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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Soft Robotic Fish Moves Like the Real Thing
From ACM TechNews

Soft Robotic Fish Moves Like the Real Thing

Researchers say they have created a robotic fish that is the first self-contained autonomous soft robot capable of rapid body motion. 

AI Researcher Says Amoral Robots Pose a Danger to Humanity
From ACM TechNews

AI Researcher Says Amoral Robots Pose a Danger to Humanity

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute professor Selmer Bringsjord says understanding morality is increasingly important as robots become smarter and more autonomous. ...

Soft Robotic Fish Moves Like the Real Thing
From ACM News

Soft Robotic Fish Moves Like the Real Thing

Soft robots—which don’t just have soft exteriors but are also powered by fluid flowing through flexible channels—have become a sufficiently popular research topic...

Iupui Researchers Use Computers to 'see' Neurons to Better Understand Brain Function
From ACM TechNews

Iupui Researchers Use Computers to 'see' Neurons to Better Understand Brain Function

New information about the brain could help those developing therapies to treat conditions such as stroke, schizophrenia, spinal cord injury, or Alzheimer's disease...

Hot on the Trail of Consciousness in Brain and Machine
From ACM News

Hot on the Trail of Consciousness in Brain and Machine

"Nowhere in science have so many devoted so much to create so little consensus," writes physicist, author, and TV presenter Michio Kaku of consciousness research...

Computer Science: The Learning Machines
From ACM News

Computer Science: The Learning Machines

Three years ago, researchers at the secretive Google X lab in Mountain View, California, extracted some 10 million still images from YouTube videos and fed them...

Perjurers and Fake Reviews Train Software to Spot Lies
From ACM News

Perjurers and Fake Reviews Train Software to Spot Lies

Lawyers and judges use skill and instinct to sense who might be lying in court.

A Blueprint For Centralized Research Data Storage and Sharing
From ACM TechNews

A Blueprint For Centralized Research Data Storage and Sharing

The University of Colorado Boulder PetaLibrary storage system has been deployed to address challenges regarding large-scale data storage and data management. 

Autonomous Drones Flock Like Birds
From ACM News

Autonomous Drones Flock Like Birds

A Hungarian team has created the first drones that can fly as a coordinated flock.

An Artificial Hand with Real Feeling
From ACM News

An Artificial Hand with Real Feeling

Igor Spetic's hand was in a fist when it was severed by a forging hammer three years ago as he made an aluminum jet part at his job.

As Military Robots Increase, So Does the Complexity of Their Relationship With Soldiers
From ACM TechNews

As Military Robots Increase, So Does the Complexity of Their Relationship With Soldiers

U.S. military personnel are forming complex emotional ties with robots, in a growing trend that might foreshadow the future of human-robot interactions. 

Brainy Computer Chip Ditches Digital For Analog
From ACM News

Brainy Computer Chip Ditches Digital For Analog

Part of the European Human Brain Project aims to mimic the brain for better computing.

Nasa's Latest Robot: A Rolling Tangle of Rods That Can Take a Beating
From ACM News

Nasa's Latest Robot: A Rolling Tangle of Rods That Can Take a Beating

Space-bound robots tend look like tanks and are about as flexible as the Tin Man after a rainstorm.

Swarm of Bat-Like Flying Robots Could Hunt For Survivors or Terrorists
From ACM TechNews

Swarm of Bat-Like Flying Robots Could Hunt For Survivors or Terrorists

Bats are the inspiration for an initiative at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University to develop small flying robots. 

Can AI Design a Video Game?
From ACM News

Can AI Design a Video Game?

Researcher Michael Cook thinks his ANGELINA software can design a video game—and that's not all.

Are the Robots About to Rise?
From ACM Opinion

Are the Robots About to Rise?

It's hard to know where to start with Ray Kurzweil.

Willow Garage's Last Days
From ACM News

Willow Garage's Last Days

In 2006, Scott Hassan, a prolific software engineer, started a research lab dedicated to robotics called Willow Garage.

Robots with Human-Like Brains to Take on Mars Unaided
From ACM News

Robots with Human-Like Brains to Take on Mars Unaided

It's second nature for us to follow an airplane across the sky, or to walk around a rock we see in our path.

As Military Robots Increase, So Does the Complexity of Their Relationship With Soldiers
From ACM News

As Military Robots Increase, So Does the Complexity of Their Relationship With Soldiers

For a glimpse at the future of human-robot interactions, it might be better to look at what's happening in the United States military than analyzing Her, in which...

Half of Americans Want to Live in a Smart City With Driverless Cars
From ACM TechNews

Half of Americans Want to Live in a Smart City With Driverless Cars

Nearly half of Americans want to live in a city where all vehicles are driverless, and a third think that might happen in the next 10 years, according to an Intel...
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