM News

Carnegie Mellon Robot Invites Humans to Play Mean Game of Scrabble

Victor is obsessed with SCRABBLE.

The Electronic Holy War
From ACM News

The Electronic Holy War

In May, 1997, I.B.M.'s Deep Blue supercomputer prevailed over Garry Kasparov in a series of six chess games, becoming the first computer to defeat a world-champion...

Carnegie Mellon Robot Invites Humans to Play Mean Game of Scrabble
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Robot Invites Humans to Play Mean Game of Scrabble

Victor is a Scrabble-playing social robot designed to help scientists better understand what it takes to get people to enjoy interacting with a robot. 

Hypnotic Art Shows How Patterns Emerge From Randomness in Nature
From ACM News

Hypnotic Art Shows How Patterns Emerge From Randomness in Nature

British mathematician Alan Turing is perhaps best known for the Turing test, which determines if a computer can be considered intelligent based on whether it can...

New Focus For Robotics: Artificial Creativity
From ACM News

New Focus For Robotics: Artificial Creativity

The founding director of the Center for Music Technology at Georgia Tech is exploring how creative robots can be.

The Robot Tricks to Bridge the Uncanny Valley
From ACM News

The Robot Tricks to Bridge the Uncanny Valley

If A robot bleeped and squeaked with personality like R2D2 from Star Wars, would you like it better?

Artificial Intelligence Challenge: Could a Robot Give Its Own Ted Talk?
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Challenge: Could a Robot Give Its Own Ted Talk?

The TED organization has partnered with X Prize to develop a competition to have an AI-based robot "deliver a compelling TED Talk with no human involvement." 

A 'babelfish' Could Be the Web's Next Big Thing, Says AI Expert
From ACM TechNews

A 'babelfish' Could Be the Web's Next Big Thing, Says AI Expert

University of Southampton professor Nigel Shadbolt thinks automatic real-time machine translation could be possible within 25 years.

New Models in Cosmetics Replacing Animal Testing
From Communications of the ACM

New Models in Cosmetics Replacing Animal Testing

A European law spurs scientists to develop computational simulations capable of predicting the toxicity of cosmetics.

Speech-to-Speech Translations Stutter, But Researchers See Mellifluous Future
From Communications of the ACM

Speech-to-Speech Translations Stutter, But Researchers See Mellifluous Future

The practical need for accurate instant or simultaneous machine translations continues to grow as applications multiply.

Using Patient Data For Personalized Cancer Treatments
From Communications of the ACM

Using Patient Data For Personalized Cancer Treatments

Patient information databases eventually will help improve health outcomes and support development of new therapies.

Smartphone to Become Smarter With 'deep Learning' Innovation
From ACM TechNews

Smartphone to Become Smarter With 'deep Learning' Innovation

Researchers are developing a deep-learning method to enable smartphones and other mobile devices to understand and identify objects in a camera's field of view. ...

China's Moon Rover Awake but Immobile
From ACM News

China's Moon Rover Awake but Immobile

China's Moon rover Yutu, or "Jade Rabbit," has stopped hopping. But its ears are still twitching—and communicating with Earth.

Facebook Creates Software That Matches Faces Almost as Well as You Do
From ACM News

Facebook Creates Software That Matches Faces Almost as Well as You Do

Asked whether two unfamiliar photos of faces show the same person, a human being will get it right 97.53 percent of the time.

The First News Report on the L.a. Earthquake Was Written By a Robot
From ACM Careers

The First News Report on the L.a. Earthquake Was Written By a Robot

Ken Schwencke, a journalist and programmer for the Los Angeles Times, was jolted awake at 6:25 a.m. on Monday by an earthquake.

The Future of Brain Implants
From ACM News

The Future of Brain Implants

What would you give for a retinal chip that let you see in the dark or for a next-generation cochlear implant that let you hear any conversation in a noisy restaurant...
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