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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Yahoo Spawned Hadoop, the Future of Big Data
From ACM News

How Yahoo Spawned Hadoop, the Future of Big Data

The email went to Eric14. His real name is Eric Baldeschwieler, but no one calls him that. At fourteen letters, Baldeschwieler is a mouthful, and he works in...

Modeling Chaotic Storms
From Communications of the ACM

Modeling Chaotic Storms

Scientists say improvements to extreme-weather prediction are possible with new weather models and a reinvention of the modeling technologies used to process them...

A Picture of Democracy
From ACM News

A Picture of Democracy

How digital cameras and smartphones might reduce corruption in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

From ACM TechNews

New Project to Tackle Data Deluge: Eudat--Towards a Pan-European Collaborative Data Infrastructure

The recently launched EUDAT project aims to provide Europe's scientific and research communities with a sustainable European-wide infrastructure for improved access...

From ACM News

Transcending Borders but Not Laws

As cloud computing spreads data around the globe, a haze of legal and privacy questions follows.

From ACM News

The Quest For the Holy Grail of Storage

The cloud has a big problem on its hands: Cloud storage is failure-prone, slow, and infinitely quirky.

Microsoft Embraces Elephant of Open Source
From ACM News

Microsoft Embraces Elephant of Open Source

It took more than three years, but Microsoft has finally learned to stop worrying and love Hadoop.

Table Salt Found to Boost Data Storage Density
From ACM TechNews

Table Salt Found to Boost Data Storage Density

Table salt could be used to increase the capacity of hard drives from as much as 4 Tbytes today to more than 21 Tbytes, according to researchers at the Institute...

Instant Health Checks For Buildings and Bridges
From ACM News

Instant Health Checks For Buildings and Bridges

During 2011's deadly onslaught of earthquakes, floods and tornadoes, countless buildings had to be evacuated while workers checked to make sure they were stable...

Clamping Down on High-Speed Stock Trades
From ACM News

Clamping Down on High-Speed Stock Trades

Regulators in the United States and overseas are cracking down on computerized high-speed trading that crowds today’s stock exchanges, worried that as it spreads...

Zot! Uc Irvine Team Proves Stellar at Mapping Dark Matter
From ACM News

Zot! Uc Irvine Team Proves Stellar at Mapping Dark Matter

When David Kirkby and Daniel Margala entered a contest to find out who could most accurately map dark matter in the universe, the first algorithm they submitted...

Researchers Merge Art and Science
From ACM News

Researchers Merge Art and Science

Researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics are turning their attention to something even the most advanced telescopes can’t detect: the art...

Mouthpieces Gather Impact Data from Football Players
From ACM News

Mouthpieces Gather Impact Data from Football Players

Stanford researchers think the wireless mouth guards will be better than specialized helmets at measuring head injuries.

Video Documents Three-Year Trek on Mars by NASA Rover
From ACM News

Video Documents Three-Year Trek on Mars by NASA Rover

While NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity was traveling from Victoria crater to Endeavour crater, between September 2008 and August 2011, the rover team...

From ACM News

Government Aims to Build a 'Data Eye in the Sky'

More than 60 years ago, in his "Foundation" series, the science fiction novelist Isaac Asimov invented a new science—psychohistory—that combined mathematics and...

From ACM News

In Supercomputing, a Turn to Energy-Saving Graphics Chips

In computing, as in so many fields, the best path to progress is often not a straight line.

IBM Bets on Data-Centric Computing
From ACM News

IBM Bets on Data-Centric Computing

Jai Menon, chief technology officer and vice-president for technical strategy for IBM's Systems and Technology Group, holds 52 patents and is arguably most famous...

Timing Is Right For Sdsc Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Timing Is Right For Sdsc Cloud

Due to a new U.S. NSF policy requiring researchers to submit a data management plan as part of their funding requests, managing data has become an economic challenge...

From ACM TechNews

Nsf Seeks Cyber Infrastructure to Make Sense of Scientific Data

The National Science Foundation recently called on University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill researchers to develop a national data infrastructure that will help...

From ACM TechNews

With Big Data Comes Big Responsibilities

Researchers at the University of New South Wales and Microsoft presented a paper at the Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society that illustrates the...
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