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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

On University of Texas at Dallas' Growing Campus, Meal-Delivering Robots Make Splashy Debut
From ACM TechNews

On University of Texas at Dallas' Growing Campus, Meal-Delivering Robots Make Splashy Debut

A fleet of cooler-shaped autonomous robots has started delivering snacks and meals at the University of Texas at Dallas. 

Gym Class Without the Gym? With Technology, It's Catching On
From ACM TechNews

Gym Class Without the Gym? With Technology, It's Catching On

Wearable fitness trackers are helping make online physical education more popular for students by adding the dimension of accountability.

A Computer Made From DNA Can Compute the Square Root of 900
From ACM News

A Computer Made From DNA Can Compute the Square Root of 900

A computer made from strands of DNA in a test tube can calculate the square root of numbers up to 900.

Apple Opens Public Bug Bounty Program, Publishes Rules
From ACM TechNews

Apple Opens Public Bug Bounty Program, Publishes Rules

Apple has formally opened its bug bounty program to all researchers and outlined the program's rules on its website. The maximum available bounty is $1.5 million...

Scientists Demo Chip-to-Chip Quantum Teleportation in Silicon
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Demo Chip-to-Chip Quantum Teleportation in Silicon

Scientists at the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have developed chip-scale devices that are able to harness the applications of quantum...

Lasers Learn to Accurately Spot Space Junk
From ACM News

Lasers Learn to Accurately Spot Space Junk

Chinese researchers have developed a set of algorithms that significantly improves the accuracy of detecting space junk in earth's orbit.

India to Build 11 New Supercomputers With Indigenous Processors
From ACM News

India to Build 11 New Supercomputers With Indigenous Processors

India's government has approved the building and installation of 11 new supercomputers at research institutes across the country based on indigenously developed...

Apple, Google, Amazon Decide to 'Play Nice' Over Smart Home Tech
From ACM TechNews

Apple, Google, Amazon Decide to 'Play Nice' Over Smart Home Tech

Apple, Google, and Amazon are partnering to improve smart home technology.

Password Meters Could Increase Risk of Cyberattack
From ACM TechNews

Password Meters Could Increase Risk of Cyberattack

A study evaluating 16 popular password meters found these tools offer "inconsistent and misleading" advice that could elevate the risk of cyberattack.

Will Deepfakes Do Deep Damage?
From Communications of the ACM

Will Deepfakes Do Deep Damage?

The ability to produce fake videos that appear amazingly real is here. Researchers are now developing ways to detect and prevent them.

How the Internet Spans the Globe
From Communications of the ACM

How the Internet Spans the Globe

The modern Internet is made possible by hundreds of thousands of miles of undersea cables.

Multiplication Hits the Speed Limit
From Communications of the ACM

Multiplication Hits the Speed Limit

A problem "around since antiquity" may have been resolved by a new algorithm.

City Incentivizes Car 'Connected' Technology for Study
From ACM TechNews

City Incentivizes Car 'Connected' Technology for Study

The Columbus, OH, City Council approved a program that will ask 1,300 residents to equip their vehicles with "connected" technology that allows them to communicate...

Princeton Researchers Listen In on the Chemical Conversation of the Human Microbiome
From ACM TechNews

Princeton Researchers Listen In on the Chemical Conversation of the Human Microbiome

New computer algorithms that can detect biosynthetic gene clusters by analyzing and interpreting metagenomic sequencing data from the tissues or excretions of human...

Recognizing Kin
From ACM News

Recognizing Kin

Researchers are using convolutional neural networks pre-trained on faces from the largest visual database of families to date, to identify people's relatives.

First 3D-Printed Neighborhood Being Built in Mexico
From ACM TechNews

First 3D-Printed Neighborhood Being Built in Mexico

Social housing nonprofit New Story is using a giant three-dimensional (3D) printer to create the world’s first 3D-printed neighborhood in a rural section of Tabasco...

Demonstration of High-Speed SOT-MRAM Memory Cell Compatible with 300-mm Si CMOS Technology
From ACM TechNews

Demonstration of High-Speed SOT-MRAM Memory Cell Compatible with 300-mm Si CMOS Technology

A new high-speed spin-orbit-torque magnetoresistive random-access memory cell interoperates with silicon complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology.

Intel Creates Chip to Control Quantum Computers
From ACM TechNews

Intel Creates Chip to Control Quantum Computers

Intel has announced a chip designed to control quantum computers by assuming the workload of the many wires that typically connect such systems to controllers. ...

Autonomy and Automation on the Water
From ACM News

Autonomy and Automation on the Water

Self-driving and remote-controlled vessels are taking over some duties from human crews.

Wetlands, Crops Can Mitigate Storm Damage to Coastal Cities
From ACM TechNews

Wetlands, Crops Can Mitigate Storm Damage to Coastal Cities

A new computer model shows that coastal cities can avoid some wind destruction from major weather events if they have functional wetland ecosystems and agricultural...
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