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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Are You Scared Yet? Meet Norman, the Psychopathic AI
From ACM News

Are You Scared Yet? Meet Norman, the Psychopathic AI

Norman is an algorithm trained to understand pictures but, like its namesake Hitchcock's Norman Bates, it does not have an optimistic view of the world.

Scientists ­se a Photonic Quantum Simulator to Make Virtual Movies of Molecules Vibrating
From ACM TechNews

Scientists ­se a Photonic Quantum Simulator to Make Virtual Movies of Molecules Vibrating

Researchers from five institutions have demonstrated how an optical chip can simulate the motion of atoms within molecules at the quantum level.

Combining Experts and Automation in 3D Printing
From ACM TechNews

Combining Experts and Automation in 3D Printing

Researchers have developed an approach to the three-dimensional printing of soft material that merges expert judgment with an optimization algorithm.

First 3D Printed Human Corneas
From ACM TechNews

First 3D Printed Human Corneas

Researchers at Newcastle University in the U.K. have developed a technique for using a three-dimensional printer to create human corneas.

Evidence Found for a New Fundamental Particle
From ACM News

Evidence Found for a New Fundamental Particle

Physicists are both thrilled and baffled by a new report from a neutrino experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago.

Mars Curiosity's Labs Are Back in Action
From ACM News

Mars Curiosity's Labs Are Back in Action

NASA's Curiosity rover is analyzing drilled samples on Mars in one of its onboard labs for the first time in more than a year.

IBM Leads 'Call for Code' to ­se Cloud, AI for Natural Disaster Relief
From ACM TechNews

IBM Leads 'Call for Code' to ­se Cloud, AI for Natural Disaster Relief

The new Call for Code Global Initiative is aimed at helping the IT world respond more efficiently to natural disasters using a variety of computer-based technologies...

Physicists Invent Flux Capacitor to Break Time-Reversal Symmetry
From ACM TechNews

Physicists Invent Flux Capacitor to Break Time-Reversal Symmetry

Researchers in Australia and Switzerland have proposed a device that can break time-reversal symmetry by exploiting the quantum tunneling of magnetic flux around...

From Horizon to Horizon: Celebrating 15 Years of Mars Express
From ACM News

From Horizon to Horizon: Celebrating 15 Years of Mars Express

Fifteen years ago, ESA's Mars Express was launched to investigate the Red Planet. To mark this milestone comes a striking view of Mars from horizon to horizon,...

A Genetic Algorithm Predicts the Vertical Growth of Cities
From ACM TechNews

A Genetic Algorithm Predicts the Vertical Growth of Cities

New genetic algorithms can predict how the number of skyscrapers and other buildings in an urban area will increase.

Ingestible 'Bacteria on a Chip' Could Help Diagnose Disease
From ACM TechNews

Ingestible 'Bacteria on a Chip' Could Help Diagnose Disease

A new ingestible sensor can help diagnose gastrointestinal problems.

How Close Are We, Really, to Building a Quantum Computer?
From ACM TechNews

How Close Are We, Really, to Building a Quantum Computer?

Intel Labs' Jim Clarke observes that the race to develop the first practical quantum computer is fraught with challenges.

Dawn Mission: New Orbit, New Opportunities
From ACM News

Dawn Mission: New Orbit, New Opportunities

NASA's Dawn spacecraft is maneuvering to its lowest-ever orbit for a close-up examination of the inner solar system's only dwarf planet.

At Beijing Security Fair, an Arms Race for Surveillance Tech
From ACM News

At Beijing Security Fair, an Arms Race for Surveillance Tech

It can crack your smartphone password in seconds, rip personal data from call and messaging apps, and peruse your contact book.

Frozen Pluto Has Wind-Blown Dunes Made of Methane Sand
From ACM News

Frozen Pluto Has Wind-Blown Dunes Made of Methane Sand

Part of the wonder of seeing new worlds is the radical difference from the planet you know.

Researchers Devise More Effective Location Awareness for the Internet-of-(many)-Things
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Devise More Effective Location Awareness for the Internet-of-(many)-Things

Tufts University researchers have developed an enhanced algorithm for localizing and tracking mobile devices that distributes the task among the devices themselves...

Meet REM­S, the Robot That Discovered $17 Billion in Sunken Treasure
From ACM TechNews

Meet REM­S, the Robot That Discovered $17 Billion in Sunken Treasure

Two years ago, an autonomous underwater vehicle from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute located an underwater wreck containing $17 billion in sunken treasure.

How Close Are We, Really, to Building a Quantum Computer?
From ACM Opinion

How Close Are We, Really, to Building a Quantum Computer?

The race is on to build the world's first meaningful quantum computer—one that can deliver the technology's long-promised ability to help scientists do things like...

Ultrasound Firewall for Mobile Phones
From ACM TechNews

Ultrasound Firewall for Mobile Phones

The first ultrasound-firewall for mobile devices takes the form of a mobile application that detects acoustic cookies, brings them to the attention of users, and...

Autonomous Boats Could Service Some Cities, Reducing Road Traffic
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Boats Could Service Some Cities, Reducing Road Traffic

Researchers have highly maneuverable autonomous boats that, in waterway-rich cities, could be used to transport people or deliver goods.
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