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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How AI and IoT Smart Sensors Are Preserving a Lake Ecosystem
From ACM TechNews

How AI and IoT Smart Sensors Are Preserving a Lake Ecosystem

Researchers have deployed a network composed of platforms, weather stations, tributary monitors, and acoustic Doppler current profiles to attain information on...

'Virtual Safe Space' to Help Bumblebees
From ACM TechNews

'Virtual Safe Space' to Help Bumblebees

A "virtual safe space" tests the threats that face bumblebees.

The Way Toddlers Waddle Can Teach Robot Footballers How to Play
From ACM TechNews

The Way Toddlers Waddle Can Teach Robot Footballers How to Play

A team of researchers has found that a team of robot football (soccer) players trained to mimic how infant humans walk can beat other robots trained on geometric...

Holograms: Are They Still the Preserve of Science Fiction?
From ACM News

Holograms: Are They Still the Preserve of Science Fiction?

The fragile apparition endured only long enough to say: "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope" before flickering out.

Deep Learning Can Now Flawlessly Correct Photos Taken in Almost Complete Darkness
From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Can Now Flawlessly Correct Photos Taken in Almost Complete Darkness

Machine learning can artificially increase the brightness of photos taken in low-light conditions.

Self-Assembling 3D Battery Would Charge in Seconds
From ACM TechNews

Self-Assembling 3D Battery Would Charge in Seconds

Cornell University researchers have developed an energy storage device architecture with the potential for extremely fast charges.

AI and Emotions
From ACM News

AI and Emotions

What it will mean when your products know how you are feeling.

First Wireless Flying Robotic Insect Takes Off
From ACM TechNews

First Wireless Flying Robotic Insect Takes Off

Engineers at the University of Washington have created the first wireless, insect-sized flying robot.

Alphabet's Jigsaw Offers Political Campaigns Free DDoS Protection
From ACM TechNews

Alphabet's Jigsaw Offers Political Campaigns Free DDoS Protection

Jigsaw, a subsidiary of Google parent company Alphabet, is offering U.S. political organizations a free tool to defend against distributed denial-of-device attacks...

NASA Asks Scientists How Its Lander Should Look for Life on Europa
From ACM News

NASA Asks Scientists How Its Lander Should Look for Life on Europa

NASA is in various stages of planning two multi-billion dollar missions to Jupiter's intriguing, ice-covered moon of Europa.

Making Radio Chips for Hell
From ACM TechNews

Making Radio Chips for Hell

A new wireless radio mixer integrated circuit can operate at temperatures up to 500 degrees Celsius.

An Electronic Rescue Dog
From ACM TechNews

An Electronic Rescue Dog

ETH Zurich researchers in Switzerland have created technology that can detect human metabolic emissions, which could potentially aid search and rescue teams.

The Most Important Inventor You've Never Heard Of
From ACM Careers

The Most Important Inventor You've Never Heard Of

When The Economist called Stanford Ovshinsky "the Edison of our age," the name might have been unfamiliar to most people, but the comparison was apt.

Apple and Its Rivals Bet Their Futures on These Men's Dreams
From ACM News

Apple and Its Rivals Bet Their Futures on These Men's Dreams

Over the past five years, artificial intelligence has gone from perennial vaporware to one of the technology industry's brightest hopes.

Penn Staters Create Smart Mirror to Match Tech With Beauty in Global Competition
From ACM TechNews

Penn Staters Create Smart Mirror to Match Tech With Beauty in Global Competition

Three Pennsylvania State University researchers will participate this week in the world finals of the 2018 L'Oreal Brandstorm contest in Paris.

AI Detects Patterns of Gut Microbes for Cholera Risk
From ACM TechNews

AI Detects Patterns of Gut Microbes for Cholera Risk

Researchers used algorithms to identify patterns within communities of bacteria in the human gut that could not be detected with the naked eye.

Eye Scanner Can Tell If You've Mastered a Foreign Language
From ACM TechNews

Eye Scanner Can Tell If You've Mastered a Foreign Language

A new algorithm monitors a person's unconscious eye movements as they read, to assess their proficiency in a foreign language.

Big Data Tool Predicts Best Lung Cancer Treatment
From ACM TechNews

Big Data Tool Predicts Best Lung Cancer Treatment

Researchers have developed a personalized risk assessment tool designed to predict the survival rate and treatment outcomes of early-stage lung cancer patients....

Graphene-Based Sensor Learns to Feel Like a Human
From ACM TechNews

Graphene-Based Sensor Learns to Feel Like a Human

An electric sensor has been integrated with a machine learning program to create a device that can differentiate between surface textures.

Robot Teaches Itself How to Dress People
From ACM TechNews

Robot Teaches Itself How to Dress People

A team of researchers says it has developed a robot that helps hospital patients slide on their gowns.
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