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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computer Scientists Empower Citizen Scientists
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Empower Citizen Scientists

Binghamton University computer science professor Kenneth Chiu and his students have created a Web site that enables people to access large amounts of information...

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response

After 15 years of research, robots for search and rescue may be nearing prime time.

Data Streaming 2.0
From Communications of the ACM

Data Streaming 2.0

In today's real-time Web, data streaming applications no longer have the luxury of making multiple passes over a recorded data set.

Swarms of Helicopter Robots Could Create Huge 3-D Displays
From ACM News

Swarms of Helicopter Robots Could Create Huge 3-D Displays

The Flyfire project at MIT's SENSEable City Laboratory is creating tiny LED-equipped helicopters that will move in concert to create dramatic, free-form displays...

New Statistical Method Could Cut Computation Time for Genetic Studies
From ACM TechNews

New Statistical Method Could Cut Computation Time for Genetic Studies

UCLA researchers have developed a new computational strategy for genome-wide association studies, which enables the scanning of up to a million genetic markers...

Artists Mine Scientific Clues to Paint Intricate Portraits of the Past
From ACM News

Artists Mine Scientific Clues to Paint Intricate Portraits of the Past

Artists are still painting things they cannot see in real life. Rather than being separated from their subjects by thousands of miles, though, today’s artists are...

Network Gives Traffic Managers, Police Real-Time View of Road Conditions
From ACM TechNews

Network Gives Traffic Managers, Police Real-Time View of Road Conditions

University of Maryland researchers have developed the Regional Integrated Transportation Information System, a system that gives traffic managers and police in...

Collaboration With IBM to Speed Up 'the Cloud'
From ACM TechNews

Collaboration With IBM to Speed Up 'the Cloud'

Cornell University professor Hakim Weatherspoon and IBM researchers are studying the causes of data distortions and are developing ways for cloud computing applications...

A Swiss Army Knife For Analyzing Three-Dimensional Images
From ACM TechNews

A Swiss Army Knife For Analyzing Three-Dimensional Images

Howard Hughes Medical Institute computer scientists have developed V3D, a software suite that features tools for visualizing, analyzing, and measuring complex,...

From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Create a Multilingual Search Engine

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid researchers have developed a multilingual search engine that can query a data repository written in Interlingua using questions...

Experience Hubble's ­niverse in 3-D
From ACM News

Experience Hubble's ­niverse in 3-D

Supercomputers and 3-D models helped visualization specialists at the Space Telescope Science Institute transformed Hubble Telescope 2-D images into 3-D environments ...

From ACM News

Workshop to Focus on Preserving Digital Data

Experts on digital preservation will gather at a workshop at NIST in Gaithersburg, Md., later this month to develop a standards roadmap for long-term preservation...

Fingertip Bacteria: A Promising Forensic Tool
From ACM News

Fingertip Bacteria: A Promising Forensic Tool

It's not just our genomes that make us unique. The genomic profile of bacteria that rub off our fingertips and onto objects we touch--a computer keyboard, for instance...

Researchers Use Light From Leds to Send Data Wirelessly
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Use Light From Leds to Send Data Wirelessly

Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications researchers have experimented with using visible light from commercial light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to transmit data...

Analytical Eye: Viewing Through the Data Jungle
From ACM TechNews

Analytical Eye: Viewing Through the Data Jungle

Visualization techniques can help improve the understanding of the large volumes of data people accumulate, according to researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute...

Computer Algorithm 'reads' Memories
From ACM News

Computer Algorithm 'reads' Memories

Computer algorithms developed at University College London (UCL) can predict which of three short films a person is thinking about, just by looking at their brain...

From ACM News

Research Streamlines Data Processing To Solve Problems More Efficiently

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a new analytical method that opens the door to faster processing of large amounts of information,...

From ACM TechNews

Context Is Ev . . . Well, Something, Anyway

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a way to improve object recognition systems by using information about their context. 

A Little Black Box to Jog Failing Memory
From ACM News

A Little Black Box to Jog Failing Memory

On a cold, wet afternoon not long ago, Aron Reznick sat in the lounge of a home for the elderly here, his silver hair neatly combed, his memory a fog. He couldMicrosoft’s...

Robot Bred in Wales to Seek Life on Red Planet
From ACM TechNews

Robot Bred in Wales to Seek Life on Red Planet

Aberystwyth University researcher Stephen Pugh has developed a picture-taking robot designed to look for signs of life on Mars. Pugh is fine-tuning the robot's...
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