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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Can Diagnose COVID-19 Through Cellphone-Recorded Coughs – Even if You Don’t Have Symptoms
From ACM News

AI Can Diagnose COVID-19 Through Cellphone-Recorded Coughs – Even if You Don’t Have Symptoms

Results might provide a convenient screening tool for people who may not suspect they are infected.

Website Predicts Likelihood of Cyberattacks Between Nations
From ACM TechNews

Website Predicts Likelihood of Cyberattacks Between Nations

Computer scientists have created a database that aims to predict the likelihood of cyberattacks between nations.

Smarter Models, Smarter Choices
From ACM TechNews

Smarter Models, Smarter Choices

A new high-confidence approach to artificial intelligence-based models incorporates uncertainty, error, physical laws, expert knowledge, and missing data within...

Throwable Robot Car Always Lands on Four Wheels
From ACM TechNews

Throwable Robot Car Always Lands on Four Wheels

Researchers at the U.S. Military Academy have developed robot that can be thrown or dropped and always lands the right way up.

With Deep Learning Algorithms, Standard CT Technology Produces Spectral Images
From ACM TechNews

With Deep Learning Algorithms, Standard CT Technology Produces Spectral Images

Engineers have developed a deep neural network that produces spectral images almost as well as dual-energy computed tomography imaging technology.

Teaching Cybersecurity
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Teaching Cybersecurity

U.S. cybersecurity education reboots for a wider reach.

Brazil Launches AI Center
From ACM TechNews

Brazil Launches AI Center

Brazil's Artificial Intelligence Center officially launched earlier this month.

Officials Warn of Cyberattacks on Hospitals as Virus Cases Spike
From ACM News

Officials Warn of Cyberattacks on Hospitals as Virus Cases Spike

Government officials warned that hackers were seeking to hold American hospitals' data hostage in exchange for ransom payments.

Does Palantir See Too Much?
From ACM News

Does Palantir See Too Much?

The tech giant helps governments and law enforcement decipher vast amounts of data — to mysterious and, some say, dangerous ends.

A Wearable Sensor to Help ALS Patients Communicate
From ACM TechNews

A Wearable Sensor to Help ALS Patients Communicate

A stretchable, skin-like device developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology could help people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis communicate using small...

Scientists Create Synthetic Human Tongue Using 3D Printing
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Create Synthetic Human Tongue Using 3D Printing

Researchers at the University of Leeds in the U.K. report the development of what they are calling the first biomimetic tongue using three-dimensional printing....

App to Help Voters Locate Ballot Drop Boxes
From ACM TechNews

App to Help Voters Locate Ballot Drop Boxes

George Mason University's Massimiliano Albanese developed the myBallotBox app to help people locate drop-off boxes for mail-in ballots.

National Guard Called in to Thwart Cyberattack in Louisiana Weeks Before Election
From ACM TechNews

National Guard Called in to Thwart Cyberattack in Louisiana Weeks Before Election

The Louisiana National Guard has been called in to investigate a series of cyberattacks aimed at small government offices across the state.

The No-Code Generation is Arriving
From ACM News

The No-Code Generation is Arriving

No-code tools are successful because they are connecting with a new generation that understands precisely the sort of logic required by these platforms to function...

Companies Make Their Websites More Elderly-Friendly
From ACM TechNews

Companies Make Their Websites More Elderly-Friendly

As  the pandemic forces more people to do more business online, some companies have started redesigning their websites to make them more user-friendly for older...

Finally, the First Room-Temperature Superconductor
From ACM News

Finally, the First Room-Temperature Superconductor

It conveys electricity in the climate of a crisp fall day, but only under pressures comparable to what you'd find closer to Earth's core.

How Satya Nadella Turned Microsoft Around
From ACM News

How Satya Nadella Turned Microsoft Around

Now for the hard part.

Ransomware vs WFH: How Remote Working is Making Cyberattacks Easier to Pull Off
From ACM News

Ransomware vs WFH: How Remote Working is Making Cyberattacks Easier to Pull Off

This year has forced organizations to adapt quickly to enabling employees to work from home. That's creating 'chaos with no control' - which cyber criminals are...

Material Found in House Paint May Spur Technology Revolution
From ACM TechNews

Material Found in House Paint May Spur Technology Revolution

Researchers from Sandia National Laboratories and the University of Michigan have developed a technique for generating non-volatile computer memory using titanium...

Google's Breast Cancer-Predicting AI Research Is Useless Without Transparency, Critics Say
From ACM TechNews

Google's Breast Cancer-Predicting AI Research Is Useless Without Transparency, Critics Say

Experts have taken issue with Google Health's artificial intelligence model for predicting breast cancer.
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