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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

When Computer Science Majors Take Improv
From ACM TechNews

When Computer Science Majors Take Improv

Northeastern University computer science majors are required to take a class in theater and improvisation, where they practice exercises to cultivate empathy, creativity...

Low-Cost Intervention Boosts ­ndergraduate Interest In Computer Science
From ACM TechNews

Low-Cost Intervention Boosts ­ndergraduate Interest In Computer Science

Researchers have shown that an online intervention taking less than 30 minutes significantly increases interest in computer science among both male and female undergraduate...

Top Schools Are Offering More Blockchain, Cryptocurrency Courses
From ACM TechNews

Top Schools Are Offering More Blockchain, Cryptocurrency Courses

A recent Coinbase study found that 42% of the top 50 universities worldwide now offer at least one course on cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Major New Initiative to Encourage Girls into Computing
From ACM TechNews

Major New Initiative to Encourage Girls into Computing

The Gender Balance in Computing initiative will use a "range of tailored interventions" to encourage more young women to enter science, technology, engineering,...

Jennifer Rexford Talks to ‘She Roars’ Podcast about Partnering with Google, Computer Science’s Revolution
From ACM News

Jennifer Rexford Talks to ‘She Roars’ Podcast about Partnering with Google, Computer Science’s Revolution

Jennifer Rexford, Class of 1991 and chair of Princeton's computer science department, discusses the computational whirlwind that has transformed almost every walk...

Early Warning System Predicts Risk of Online Students Dropping Out
From ACM TechNews

Early Warning System Predicts Risk of Online Students Dropping Out

Researchers in Spain have developed a predictive modeling system for personalized student dropout rates.

Girls Outscore Boys on Tech, Engineering, Even Without Class
From ACM TechNews

Girls Outscore Boys on Tech, Engineering, Even Without Class

U.S. eighth graders in 2019 did significantly better in school compared to 2014, especially among students who are white, black, Asian, or low-income.

Coding as a Second Language
From ACM TechNews

Coding as a Second Language

The Panasonic Foundation and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation are working together to launch four Code as a Second Language academies around the country.

Plans Launched to Boost Digital Skills for Adults
From ACM TechNews

Plans Launched to Boost Digital Skills for Adults

The U.K. government will offer free courses to thousands of adults to improve their digital skills.

The Robots That Manage the Managers
From ACM TechNews

The Robots That Manage the Managers

New artificial intelligence-driven coaching apps and platforms aim to provide basic training in traditional supervisory skills such as delivering feedback and delegating...

Craftsmen Built Notre Dame Eight Centuries Ago. Now It May Be Up to Robots to Save It.
From ACM News

Craftsmen Built Notre Dame Eight Centuries Ago. Now It May Be Up to Robots to Save It.

As the first images of charred wreckage inside the Notre Dame cathedral appeared online Tuesday, engineers around the world said one observation was already clear...

A New Recruitment Tool for Construction: The Joystick
From ACM News

A New Recruitment Tool for Construction: The Joystick

Plastic excavators, bulldozers and cranes fueled by imagination have long captivated toddlers. Now, the construction industry is trying to attract teenagers with...

Radical Programming School '42' Still Solving for the Skills Gap
From ACM News

Radical Programming School '42' Still Solving for the Skills Gap

The radical educational experiment is geared to solving the tech industry's chronic shortage of skilled programmers.

Program Promotes Women in Expanding Robotics Fields
From ACM TechNews

Program Promotes Women in Expanding Robotics Fields

Girls of Steel is a K-12 program designed to promote science, technology, engineering, and math subjects to girls through mentoring and robotics competition.

Through Hip-Hop and Dance, This Nonprofit Teaches Girls of Color How to Code
From ACM TechNews

Through Hip-Hop and Dance, This Nonprofit Teaches Girls of Color How to Code

Weekly danceLogic classes offered by Philadelphia’s West Park Cultural Center include one hour of dance instruction and practice, followed by an hour of coding....

China's Virtual Reality Arcades Aim for Real-World Success
From ACM TechNews

China's Virtual Reality Arcades Aim for Real-World Success

China holds great market potential for virtual reality and augmented reality.

Student Demand for Computer Science Straining ­W-Madison Department Resources
From ACM TechNews

Student Demand for Computer Science Straining ­W-Madison Department Resources

The growth in University of Wisconsin-Madison student demand for computer science is resulting in difficulty finding lecture halls large enough to accommodate all...

Middle East Countries Accelerate Quantum Computing Research
From ACM TechNews

Middle East Countries Accelerate Quantum Computing Research

Universities in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates have launched quantum computing research groups to foster homegrown knowledge of the technology...

Study Awarded Top Paper of Past 50 Years
From ACM TechNews

Study Awarded Top Paper of Past 50 Years

The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education cited new research as the top paper of the past 50 years.

Computer Science Has Genuine Rock Star: Xia Zhou
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Has Genuine Rock Star: Xia Zhou

Xia Zhou, Associate Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth College, has been awarded the ACM SIGMOBILE's RockStar Award.
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