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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How You Might Be Tracked For Ads in a Post-Cookie World
From ACM News

How You Might Be Tracked For Ads in a Post-Cookie World

The Web cookie may be dying, but that doesn’t mean it is the end of consumers being tracked online.

­dacity Founder: Moocs Can Help the Economy, Even If They Can't Replace College
From ACM Opinion

­dacity Founder: Moocs Can Help the Economy, Even If They Can't Replace College

Sebastian Thrun was instrumental in building Google's self-driving car and Glass projects, and helped launch the company's Google X wing to spearhead "moonshot"...

China's Jade Rabbit Rover May Be Victim of Moon Dust
From ACM News

China's Jade Rabbit Rover May Be Victim of Moon Dust

A plucky bunny on the moon may have just met an untimely end.

The Holodeck Begins to Take Shape
From ACM News

The Holodeck Begins to Take Shape

Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Stephen Hawking are playing poker together.

10 years of Opportunity: Celebrating the Rover’s Role on Mars and Earth
From ACM News

10 years of Opportunity: Celebrating the Rover’s Role on Mars and Earth

On January 25, 2004, a strange object fell out of the sky on a distant planet—and when it hit the surface, it started to bounce.

At Super Bowl, Detecting Threats Is Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack
From ACM News

At Super Bowl, Detecting Threats Is Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Imagine this scenario: In the course of an hour this week, four different people involved in Super Bowl setup require emergency medical assistance, all for nausea...

How a Database of the World's Knowledge Shapes Google's Future
From ACM Opinion

How a Database of the World's Knowledge Shapes Google's Future

For all its success, Google's famous Page Rank algorithm has never understood a word of the billions of Web pages it has directed people to over the years.

Should <i>Everybody</i> Learn to Code?
From Communications of the ACM

Should Everybody Learn to Code?

Not everyone needs coding skills, but learning how to think like a programmer can be useful in many disciplines.

The Inside Story of Tor, the Best Internet Anonymity Tool the Government Ever Built
From ACM News

The Inside Story of Tor, the Best Internet Anonymity Tool the Government Ever Built

Last year, Edward Snowden turned over to the Guardian, a British newspaper, some 58,000 classified U.S. government documents.

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?
From ACM News

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?

Microsoft researchers have enabled elevators in a company building to detect the likelihood that a person walking by will want to board it.

The White House Is Going to Study Big Data. Here Are 5 Things It Should Know
From ACM Opinion

The White House Is Going to Study Big Data. Here Are 5 Things It Should Know

The White House announced via blog post on Thursday that it's forming working group focused on understanding the promises and pitfalls of big data (with a heavy...

Bitcoins and Virtual Currency: How Do Businesses Cope?
From ACM News

Bitcoins and Virtual Currency: How Do Businesses Cope?

Bitcoin speculators have made millions of pounds in the last few months as the value of the Internet-based virtual currency has exploded.

Fbi Warns Retailers to Expect More Credit Card Breaches
From ACM News

Fbi Warns Retailers to Expect More Credit Card Breaches

The FBI has warned U.S. retailers to prepare for more cyber attacks after discovering about 20 hacking cases in the past year that involved the same kind of malicious...

Scientists Detect 'spoiled Onions' Trying to Sabotage Tor Privacy Network
From ACM News

Scientists Detect 'spoiled Onions' Trying to Sabotage Tor Privacy Network

Computer scientists have identified almost two dozen computers that were actively working to sabotage the Tor privacy network by carrying out attacks that can degrade...

Herschel Telescope Detects Water on Dwarf Planet
From ACM News

Herschel Telescope Detects Water on Dwarf Planet

Scientists using the Herschel space observatory have made the first definitive detection of water vapor on the largest and roundest object in the asteroid belt,...

­kraine Tracks Protesters Through Cellphones
From ACM News

­kraine Tracks Protesters Through Cellphones

The Ukrainian government used telephone technology to pinpoint the locations of cellphones in use near clashes between riot police officers and protesters early...

From ACM News

Google's Quantum Computer Flunks Landmark Speed Test

Google's quantum revolution is still in the slow lane.

Laser Looks ­nder the Surface of Art
From ACM News

Laser Looks ­nder the Surface of Art

Chemists have unveiled a technique that can get under the skin of paintings to provide a three-dimensional analysis of the old masters' works without causing any...

Seeing Things: A New Transparent Display System Could Provide Heads-up Data
From ACM News

Seeing Things: A New Transparent Display System Could Provide Heads-up Data

Transparent displays have a variety of potential applications—such as the ability to see navigation or dashboard information while looking through the windshield...

Why Bitcoin Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why Bitcoin Matters

A mysterious new technology emerges, seemingly out of nowhere, but actually the result of two decades of intense research and development by nearly anonymous researchers...
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