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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Flexible Robots Make Their Own Decisions
From ACM TechNews

Flexible Robots Make Their Own Decisions

University West researchers have developed an automation system in which machines and robots make their own decisions and adapt to external circumstances.

Illinois Robotics Lab's Hytaq Moves in Air, Rolls on Land
From ACM TechNews

Illinois Robotics Lab's Hytaq Moves in Air, Rolls on Land

Illinois Institute of Technology researchers have developed the Hybrid Terrestrial and Aerial Quadrotator (HyTAQ), a robotic vehicle that can move on land and through...

The Robotic Equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife
From ACM TechNews

The Robotic Equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed milli-motein, a tiny robot that could lead to future devices that can fold themselves into almost...

The Robotic Equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife
From ACM News

The Robotic Equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife

The device doesn't look like much: a caterpillar-sized assembly of metal rings and strips resembling something you might find buried in a home-workshop drawer.

For Lonely Astronauts, a Robotic Companion
From ACM News

For Lonely Astronauts, a Robotic Companion

You know the only thing lonelier than Sgt. Pepper's Hearts Club Band, and the Heartbreak Hotel, and the number one? Being alone and also not on Earth.

Teaching Tiny Drones How to Fly Themselves
From ACM News

Teaching Tiny Drones How to Fly Themselves

Thanks to the wars in the Middle East, drones like the Predator have become household names.

Quantum Quests
From Communications of the ACM

Quantum Quests

Three breakthrough experiments involving photons have extended coherence times and indicated scalable production.

Cambridge to Study Technology's Risk to Humans
From ACM TechNews

Cambridge to Study Technology's Risk to Humans

The potential risks that super intelligent technologies pose to humans will be the focus of the proposed Center for the Study of Existential Risk at Cambridge University...

How Google Plans to Find the ­ngoogleable
From ACM News

How Google Plans to Find the ­ngoogleable

Risk of Robot ­prising Wiping Out Human Race to Be Studied
From ACM News

Risk of Robot ­prising Wiping Out Human Race to Be Studied

The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk will study dangers posed by biotechnology, artificial life, nanotechnology, and climate change.

Scientists See Promise in Deep-Learning Programs
From ACM TechNews

Scientists See Promise in Deep-Learning Programs

Deep-learning technology, an artificial intelligence technique inspired by theories about how the brain recognizes patterns, has grown in speed and accuracy. Deep...

X-37b: Secrets of the ­.s. Military Spaceplane
From ACM News

X-37b: Secrets of the ­.s. Military Spaceplane

In the early morning of 16 June, 2012, a top-secret spaceplane made a picture-perfect landing at the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

Brain-Like Chip Outstrips Normal Computers
From ACM News

Brain-Like Chip Outstrips Normal Computers

Computer chips that mimic the human brain are outstripping conventional chips in crucial ways. They could also revolutionise our understanding of how the brain...

Michio Kaku Sketches Technological Wonderland of the Future at Sc12
From ACM News

Michio Kaku Sketches Technological Wonderland of the Future at Sc12

Imagine a world where a computer chip costs just a penny.

Why the Frontiers of Biology Might Be Inside a Computer Chip
From ACM News

Why the Frontiers of Biology Might Be Inside a Computer Chip

When David Harel started the experiment, the petri dish of mouse cells looked just like any other.

From ACM News

Say Hello, or 你好, to China’s Siri

You might not have heard of iFlyTek. The company is hardly a household name in its domestic market of China, either.

Bluebrain: Noah Hutton's 10-Year Documentary About the Mission to Reverse Engineer the Human Brain
From ACM Opinion

Bluebrain: Noah Hutton's 10-Year Documentary About the Mission to Reverse Engineer the Human Brain

"Nothing quite like it exists yet, but we have begun building it," Henry Markram wrote in the June 2012 issue of Scientific American. He was referring to a "fantastic...

Almost Being There: Why the Future of Space Exploration Is Not What You Think
From ACM News

Almost Being There: Why the Future of Space Exploration Is Not What You Think

Mocup is a tiny, adorable remote-controlled robot built from a Lego Mindstorms set with an off-the-shelf Beagleboard computer for a brain and a webcam for an eye...

Will We Ever ­nderstand How Our Brains Work?
From ACM News

Will We Ever ­nderstand How Our Brains Work?

When it comes to the human brain, many scientists believe that we are incapable of understanding how it works because we lack the tools and intelligence to measure...

The True State of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

The True State of Artificial Intelligence

Monash University researcher Kevin Korb recently discussed what stage artificial intelligence research has reached.  
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