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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Twitter Reluctantly Coughs ­p Occupy Protester's Data
From ACM News

Twitter Reluctantly Coughs ­p Occupy Protester's Data

Twitter on Friday reluctantly complied with a judge's order to divulge the tweets and account information connected to an Occupy protester.

Flame C&c Server Analysis Reveals New Malware in the Wild
From ACM News

Flame C&c Server Analysis Reveals New Malware in the Wild

Forensic analysis of a number of Flame malware toolkit command-and-control servers revealed an additional three unidentified pieces of malicious code are under...

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China
From ACM News

Wired Is the New Wireless: Spreading the Web in China

It's not easy to give over 1.3 billion people access to the internet—especially if that population is spread across a vast area that ranges from hinterland to sprawling...

Data Mining in the Social-Media Ecosystem
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining in the Social-Media Ecosystem

Northeastern University professor Raymond Fu recently received funding from the U.S. Intelligence Community and the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research...

European Commission Deploys Crack Computer Emergency Response Team
From ACM TechNews

European Commission Deploys Crack Computer Emergency Response Team

The European Commission announced that it has deployed its anti-hacker Computer Emergency Response Team on a permanent basis to combat the growing number of cyberthreats...

Intel Seeks to Eliminate Computer Passwords With Wave of Hand
From ACM TechNews

Intel Seeks to Eliminate Computer Passwords With Wave of Hand

Intel researchers recently demonstrated a system that has the potential to do away with computer passwords.

Software, Not Just Bullets, Puts Military At Odds
From ACM News

Software, Not Just Bullets, Puts Military At Odds

Military commanders, government officials and members of Congress have long wrangled over which weapon systems are needed. Now, there's an argument over what computer...

Arab Spring: Tech As Tinder
From ACM News

Arab Spring: Tech As Tinder

The Internet tools of the Arab Spring have become the weapons of a new Arabian nightmare playing out at American diplomatic missions across North Africa and the...

Perfecting Email Security
From ACM TechNews

Perfecting Email Security

City University of Hong Kong researchers have defined perfect forward secrecy for email and suggested a technical solution to enable email security to be independent...

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?
From ACM News

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?

What could well be the next great technological disruption is fermenting away, out of sight, in small workshops, college labs, garages, and basements. Tinkerers...

Emv Flaw Allows 'pre-Play' Attacks on Chip-Enabled Payment Cards
From ACM TechNews

Emv Flaw Allows 'pre-Play' Attacks on Chip-Enabled Payment Cards

University of Cambridge researchers have found that many automated teller machines and point of sale terminals do not properly generate random numbers, as required...

Malware Inserted on Pc Production Lines, Says Study
From ACM News

Malware Inserted on Pc Production Lines, Says Study

Cybercriminals have opened a new front in their battle to infect computers with malware—PC production lines.

New York Police Dept. Issues First Rules For ­se of Social Media During Investigations
From ACM News

New York Police Dept. Issues First Rules For ­se of Social Media During Investigations

The NYPD has for the first time laid out rules for using social media during investigations—but critics say the guidelines raise questions about privacy issues.

From ACM News

Research Paints Shamoon Creators as 'skillful Amateurs'

Despite seemingly endless pontification, it's still too early to definitively say whether there's a connection between the Shamoon malware and recent attacks on...

Get Ready For Computers Worldwide to Automatically Smother Cyber Strikes
From ACM TechNews

Get Ready For Computers Worldwide to Automatically Smother Cyber Strikes

The U.S. government is planning to build a cyberecosystem that would prompt computers around the world to instantly suppress cyberattacks. 

Tech's New Wave, Driven by Data
From ACM News

Tech's New Wave, Driven by Data

Technology tends to cascade into the marketplace in waves. Think of personal computers in the 1980s, the Internet in the 1990s, and smartphones in the last five...

Anonymous: Behind the Masks of the Cyber Insurgents
From ACM News

Anonymous: Behind the Masks of the Cyber Insurgents

Spalding railway station in Lincolnshire is not a big place. It takes me about two seconds to scan the platform and spot who I'm looking for: Jake Davis, aka Topiary...

From ACM News

Insiders Suspected in Saudi Cyber Attack

One or more insiders with high-level access are suspected of assisting the hackers who damaged some 30,000 computers at Saudi Arabia's national oil company last...

Big Brother on a Budget: How Internet Surveillance Got So Cheap
From ACM News

Big Brother on a Budget: How Internet Surveillance Got So Cheap

When Libyan rebels finally wrested control of the country last year away from its mercurial dictator, they discovered the Qaddafi regime had received an unusual...

How the Pros Thwart Computer Spies with James Bond Tricks
From ACM News

How the Pros Thwart Computer Spies with James Bond Tricks

H.D. Moore wasn't taking chances.
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