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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mobile Providers at Center of Privacy Storm
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Mobile Providers at Center of Privacy Storm

Major wireless providers are facing new scrutiny into their privacy practices after a bombshell report sparked a public outcry and questions from lawmakers.

Robotic Milkers and an Automated Greenhouse: Inside a High-Tech Small Farm
From ACM News

Robotic Milkers and an Automated Greenhouse: Inside a High-Tech Small Farm

About 150 Jersey cows in the rolling terrain at Rivendale Farms in Bulger, some 25 miles west of Pittsburgh, wear Fitbit-like collars that monitor their movement...

The Super-Secure Quantum Cable Hiding in the Holland Tunnel
From ACM News

The Super-Secure Quantum Cable Hiding in the Holland Tunnel

Commuters inching through rush-hour traffic in the Holland Tunnel between Lower Manhattan and New Jersey don't know it, but a technology likely to be the future...

A Neural Network Can Learn to Organize the World It Sees Into Concepts, Just Like We Do
From ACM News

A Neural Network Can Learn to Organize the World It Sees Into Concepts, Just Like We Do

GANs, or generative adversarial networks, are the social-media starlet of AI algorithms. They are responsible for creating the first AI painting ever sold at an ...

The Race to Develop the World's Best Quantum Tech
From ACM News

The Race to Develop the World's Best Quantum Tech

A few days before Christmas, U.S. President Donald Trump signed a bill into law that devotes more than US $1.2 billion to a national effort dedicated to quantum...

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Acting ­p and Geologists Don't Know Why
From ACM News

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Acting ­p and Geologists Don't Know Why

Something strange is going on at the top of the world. Earth's north magnetic pole has been skittering away from Canada and towards Siberia, driven by liquid iron...

Machine Learning Can Offer New Tools, Fresh Insights for the Humanities
From ACM News

Machine Learning Can Offer New Tools, Fresh Insights for the Humanities

Truly revolutionary political transformations are naturally of great interest to historians, and the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century is widely...

Countering Russian Disinformation the Baltic Nations' Way
From ACM News

Countering Russian Disinformation the Baltic Nations' Way

As the new Congress begins, it will soon discuss the comprehensive reports to the U.S. Senate on the disinformation campaign of half-truths, outright fabrications...

Another Day, Another Exoplanet: NASA's TESS Keeps Counting More
From ACM News

Another Day, Another Exoplanet: NASA's TESS Keeps Counting More

NASA's new planet-hunting machine, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS, is racking up scores of alien worlds.

Milky Way to Face a One-Two Punch of Galaxy Collisions
From ACM News

Milky Way to Face a One-Two Punch of Galaxy Collisions

If our knowledge of galaxy structures was limited to the Milky Way, we'd get a lot of things wrong. The Milky Way, it turns out, is unusual.

Chinese Tech Investors Flee Silicon Valley as Trump Tightens Scrutiny
From ACM Careers

Chinese Tech Investors Flee Silicon Valley as Trump Tightens Scrutiny

New Trump administration policies aimed at curbing China's access to American innovation have all but halted Chinese investment in U.S. technology startups, as...

Artificial Intelligence Vs. the Hackers
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Vs. the Hackers

Last year, Microsoft Corp.'s Azure security team detected suspicious activity in the cloud computing usage of a large retailer: One of the company's administrators...

The ­S and China Are in a Quantum Arms Race that Will Transform Warfare
From ACM News

The ­S and China Are in a Quantum Arms Race that Will Transform Warfare

In the 1970s, at the height of the Cold War, American military planners began to worry about the threat to US warplanes posed by new, radar-guided missile defenses...

Curbs on A.I. Exports? Silicon Valley Fears Losing Its Edge
From ACM News

Curbs on A.I. Exports? Silicon Valley Fears Losing Its Edge

A common belief among tech industry insiders is that Silicon Valley has dominated the internet because much of the worldwide network was designed and built by Americans...

Wireless 'Pacemaker for the Brain' Could Be New Standard Treatment for Neurological Disorders
From ACM News

Wireless 'Pacemaker for the Brain' Could Be New Standard Treatment for Neurological Disorders

A new neurostimulator developed by engineers at UC Berkeley can listen to and stimulate electric current in the brain at the same time, potentially delivering fine...

China Becomes First Nation to Land on the Moon's Far Side
From ACM News

China Becomes First Nation to Land on the Moon's Far Side

A Chinese probe has made a historic touch-down on the far side of the Moon, according to the country's state-run media. It is the first time a probe has visited...

NASA’s New Horizons Mission Releases Snowman-like Picture of ­ltima Thule
From ACM News

NASA’s New Horizons Mission Releases Snowman-like Picture of ­ltima Thule

Ultima Thule, an icy world 4 billion miles from the sun, looks like a big snowman.

How the Artificial-Intelligence Program AlphaZero Mastered Its Games
From ACM News

How the Artificial-Intelligence Program AlphaZero Mastered Its Games

A few weeks ago, a group of researchers from Google's artificial-intelligence subsidiary, DeepMind, published a paper in the journal Science that described an A...

Pluto Explorer ­shering in New Year at More Distant World
From ACM News

Pluto Explorer ­shering in New Year at More Distant World

The spacecraft team that brought us close-ups of Pluto will ring in the new year by exploring an even more distant and mysterious world.

The German Sub Sank 76 Years Ago. Now Its Story Is Being Revealed in Eerie Fluorescent Detail.
From ACM News

The German Sub Sank 76 Years Ago. Now Its Story Is Being Revealed in Eerie Fluorescent Detail.

The U-boat seems to loom out of the blackness, careening to starboard, as if to avoid a collision.
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