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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Microsoft Teams With Elon Musk’s SpaceX to Push Cloud Battle With Amazon Into Orbit
From ACM News

Microsoft Teams With Elon Musk’s SpaceX to Push Cloud Battle With Amazon Into Orbit

The space-cloud initiative is targeting military and commercial customers and comes after Amazon announced its own space effort,

Visa, JPMorgan Already Preparing for Potential Quantum Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

Visa, JPMorgan Already Preparing for Potential Quantum Cyberattacks

Researchers at Visa Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are developing new processes to try to thwart eventual quantum computing cyberattacks.

Imaging the Secret Lives of Immune Cells in the Eye
From ACM TechNews

Imaging the Secret Lives of Immune Cells in the Eye

University of Rochester researchers have developed a technique for imaging and tracking the interactions of microscopic immune cells in a human eye without using...

U.S. Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google
From ACM News

U.S. Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google

The Justice Department filed its long-awaited lawsuit against Google.

Virtual Reality Meets the Office
From ACM News

Virtual Reality Meets the Office

"Virtual meeting spaces greatly expand the possibilities for online communication—and, at their best, create an environment that parallels or exceeds real world...

When We Can Hug Again, Will We Remember How It Works?
From ACM News

When We Can Hug Again, Will We Remember How It Works?

How to navigate when you should and shouldn't hug someone — and how not to hold on too long.

Buenos Aires Using Facial Recognition System That Tracks Child Suspects, Rights Group Says
From ACM TechNews

Buenos Aires Using Facial Recognition System That Tracks Child Suspects, Rights Group Says

Human Rights Watch says Buenos Aires is using a facial recognition system connected to a database that includes child suspects and is publishing warrants for their...

Split-Second 'Phantom' Images Can Fool Tesla's Autopilot
From ACM News

Split-Second 'Phantom' Images Can Fool Tesla's Autopilot

Researchers found they could stop a Tesla by flashing a few frames of a stop sign for less than half a second on an Internet-connected billboard.

Voter Check-in System to Blame for Slow-Moving Lines in Georgia
From ACM TechNews

Voter Check-in System to Blame for Slow-Moving Lines in Georgia

Check-in computers unable to accommodate record turnouts were mainly to blame for slow-moving lines at early voting locations this week in Georgia.

Undocumented Backdoor That Covertly Takes Snapshots Found in Kids' Smartwatch
From ACM TechNews

Undocumented Backdoor That Covertly Takes Snapshots Found in Kids' Smartwatch

Researchers at Norwegian security company Mnemonic found an undocumented backdoor in the X4 smartwatch marketed by children's watch vendor Xplora.

How Does Google's Monopoly Hurt You? Try These Searches
From ACM News

How Does Google's Monopoly Hurt You? Try These Searches

Right under our noses, the Internet's most-used website has been getting worse.

Robot Dolphin Could Replace Captive Animals at Theme Parks One Day
From ACM TechNews

Robot Dolphin Could Replace Captive Animals at Theme Parks One Day

A U.S. engineering company has designed a robot dolphin in the hope that such animatronic machines eventually could substitute for captive animals at theme parks...

Bringing Power Tool From Math Into Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Bringing Power Tool From Math Into Quantum Computing

Scientists at Japan's Tokyo University of Science designed a novel quantum circuit that calculates the fast Fourier transform faster and more efficiently than previously...

The Contest to Protect Almost Everything on the Internet
From ACM TechNews

The Contest to Protect Almost Everything on the Internet

Hundreds of the world's leading cryptographers are competing to develop encryption standards to protect online data against classical and quantum-computing cyberattacks...

Internet Freedom Has Taken a Hit During the Covid-19 Pandemic
From ACM News

Internet Freedom Has Taken a Hit During the Covid-19 Pandemic

From surveillance to arrests, governments are using the novel coronavirus as cover for a crackdown on digital liberty.

FBI/DHS: Government Systems Face Threat From Zerologon Exploits
From ACM TechNews

FBI/DHS: Government Systems Face Threat From Zerologon Exploits

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Homeland Security have detected attackers exploiting a Windows vulnerability against state and local...

Computer Model Simulation Explains Star Distributions in Galaxy Discs
From ACM TechNews

Computer Model Simulation Explains Star Distributions in Galaxy Discs

Researchers used a new computer model to show the impact of gas clouds on the exponential fade in galaxy discs in an effort to explain star distributions.

In Singapore, Facial Recognition Getting Woven Into Everyday Life
From ACM TechNews

In Singapore, Facial Recognition Getting Woven Into Everyday Life

Singaporeans will be able to access government and other services through a facial recognition feature in its SingPass national identity program.

Japan Supercomputer Shows Humidity Affects Aerosol Spread of Coronavirus
From ACM TechNews

Japan Supercomputer Shows Humidity Affects Aerosol Spread of Coronavirus

Humidity can have a major impact on the dispersion of virus particles, according to a study by researchers at Kobe University in Japan and research giant Riken....

U.S. Moves to Protect Technologies Considered Critical to National Security
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Moves to Protect Technologies Considered Critical to National Security

The U.S. National Security Council on Thursday issued guidelines to protect technologies crucial to national security.
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