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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Long Tail Criticism Might Affect E-Business Strategies
From ACM News

Long Tail Criticism Might Affect E-Business Strategies

The Long Tail theory embraced by online businesses has taken some recent criticism, raising questions about whether businesses should change their e-strategies.

The Past, Present and Future of AI
From ACM TechNews

The Past, Present and Future of AI

The idea that fully-fledged artificial intelligence (AI) — thinking machines that could mimic human intelligence precisely — would be realized by the year 2000...

Professor Working to Advance Computing as a Science
From ACM TechNews

Professor Working to Advance Computing as a Science

University of Arizona professor Richard T. Snodgrass has received a U.S. National Science Foundation grant to promote computation as a true science. "The problem...

From ACM News

DARPA Looks to Send the Internet Into Orbit

There’ve been satellites orbiting Earth for half a century. But getting information to and from them is still a pain. Which is why Pentagon research arm Darpa is...

Silicon-Air Battery: Non-Stop Power For Thousands of Hours
From ACM News

Silicon-Air Battery: Non-Stop Power For Thousands of Hours

Scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed a new, environmentally friendly silicon-air battery capable of supplying non-stop power...

Faster Maintenance with Augmented Reality
From ACM News

Faster Maintenance with Augmented Reality

In the not-too-distant future, it might be possible to slip on a pair of augmented-reality (AR) goggles instead of fumbling with a manual while trying to repair...

Parallel Course
From ACM News

Parallel Course

In 1995, a good computer chip had a clock speed of about 100 megahertz. Seven years later, in 2002, a good computer chip had a clock speed of about three gigahertz...

Researcher Paves Alternate Path For Hard Drives
From ACM TechNews

Researcher Paves Alternate Path For Hard Drives

Carnegie Mellon University professor Jimmy Jian-Gang Zhu is developing a prototype hard disk technology based on his microwave-assisted magnetic recording (MAMR)...

From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers Could Tackle Enormous Linear Equations

Aram Harrow of the University of Bristol in England along with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Avinatan Hassidim and Seth Lloyd believe that encoding...

Computers Have Speed Limit as ­nbreakable as Speed of Light, Say Physicists
From ACM TechNews

Computers Have Speed Limit as ­nbreakable as Speed of Light, Say Physicists

Boston University physicists Lev Levitin and Tommaso Toffoli have demonstrated that if processors continue to improve in accordance with Moore's Law, an unbreakable...

Exploring New Frontiers
From Communications of the ACM

Exploring New Frontiers

The Expeditions in Computing program provides scientists with the funding to work on ambitious, often multidisciplinary research.

Deep Data Dives Discover Natural Laws
From Communications of the ACM

Deep Data Dives Discover Natural Laws

Computer scientists have found a way to bootstrap science, using evolutionary computation to find fundamental meaning in massive amounts of raw data.

From ACM News

New Software Could Smooth Supercomputing Speed Bumps

Supercomputers have long been an indispensable, albeit expensive, tool for researchers who need to make sense of vast amounts of data. One way that researchers...

Quantum Computer Chips Now One Step Closer to Reality
From ACM News

Quantum Computer Chips Now One Step Closer to Reality

Researchers at Ohio State University have discovered a way to make quantum devices using technology common to the chip-making industry today. This work might one...

'Light on a Wire' Promises Faster Computing, Communications
From ICT Results

'Light on a Wire' Promises Faster Computing, Communications

A team of European researchers has demonstrated some of the first commercially viable plasmonic devices, paving the way for a new era of high-speed communications...

Video Camera That Records at the Speed of Thought
From ICT Results

Video Camera That Records at the Speed of Thought

European researchers who created an ultra-fast, extremely high-resolution video camera chip have enabled dozens of medical applications, including one scenario...

Obama Awards National Science, Technology Medals
From ACM News

Obama Awards National Science, Technology Medals

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama linked scientific discovery to helping the struggling economy Wednesday as he honored those who invented batteries for implanted...

Nobel Awarded For Advances in Harnessing Light
From ACM News

Nobel Awarded For Advances in Harnessing Light

The mastery of light through technology was the theme of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics as the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences honored breakthroughs in fiber...

Researchers Sharpen Photos By Capturing Multiple Low-Quality Images
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Sharpen Photos By Capturing Multiple Low-Quality Images

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers Sam Hasinoff, Fredo Durand, and William Freeman, along with University of Toronto researcher Kiriakos Kutulakos...

'time Telescope' Could Boost Web
From ACM TechNews

'time Telescope' Could Boost Web

Researchers led by Cornell University's Mark Foster report that they have developed a prototype device that could significantly boost the volume of information...
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