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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Home ­sers Cite Laziness For Lax Online Security
From ACM TechNews

Home ­sers Cite Laziness For Lax Online Security

A survey examining why people do not adequately protect their home computers found that about 80 percent of respondents said they were too lazy. 

Google Maps Displays Crimean Border Differently In Russia, ­.s.
From ACM News

Google Maps Displays Crimean Border Differently In Russia, ­.s.

The U.S. sees Crimea as "occupied territory," as the government said in a recent statement.

Google, Once Disdainful of Lobbying, Now a Master of Washington Influence
From ACM News

Google, Once Disdainful of Lobbying, Now a Master of Washington Influence

In May 2012, the law school at George Mason University hosted a forum billed as a "vibrant discussion" about Internet search competition.

Internet of Things: The 'ghosts' that Haunt the Machine
From ACM News

Internet of Things: The 'ghosts' that Haunt the Machine

U.S. Rallied 120 Nations in Response to 2012 Cyberattack on American Banks
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Rallied 120 Nations in Response to 2012 Cyberattack on American Banks

In 2012, the Obama administration appealed to 120 nations to help block a wide-ranging cyberattack campaign against U.S. banks 

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa
From ACM TechNews

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa

The U.S. National Security Agency's annual Cyber Defense Exercise determines which of the five U.S. military service academies can best withstand cyberthreats. 

Heartbleed Bug's 'voluntary' Origins
From ACM News

Heartbleed Bug's 'voluntary' Origins

The encryption flaw that punctured the heart of the Internet this week underscores a weakness in Internet security: A good chunk of it is managed by four European...

Heartbleed: Developer Who Introduced the Error Regrets 'oversight'
From ACM Opinion

Heartbleed: Developer Who Introduced the Error Regrets 'oversight'

The developer who introduced the "Heartbleed" vulnerability to the open-source code used by thousands of websites has told the Guardian it was an "oversight"—but...

Three Questions For Eugene Kaspersky
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Eugene Kaspersky

The Moscow-based computer security firm Kaspersky Lab has analyzed major new kinds of malware, including Stuxnet, which four years ago was revealed to have damaged...

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa
From ACM Careers

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa

If Douglas MacArthur or Ulysses S. Grant went to the U.S. Military Academy today, they might be testing their defensive skills hunched in front of a computer screen...

Is Fingerprint Security Reliable?
From ACM News

Is Fingerprint Security Reliable?

The strength of biometric locks on Apple's and Samsung's new phones may lie in their convenience.

U.s. Cyber Challenge Opens Registration For Cyber Quests Competition
From ACM TechNews

U.s. Cyber Challenge Opens Registration For Cyber Quests Competition

Students and professionals have until April 29 to register for the Cyber Quests online contest that could yield an invitation to a week-long Cyber Camp this summer...

Supreme Court Weighing When Online Speech Becomes Illegal Threat
From ACM News

Supreme Court Weighing When Online Speech Becomes Illegal Threat

When does an online threat become worthy of criminal prosecution?

Hackers Lurking in Vents and Soda Machines
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Lurking in Vents and Soda Machines

Hackers are exploiting overlooked vulnerabilities in third-party access points ranging from online restaurant menus to soda machines to heating and cooling systems...

'unbreakable' Security Codes Inspired By Nature
From ACM TechNews

'unbreakable' Security Codes Inspired By Nature

A new method of encrypting confidential information was inspired by the time-varying nature of cardio-respiratory coupling functions in humans. 

The Bug that Rocked the Foundations of the Web
From ACM News

The Bug that Rocked the Foundations of the Web

Late on Monday afternoon, the details of one of the most serious security problems to ever affect the modern web were posted online.

Hackers Lurking in Vents and Soda Machines
From ACM News

Hackers Lurking in Vents and Soda Machines

They came in through the Chinese takeout menu.

5 Biometric Alternatives to the Password
From ACM News

5 Biometric Alternatives to the Password

There are many things that make you special: Your sense of humor, your dance moves, your personal style, the shape of your ear.

As Human Laws Grapple with Robots, There Are No Easy Answers
From ACM News

As Human Laws Grapple with Robots, There Are No Easy Answers

There's been a lot of buzz about robots lately.

Cerf: Classified Nsa Work Mucked ­p Security For Early Tcp/ip
From ACM News

Cerf: Classified Nsa Work Mucked ­p Security For Early Tcp/ip

Internet pioneer Vint Cerf says that he had access to cutting edge cryptographic technology in the mid 1970s that could have made TCP/IP more secure – too bad the...
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