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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Drones Come Home
From ACM News

The Drones Come Home

At the edge of a stubbly, dried-out alfalfa field outside Grand Junction, Colorado, Deputy Sheriff Derek Johnson, a stocky young man with a buzz cut, squints at...

China Defense Ministry Refutes Cyber Attack Allegations
From ACM News

China Defense Ministry Refutes Cyber Attack Allegations

China's military spokesman said on Wednesday that the country's armed forces had never backed any hacking activities, denouncing U.S. cyber security firm Mandiant's...

Data Mining Is New Lobbying Gold
From ACM Careers

Data Mining Is New Lobbying Gold

A congressman gets an earful from his neighbor after church about a tax bill. A senator suddenly finds old high school classmates calling her about an upcoming...

When Will the Internet Reach Its Limit (and How Do We Stop It from Happening)?
From ACM Opinion

When Will the Internet Reach Its Limit (and How Do We Stop It from Happening)?

The number of smartphones, tablets and other network-connected gadgets will outnumber humans by the end of the year.

Software that Tracks People on Social Media Created By Defence Firm
From ACM News

Software that Tracks People on Social Media Created By Defence Firm

A multinational security firm has secretly developed software capable of tracking people's movements and predicting future behaviour by mining data from social...

Chinese Army Unit Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.s.
From ACM News

Chinese Army Unit Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.s.

On the outskirts of Shanghai, in a run-down neighborhood dominated by a 12-story white office tower, sits a People's Liberation Army base for China’s growing corps...

New High-Tech Warfare Medal Draws Backlash
From ACM News

New High-Tech Warfare Medal Draws Backlash

The Pentagon sparked an uproar among troops and veterans when it revealed that a new high-level medal honoring drone pilots will rank above some traditional combat...

Welcome to the Malware-Industrial Complex
From ACM News

Welcome to the Malware-Industrial Complex

Every summer, computer security experts get together in Las Vegas for Black Hat and DEFCON, conferences that have earned notoriety for presentations demonstrating...

In Cyberwar, Software Flaws Are a Hot Commodity
From ACM News

In Cyberwar, Software Flaws Are a Hot Commodity

There have been security flaws in software as long as there has been software, but they have become even more critically important in the context of cyberweapons...

Nanoscale Chip Design Enables Future 'internet of Things'
From ACM News

Nanoscale Chip Design Enables Future 'internet of Things'

With each passing day we are becoming more intertwined into the Internet of Things, where each and every object in the world—your clothes closet and every article...

Obama Order Gives Firms Cyberthreat Information
From ACM News

Obama Order Gives Firms Cyberthreat Information

President Obama signed an executive order on Tuesday that promotes increased information sharing about cyberthreats between the government and private companies...

The Browser Wars Go Mobile
From ACM News

The Browser Wars Go Mobile

When surfing the Web on a smartphone, most of us stick with the browser that came with our handset.

At Facebook, Zero-Day Exploits, Backdoor Code Bring War Games Drill to Life
From ACM News

At Facebook, Zero-Day Exploits, Backdoor Code Bring War Games Drill to Life

Early on Halloween morning, members of Facebook's Computer Emergency Response Team received an urgent email from an FBI special agent who regularly briefs them...

Ancient Board Game Offers Insight Into Military, Cyber Threats
From ACM TechNews

Ancient Board Game Offers Insight Into Military, Cyber Threats

Penn State University researchers are using the ancient Chinese game of Go to help students learn new methods for countering future cyber-attacks. 

Navy's Next-Gen Binoculars Will Recognize Your Face
From ACM News

Navy's Next-Gen Binoculars Will Recognize Your Face

Take a close look, because the next generation of military binoculars could be doing more than just letting sailors and soldiers see from far away.

'every New Car' Connected to Web By 2014
From ACM News

'every New Car' Connected to Web By 2014

Five years ago mobile phones were at the forefront of technology, by 2010 the focus was on tablet computers and now billions of yen, dollars and pounds are being...

Self-Driving Cars More Jetsons Than Reality for Google Designers
From ACM News

Self-Driving Cars More Jetsons Than Reality for Google Designers

Google Inc. sees self-driving cars being available to consumers in three to five years. Regulators and the insurance industry aren't so sure it can happen that...

Invisible Fences
From ACM Opinion

Invisible Fences

When European farmers arrived in North America, they claimed it with fences.

­nseen, All-Out Cyber War on the ­.s. Has Begun
From ACM Opinion

­nseen, All-Out Cyber War on the ­.s. Has Begun

There's a war going on, and it's raging here at home—not in the streets or the fields, but on the Internet.

Smartphone Sensors Reveal Security Secrets
From ACM News

Smartphone Sensors Reveal Security Secrets

Data captured by smartphone sensors could help criminals guess codes used to lock the gadgets, say security researchers.
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