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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Software Tool Helps Utilities Monitor For Network Security
From ACM TechNews

New Software Tool Helps Utilities Monitor For Network Security

The Sophia software tool created at the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory can help network operators spot anomalies that might signal cybersecurity...

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm
From ACM Opinion

Patent Could Shackle 3D Printers with Drm

One of the greatest benefits of 3D printing technology—the ability to make replacements or parts for household objects like toys, utensils and gadgets—may be denied...

Ever Wondered What a Live Botnet Looks Like?
From ACM News

Ever Wondered What a Live Botnet Looks Like?

The idea of a network of malware-infected zombie computers rigged to do the bidding of criminals conjures up a frightening image on its own. A new visualization...

Campaigns Mine Personal Lives to Get Out Vote
From ACM News

Campaigns Mine Personal Lives to Get Out Vote

Strategists affiliated with the Obama and Romney campaigns say they have access to information about the personal lives of voters at a scale never before imagined...

How I Accidentally Helped Compromise the Secret Keys of High-Security Handcuffs
From ACM Opinion

How I Accidentally Helped Compromise the Secret Keys of High-Security Handcuffs

In the age of freely available modeling software, laser cutters and 3D printers, shapes that must stay secret for security's sake don't stay secret for long. Especially...

Pentagon Scientists: We Can't Predict Violent Outbursts. Yet.
From ACM News

Pentagon Scientists: We Can't Predict Violent Outbursts. Yet.

In the years to come, a top group of military scientists believe, the Pentagon may be able to use genomics and bio-markers to spot when a soldier is about to snap...

Leon Panetta on Cybersecurity: D.C. Action Needed
From ACM News

Leon Panetta on Cybersecurity: D.C. Action Needed

While Joe Biden and Paul Ryan were duking it out last Thursday night over U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was warning...

Precision Espionage Miniflame Malware Tied to Flame, Gauss
From ACM News

Precision Espionage Miniflame Malware Tied to Flame, Gauss

One of three previously unseen pieces of malware discovered during forensic analysis of the Flame malware command-and-control servers has been identified as a secondary...

First Evidence For Iran's Parallel Halal Internet
From ACM TechNews

First Evidence For Iran's Parallel Halal Internet

Iranian officials have long discussed developing a religiously acceptable internal network, known as the "halal" Internet, which is isolated from the World Wide...

Where's the Discussion of Trojan Horses?
From ACM Opinion

Where's the Discussion of Trojan Horses?

The Mykonos Vase, discovered in 1961 in the Cyclades, is one of the earliest accounts of the Trojan Horse, used as a subterfuge by the Greeks to enter the city...

Kurzweil: Brains Will Extend to the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Kurzweil: Brains Will Extend to the Cloud

Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil says human brains will one day extend into the cloud, and it will be possible to selectively erase pieces of memory while keeping...

App Protects Facebook ­sers From Hackers
From ACM TechNews

App Protects Facebook ­sers From Hackers

University of California, Riverside researchers have developed MyPageKeeper, an application for detecting spam and malware posts on Facebook users' walls, which...

Supreme Court Terminates Warrantless Electronic Spying Case
From ACM News

Supreme Court Terminates Warrantless Electronic Spying Case

The Supreme Court closed a 6-year-old chapter Tuesday in the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s bid to hold the nation’s telecoms liable for allegedly providing the...

China 'strongly Opposes' U.s. Report About Chinese Telecom Firms
From ACM News

China 'strongly Opposes' U.s. Report About Chinese Telecom Firms

China's Commerce Ministry announced Tuesday it "strongly opposes" a report that alleged Chinese telecommunication companies Huawei Technologies Inc. and ZTE Corp...

To Keep Passwords Safe From Hackers, Just Break Them Into Bits
From ACM TechNews

To Keep Passwords Safe From Hackers, Just Break Them Into Bits

RSA researchers have developed a system that splits passwords in two and stores each half in different locations.  

Ou Researchers Implement a Multi-Photon Approach in Quantum Cryptography
From ACM TechNews

Ou Researchers Implement a Multi-Photon Approach in Quantum Cryptography

Quantum cryptography has the potential to offer unconditional security, but it is limited by its short transmission distance and slow speed.  

U.s. Panel Cites Risks in Chinese Equipment
From ACM News

U.s. Panel Cites Risks in Chinese Equipment

In the latest development to highlight the sensitive terrain that the United States and China are navigating on economic issues, a House committee issued a blistering...

Mobile App Puts Brakes on Texting While Driving
From ACM News

Mobile App Puts Brakes on Texting While Driving

Everyone knows that texting while driving kills, but that’s not enough to incentivize many people, especially teens, to keep their eyes on the road. Now a new mobile...

Can We Trust the Code That Increasingly Runs Our Lives?
From ACM News

Can We Trust the Code That Increasingly Runs Our Lives?

Imagine how different the first pictures sent from the Mars Rover would have been if there had been a software failure.

Alan Turing's Cyber-Legacy Praised By Gchq Chief
From ACM TechNews

Alan Turing's Cyber-Legacy Praised By Gchq Chief

GCHQ director Iain Lobban recently gave a speech noting the many enduring lessons that could be drawn from Alan Turing's work.
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