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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Quantum Breakthrough Paves Way for Experimental Wormhole
From ACM News

Quantum Breakthrough Paves Way for Experimental Wormhole

An innovative method overcomes significant hurdle in scaling quantum prototypes.

'Talking' Concrete Could Help Prevent Traffic Jams, Cut Carbon Emissions
From ACM TechNews

'Talking' Concrete Could Help Prevent Traffic Jams, Cut Carbon Emissions

U.S. interstates are preparing to test sensors developed by Purdue University researchers that could help prevent congestion and lower carbon emissions.

How Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant Lost the A.I. Race
From ACM News

How Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant Lost the A.I. Race

The virtual assistants had more than a decade to become indispensable. But they were hampered by clunky design and miscalculations, leaving room for chatbots to...

Boosting Photodiode Efficiency to 220%
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Boosting Photodiode Efficiency to 220%

Researchers at the Netherlands' Eindhoven University of Technology are chasing quantum efficiency.

Meet ALAN, a Robot That Requires Minimal Human Supervision
From ACM TechNews

Meet ALAN, a Robot That Requires Minimal Human Supervision

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed an autonomous robot, ALAN, that can make decisions and complete tasks based on its observations of its environment...

South Korean Girl Band Offers Glimpse into Metaverse
From ACM TechNews

South Korean Girl Band Offers Glimpse into Metaverse

South Korean girl quartet MAVE: exists exclusively in the metaverse.

What The First Lung Delivered by Drone Means for Transplant Science
From ACM TechNews

What The First Lung Delivered by Drone Means for Transplant Science

The first successful delivery of a human donor lung by aerial drone in Toronto, Canada, has implications for the future of transplant science.

Technology Innovation in the Insurance Sector
From ACM News

Technology Innovation in the Insurance Sector

Here's a look at some of the newest technological advancements in the insurance industry.

Passkeys Unlock a New Era for Authentication
From ACM News

Passkeys Unlock a New Era for Authentication

A potential alternative to passwords.

Digital Twins Offer Us Access to New Knowledge
From ACM TechNews

Digital Twins Offer Us Access to New Knowledge

Data modeling systems developed by researchers at Norwegian research and development organization SINTEF can extrapolate new insights from vast datasets using digital...

They Thought Loved Ones Were Calling for Help. It Was an AI Scam
From ACM TechNews

They Thought Loved Ones Were Calling for Help. It Was an AI Scam

More sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) tools are being used to replicate a person's voice.

Cyborg Technology Analyzes Functional Maturation of Stem-Cell Derived Heart Tissue
From ACM TechNews

Cyborg Technology Analyzes Functional Maturation of Stem-Cell Derived Heart Tissue

A "cyborg" technique developed by Harvard University researchers can monitor the functional maturation of heart tissue using nanoelectronics.

Making Deepfakes Gets Cheaper and Easier Thanks to A.I.
From ACM News

Making Deepfakes Gets Cheaper and Easier Thanks to A.I.

Meme-makers and misinformation peddlers are embracing artificial intelligence tools to create convincing fake videos on the cheap.

Computer Scientists Paint a Picture of Six Decades of Movies
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Paint a Picture of Six Decades of Movies

Computer scientists analyzed the trailers of 29,000 North American movies released from 1960 to 2019 to identify the dominant colors used in individual films, genres...

Google's PaLM-E Generalist Robot Brain Takes Commands
From ACM TechNews

Google's PaLM-E Generalist Robot Brain Takes Commands

Researchers at Google and Germany's Technical University of Berlin recently debuted PaLM-E, described as the largest visual-language model ever created.

AI Re-Creates What People See by Reading Brain Scans
From ACM TechNews

AI Re-Creates What People See by Reading Brain Scans

The Stable Diffusion artificial intelligence algorithm can read functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans to replicate images people have recently...

Drone Maps Previously Uncharted Ocean Floors Off Alaska, California
From ACM TechNews

Drone Maps Previously Uncharted Ocean Floors Off Alaska, California

The Saildrone Surveyor unmanned surface vehicle has completed the mapping of the previously uncharted ocean floor off the Alaska and California coasts.

Mini Robot Enters Blood Vessels, Completes Surgery
From ACM TechNews

Mini Robot Enters Blood Vessels, Completes Surgery

Researchers recently demonstrated that a miniature robot could travel autonomously to a superficial femoral artery in a pig, deliver contrast dye, and return safely...

Scientists Make Biosensor for Crop Blight
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Make Biosensor for Crop Blight

A molecular sensing system used by researchers at Israel's Hebrew University of Jerusalem can enter plant cells to identify potential crop diseases.

COVID Modelers Expand their Missions
From ACM News

COVID Modelers Expand their Missions

Team science is writ (very) large.
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