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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Walmart, Cruise Launch Pilot to Deliver Orders via Self-Driving Cars
From ACM TechNews

Walmart, Cruise Launch Pilot to Deliver Orders via Self-Driving Cars

Autonomous vehicle startup Cruise has announced a partnership with Walmart to deliver orders from a Scottsdale, AZ, Walmart store to local customers' homes.

Study Outlines Steps Higher Education Should Take to Prepare Quantum Workforce
From ACM TechNews

Study Outlines Steps Higher Education Should Take to Prepare Quantum Workforce

Researchers interviewed managers at quantum technology companies to determine how U.S. colleges and universities could help prepare the workforce for quantum technology...

Training Facial Recognition on Some New Furry Friends: Bears
From ACM TechNews

Training Facial Recognition on Some New Furry Friends: Bears

Silicon Valley software developers have trained facial recognition technology to monitor individual bears, as part of a project called BearID.

Sensor for Smart Textiles Survives Washing Machine, Cars, Hammers
From ACM TechNews

Sensor for Smart Textiles Survives Washing Machine, Cars, Hammers

Researchers have developed a strain sensor for use in smart textiles and soft robotic systems that is extremely resilient.

AI Pioneer Recognized for Outstanding Contribution to Computing
From ACM News

AI Pioneer Recognized for Outstanding Contribution to Computing

Imperial Vice-Provost professor Nick Jennings and University of Oxford professors Ian Horrocks and Michael Wooldridg have been awarded the Lovelace Medal of the...

Implantable Device Can Monitor, Treat Heart Disease
From ACM TechNews

Implantable Device Can Monitor, Treat Heart Disease

Researchers designed a rubbery bioelectronic cardiac patch that can be implanted on the heart to monitor its health. 

Materials Help Expand Volumetric 3D Printing
From ACM TechNews

Materials Help Expand Volumetric 3D Printing

A volumetric three-dimensional printing method can print objects almost instantly by takin advantage of a new class of materials.

Getting Light-based Internet Right
From ACM News

Getting Light-based Internet Right

Wireless Internet via light could well be a job for lasers, rather than LEDs.

Alphabet Project Uses Light Beams to Bring Broadband to Remote Regions
From ACM News

Alphabet Project Uses Light Beams to Bring Broadband to Remote Regions

An Alphabet X innovation lab project has been working on a high-speed wireless optical communications network that uses beams of light instead of cables or radio...

Apple Introduces New Macs With the First Apple Chips
From ACM News

Apple Introduces New Macs With the First Apple Chips

Apple unveiled three new Mac computers that use processors the company created itself, ending its reliance on Intel.

Researchers Isolate, Decode Brain Signal Patterns for Specific Behaviors
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Isolate, Decode Brain Signal Patterns for Specific Behaviors

Researchers have developed a machine learning algorithm that isolates and decodes behaviors based on signals from the brain.

Hybrid 3D-Printing Bioinks Help Repair Knee Cartilage
From ACM TechNews

Hybrid 3D-Printing Bioinks Help Repair Knee Cartilage

Researchers engineered two new three-dimensional (3D) printing hybrid bioinks that can be used to print a replacement for damaged knee cartilage.

Computer Model Can Predict How Covid-19 Spreads in Cities
From ACM TechNews

Computer Model Can Predict How Covid-19 Spreads in Cities

A team of researchers has developed a computer model that accurately predicted Covid-19's spread in 10 major cities earlier this year.

Thin Holographic Video Display for Mobile Phones
From ACM TechNews

Thin Holographic Video Display for Mobile Phones

At South Korea's Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, researchers invented a method for creating a thin holographic video display for mobile phones.

AI Shows Potential to Gauge Voter Sentiment
From ACM TechNews

AI Shows Potential to Gauge Voter Sentiment

Some technology experts believe using artificial intelligence to gauge voter sentiment could help to better understand the electorate.

Computer Scientists Achieve 'Crown Jewel' of Cryptography
From ACM News

Computer Scientists Achieve 'Crown Jewel' of Cryptography

A cryptographic master tool called indistinguishability obfuscation has for years seemed too good to be true. Three researchers have figured out that it can work...

Tunisian Startup 3D-Prints Solar-Powered Bionic Hands
From ACM TechNews

Tunisian Startup 3D-Prints Solar-Powered Bionic Hands

Tunisian startup Cure Bionics has developed a three-dimensionally-printed solar-powered bionic hand, to help amputees and other disabled people throughout Africa...

Flexible, More Reliable Sensor Developed
From ACM TechNews

Flexible, More Reliable Sensor Developed

A new sensor material has high sensitivity but low hysteresis, paving the way for more accurate wearable health technology and robotic sensing.

Retailers Use AI to Improve Online Recommendations for Shoppers
From ACM TechNews

Retailers Use AI to Improve Online Recommendations for Shoppers

Online retailers have taken steps during the pandemic to improve their search and recommendation engines by building predictive models with high levels of accuracy...

Spoofing the Spoofers
From ACM News

Spoofing the Spoofers

Security deception software gets an upgrade.
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