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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?
From ACM Opinion

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?

I couldn't help thinking of John Le Carré's spy novels as I awaited my rendezvous with Jaron Lanier in a corner of the lobby of the stylish W Hotel just off Union...

Robotic 'pack Mule' Would Relieve Equipment Burden For Soldier in the Field
From ACM TechNews

Robotic 'pack Mule' Would Relieve Equipment Burden For Soldier in the Field

DARPA researchers are developing the Legged Squad Support System, a robotic system designed to carry 400 pounds of equipment, walk 20 miles at a time, and serve...

The Life-Saving Real World Results of Intelligent Vehicle Systems
From ACM TechNews

The Life-Saving Real World Results of Intelligent Vehicle Systems

The European field-operational test on active-safety functions in vehicles project recently completed the first-ever pan-European field operational test to assess...

Scientists Construct First Map of How the Brain Organizes Everything We See
From ACM News

Scientists Construct First Map of How the Brain Organizes Everything We See

Our eyes may be our window to the world, but how do we make sense of the thousands of images that flood our retinas each day?

Online Translation Breaks Language Barriers
From ACM TechNews

Online Translation Breaks Language Barriers

Free online translation services are improving thanks to better data and more sophisticated algorithms.  Google Translate currently has more than 200 million users...

Big Nsf Grant Funds Research Into Training Robots to Work With Humans
From ACM TechNews

Big Nsf Grant Funds Research Into Training Robots to Work With Humans

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded a $3.5 million grant to University of California, Berkeley robotics researchers Ken Goldberg and Pieter Abbeel...

Beyond Hadoop
From Communications of the ACM

Beyond Hadoop

The leading open source system for processing big data continues to evolve, but new approaches with added features are on the rise.

A More Human Artificial Brain
From ACM News

A More Human Artificial Brain

There are times when I wonder why so many scientists are spending so much time trying to recreate something as fickle and full of fogginess as the human brain.

Robotic Gadgets For Household Chores
From ACM News

Robotic Gadgets For Household Chores

Joseph Schlesinger, an engineer living near Boston, thinks robotic toys are too expensive, the result of extravagant designs, expensive components and a poor understanding...

Kenshiro Robot Gets New Muscles and Bones
From ACM TechNews

Kenshiro Robot Gets New Muscles and Bones

University of Tokyo researchers have developed Kenshiro, a human-like musculoskelatal robot whose underlying structure closely mimics the human form.

Follow the Eyes: Head-Mounted Cameras Could Help Robots Understand Social Interactions
From ACM TechNews

Follow the Eyes: Head-Mounted Cameras Could Help Robots Understand Social Interactions

Carnegie Mellon University robotics researchers have developed an algorithm that uses crowdsourcing to detect where people's gazes intersect. The researchers say...

Mind-Controlled Robotic Arm Gets Closer Than Ever to Human Limb
From ACM TechNews

Mind-Controlled Robotic Arm Gets Closer Than Ever to Human Limb

U.S. researchers say they have developed a robotic arm directly controlled by brain impulses that is superior to other robotic limbs in mimicking the fluidity and...

Mind-Controlled Robotic Arm Gets Closer Than Ever to Human Limb
From ACM News

Mind-Controlled Robotic Arm Gets Closer Than Ever to Human Limb

Researchers in the United States have developed a robotic arm controlled directly by thought with a level of agility closer than ever to a normal human limb.

This Real-Life Pixar Lamp Cutely Refuses to Let You Turn It Off
From ACM Opinion

This Real-Life Pixar Lamp Cutely Refuses to Let You Turn It Off

Design-class projects have come a long way. That's the only conclusion I can draw from this brilliant video of a robotic desk lamp that squeaks, swivels, and mugs...

Robots Ride the Ocean Blue
From ACM News

Robots Ride the Ocean Blue

When superstorm Sandy was rampaging across the Caribbean and mid-Atlantic, heralded by gale force winds, torrential rain, and surging tides, people rushed to get...

Learning to Accept, and Master, a $110,000 Mechanical Arm
From ACM News

Learning to Accept, and Master, a $110,000 Mechanical Arm

After the explosion, Cpl. Sebastian Gallegos awoke to see the October sun glinting through the water, an image so lovely he thought he was dreaming.

Research Team to Develop Smart Skin Applications, Sensor Garments for Robots
From ACM TechNews

Research Team to Develop Smart Skin Applications, Sensor Garments for Robots

University of Texas at Arlington researchers recently received a $1.35 million U.S. NSF grant to develop human-like robots with skin and clothes embedded with sensors...

New Software Speeds Analysis of Animal Behavior
From ACM TechNews

New Software Speeds Analysis of Animal Behavior

Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers have developed Janelia Automatic Animal Behavior Annotator, software that can recognize characteristic animal behaviors...

Iran: All Data of Captured U.S. RQ-170 Drone Decoded
From ACM News

Iran: All Data of Captured U.S. RQ-170 Drone Decoded

A senior Iranian commander announced that the country has extracted all the data and information existing in the intelligence gathering systems of the United States'...

Your Next Boss Could Be a Computer
From ACM TechNews

Your Next Boss Could Be a Computer

University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers have developed AutoMan, an automated artificial intelligence-based system that can delegate tasks to human workers...
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