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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Soft Bioelectronic Mesh Tested on Human Wrist, Pig's Heart
From ACM TechNews

Soft Bioelectronic Mesh Tested on Human Wrist, Pig's Heart

A new wearable/implantable device measures electrophysiological signals and applies electrical and thermal stimulations as needed.

Facebook, NY­ Aim to ­se AI to Speed ­p MRI Scans
From ACM TechNews

Facebook, NY­ Aim to ­se AI to Speed ­p MRI Scans

Facebook's artificial intelligence laboratory, working with the New York University School of Medicine, generated reliable magnetic resonance imaging scans with...

Blurring the Lines Between Virtual and Reality
From ACM TechNews

Blurring the Lines Between Virtual and Reality

A next-generation virtual reality headset enables wearers to manipulate both real and virtual objects with tactile sensation.

Enhanced 'Listening Skill' Makes Robot Better at Talking
From ACM TechNews

Enhanced 'Listening Skill' Makes Robot Better at Talking

Researchers have improved the ability of a conversational human-like robot to have a natural dialogue with people by enhancing its listening skills.

A Great Find
From ACM TechNews

A Great Find

A new algorithm locates objects by leveraging collections of sensors that receive and transmit signals.

Picture This: A Camera With No Lens
From ACM TechNews

Picture This: A Camera With No Lens

A new camera substitutes a regular pane of glass for the lens, in conjunction with a computer running an algorithm to interpret the images.

Flint Water Crisis: How AI Is Finding Thousands of Hazardous Pipes
From ACM TechNews

Flint Water Crisis: How AI Is Finding Thousands of Hazardous Pipes

Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have developed an artificial intelligence algorithm that can determine the location of dangerous lead pipes in Flint...

Asteroid Ryugu Poses Landing Risks for Japanese Mission
From ACM News

Asteroid Ryugu Poses Landing Risks for Japanese Mission

After inspecting asteroid Ryugu for two months, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has revealed the sites where the Hayabusa2 spacecraft will touchdown...

Helping the Microchip Industry Go (Very Low) With the Flow
From ACM TechNews

Helping the Microchip Industry Go (Very Low) With the Flow

Researchers have rooted out the cause of error in an industry-standard calibration method that could add up to massive losses for microchip manufacturers.

Fake News Detector Algorithm Works Better Than a Human
From ACM TechNews

Fake News Detector Algorithm Works Better Than a Human

An algorithm-based system that identifies linguistic cues in fake news stories could provide news aggregators and social media sites with a new weapon against misinformation...

Robotic Implants
From Communications of the ACM

Robotic Implants

Scientists are developing tiny medical machines that stretch the definition of the term "robot."

Borders in the Cloud
From Communications of the ACM

Borders in the Cloud

New data protection laws raise questions about whether certain jurisdictions are trying to thwart the ability of foreign governments to obtain data on their citizens...

A Toolkit for Data Transparency Takes Shape
From ACM News

A Toolkit for Data Transparency Takes Shape

Julia Stewart Lowndes studied metre-long Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas), tagging them to track their dives, as a graduate student at Stanford University in California...

A 'GPS for Inside Your Body'
From ACM TechNews

A 'GPS for Inside Your Body'

A new "in-body global-positioning system" can locate ingestible implants within the body using low-power wireless signals.

Stanford Engineers Create New AI Camera for Faster, More Efficient Image Classification
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Engineers Create New AI Camera for Faster, More Efficient Image Classification

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence camera system that classifies images faster and more efficiently.

Wireless Communication Breaks Through Water-Air Barrier
From ACM News

Wireless Communication Breaks Through Water-Air Barrier

MIT researchers have taken a step toward solving a longstanding challenge with wireless communication: direct data transmission between underwater and airborne...

15 Years in Space for NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope
From ACM News

15 Years in Space for NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope

Initially scheduled for a minimum 2.5-year primary mission, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has gone far beyond its expected lifetime—and is still going strong after...

Future Robot Swarms Should Copy Lazy Ants Who Let Others Do the Work
From ACM TechNews

Future Robot Swarms Should Copy Lazy Ants Who Let Others Do the Work

Researchers found insights into ant cooperation could be incorporated into the development of large swarms of robots.

How Paper Batteries Charged by Bacteria Could Power Internet of Things
From ACM TechNews

How Paper Batteries Charged by Bacteria Could Power Internet of Things

A paper-based single-use battery harnesses bacteria to generate an electric current, and then to consume the battery after its use.

This Military Tech Could Finally Help Self-Driving Cars Master Snow
From ACM News

This Military Tech Could Finally Help Self-Driving Cars Master Snow

The research conducted at the country's National Laboratories is usually highly classified and specifically aimed at solving national security problems. But sometimes...
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