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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

SMART Announces Successful Way to Commercially Manufacture Novel Integrated Silicon III-V Chips
From ACM TechNews

SMART Announces Successful Way to Commercially Manufacture Novel Integrated Silicon III-V Chips

Researchers have developed a commercially viable method of creating new silicon III-V chips, a breakthrough that could lead to intelligent optoelectronic and 5G...

Vietnam Developer, Sumitomo Join to Build $4B Smart City
From ACM TechNews

Vietnam Developer, Sumitomo Join to Build $4B Smart City

Vietnamese developer BRG Group and Japanese trading company Sumitomo have announced a $4.21-billion smart-city development on the outskirts of Hanoi to begin next...

Biggest Brands Embrace an Obscure Online Subculture
From ACM News

Biggest Brands Embrace an Obscure Online Subculture

For years, the "Extremely Online" have shared the latest Internet memes and inside jokes. Now companies are doing the same.

AAA Warns Pedestrian Detection Systems Don't Work When Needed Most
From ACM News

AAA Warns Pedestrian Detection Systems Don't Work When Needed Most

Study finds safety systems fail at night, when the majority of pedestrian vehicle fatalities occur.

An AI Pioneer Wants His Algorithms to Understand the 'Why'
From ACM TechNews

An AI Pioneer Wants His Algorithms to Understand the 'Why'

Yoshua Bengio, co-recipient of the 2018 ACM A.M. Turing Award, thinks artificial intelligence will not realize its full potential until it can learn more about...

Space Station Experiment Makes Meat in Microgravity Using 3D Bioprinter
From ACM TechNews

Space Station Experiment Makes Meat in Microgravity Using 3D Bioprinter

A 3D bioprinter fabricated a beef steak aboard the International Space Station thanks to a collaboration of Aleph Farms and 3D Bioprinting Solutions.

Encryption System Protects Data from Quantum Computers
From ACM TechNews

Encryption System Protects Data from Quantum Computers

IBM researchers have demonstrated a quantum-proof encryption method called CRYSTALS that can successfully encrypt a magnetic-tap storage device.  

La Trobe University Swaps Textbooks for VR, AR
From ACM TechNews

La Trobe University Swaps Textbooks for VR, AR

La Trobe University will swap out textbooks for augmented reality and virtual reality to teach anatomy as part of a 12-week pilot program.

Academics Find Vulnerabilities in Android's VoIP Components
From ACM TechNews

Academics Find Vulnerabilities in Android's VoIP Components

Scientists at China's OPPO ZIWU Cyber Security Lab, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Singapore Management University identified eight flaws in Android's...

Novartis, Microsoft Join Forces to Develop Drugs Using AI
From ACM TechNews

Novartis, Microsoft Join Forces to Develop Drugs Using AI

Novartis and Microsoft have agreed to a five-year partnership to use artificial intelligence (AI) to develop new drugs faster, and with greater precision.

Your Next Vacation Is Written on Your Face
From ACM TechNews

Your Next Vacation Is Written on Your Face

Travel companies are using sophisticated technology to help understand what people like.

Underwater Drones Make Waves
From ACM News

Underwater Drones Make Waves

Underwater drones offer scientists a glimpse into the world's least-known frontier.

Decade of Cybersecurity Data Could Predict Future Malicious Online Activity
From ACM TechNews

Decade of Cybersecurity Data Could Predict Future Malicious Online Activity

Researchers have developed a comprehensive dataset of the global cybersecurity threat landscape from 2007 to 2017, to help cybersecurity specialists derive new...

That Music You're Dancing To? It's Code
From ACM TechNews

That Music You're Dancing To? It's Code

Sonic Pi is a coding language that may be used to construct melodies in real time at live coding shows.

System Helps Smart Devices Find Their Position
From ACM TechNews

System Helps Smart Devices Find Their Position

A new system helps networks of smart devices find their positions in environments where GPS usually fails.

App Detects Eye Disease in Personal Photos
From ACM TechNews

App Detects Eye Disease in Personal Photos

Baylor University researchers have developed a free smartphone app that uses machine learning to flag eye disease from personal photos, as much as a year ahead...

Teen Hackers Try to Convince Parents They Are Up to Good
From ACM TechNews

Teen Hackers Try to Convince Parents They Are Up to Good

U.S. teenagers are forming hacking clubs and attempting to persuade their parents and teachers that hacking is not necessarily a malign vocation.

IBM Hackathon Winner Helps Fight Rash of Wasted Food
From ACM TechNews

IBM Hackathon Winner Helps Fight Rash of Wasted Food

A group called FreShip was named the winner of IBM’s Food Waste Developer Challenge, a hackathon that tasked U.S. developers to create food-waste-combatting solutions...

'It's Going to be a Revolution': Driverless Cars in New London Trial
From ACM TechNews

'It's Going to be a Revolution': Driverless Cars in New London Trial

Driverless cars completed their first major street test in London this week.

People Are Overconfident About Identifying Phishing Emails
From ACM TechNews

People Are Overconfident About Identifying Phishing Emails

The results of a new study suggest that people may be overconfident in their ability to identify email phishing scams.
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