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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Engineering the Perfect Baby
From ACM News

Engineering the Perfect Baby

If anyone had devised a way to create a genetically engineered baby, I figured George Church would know about it.

Dig This: I Operated a Giant Excavator from 2,500km Away
From ACM News

Dig This: I Operated a Giant Excavator from 2,500km Away

Thanks to Ericsson, I can check off operating heavy machinery from my bucket list.

To Bring Virtual Reality to Market, Furious Efforts to Solve Nausea
From ACM News

To Bring Virtual Reality to Market, Furious Efforts to Solve Nausea

Few technologies have generated more attention than virtual reality, which promises to immerse people in 3-D games and video.

Facebook Invents an Intelligence Test For Machines
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Invents an Intelligence Test For Machines

Artificial intelligence researchers want to develop more comprehensive exams to test their systems. 

Kids and Robots Learn to Write Together
From ACM TechNews

Kids and Robots Learn to Write Together

Young children can use a new program to teach a humanoid robot how to write letters and improve their writing skills at the same time. 

Nasa Spacecraft Becomes First to Orbit a Dwarf Planet
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Becomes First to Orbit a Dwarf Planet

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has become the first mission to achieve orbit around a dwarf planet.

Rover Examining Odd Mars Rocks at Valley Overlook
From ACM News

Rover Examining Odd Mars Rocks at Valley Overlook

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity climbed last month to an overlook for surveying "Marathon Valley," a science destination chosen because spectrometer observations...

Astronomers Observe Supernova and Find They're Watching Reruns
From ACM News

Astronomers Observe Supernova and Find They're Watching Reruns

It's "Groundhog Day" in the cosmos.

A Robot That Collapses ­nder Pressure (in a Good Way)
From ACM News

A Robot That Collapses ­nder Pressure (in a Good Way)

If NASA plans to send robots to other planets, it's going to need some new designs: ones that are easy to land, easy to move around, and easy to fix.

Robo-Rescuers Battle It Out in Disaster Challenge
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Robo-Rescuers Battle It Out in Disaster Challenge

When the humanoid robot SAFFiR gets a shove, it reflexively moves to maintain its balance. SAFFiR can also walk over uneven terrain, turn its head to scan its surroundings...

Facebook Invents an Intelligence Test For Machines
From ACM News

Facebook Invents an Intelligence Test For Machines

John is in the playground. Bob is in the office. Where is John?

Researchers Report Milestone in Developing Quantum Computer
From ACM News

Researchers Report Milestone in Developing Quantum Computer

Scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and at Google reported on Wednesdayin the journal Nature that they had made a significant advance that...

Rosetta Catches Its Own Shadow
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Rosetta Catches Its Own Shadow

The highest resolution image yet taken of Comet 67P by the Rosetta satellite has just been released.

China Says Tech Firms Have Nothing to Fear from Anti-Terror Law
From ACM Careers

China Says Tech Firms Have Nothing to Fear from Anti-Terror Law

China's proposed anti-terrorism law will not affect the legitimate interests of technology firms, a top Chinese spokeswoman said Wednesday after U.S. President ...

New App Monitors Net Neutrality in Mobile Networks
From ACM TechNews

New App Monitors Net Neutrality in Mobile Networks

Northeastern University researchers have developed an app for detecting traffic differentiation in mobile networks. 

Panoramas for Your Tablet
From ACM TechNews

Panoramas for Your Tablet

Panoramic video could soon pop up on the screens of smart TVs, smartphones, and tablets. 

Cockroach Robots? Not Nightmare Fantasy but Science Lab Reality
From ACM TechNews

Cockroach Robots? Not Nightmare Fantasy but Science Lab Reality

Texas A&M University researchers have fused a computer onto the back of a live cockroach in order to control the insect. 

This Woman Flew an F-35 Simulator with Her Mind
From ACM News

This Woman Flew an F-35 Simulator with Her Mind

Jan Scheuermann, a quadriplegic and pioneering patient for an experimental Pentagon robotics program, continues to break ground in freeing the mind from the body...

Testing to Diagnose Power Event in Mars Rover
From ACM News

Testing to Diagnose Power Event in Mars Rover

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover is expected to remain stationary for several days of engineering analysis following an onboard fault-protection action on Feb. 27 that...

How Alien Life Might Look on Saturn's Moon Titan
From ACM News

How Alien Life Might Look on Saturn's Moon Titan

Alien lifeforms may exist in the solar system but they would look very different to life on Earth, scientists have suggested.
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