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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Algorithm That Makes Preschoolers Obsessed With Youtube
From ACM News

The Algorithm That Makes Preschoolers Obsessed With Youtube

Toddlers crave power. Too bad for them, they have none. Hence the tantrums and absurd demands.

Smart Contact Lenses and Eye Implants Will Give Doctors Medical Insights
From ACM News

Smart Contact Lenses and Eye Implants Will Give Doctors Medical Insights

Poets say the eyes are a window to the soul. But biomedical engineers are using the eyes to gain insight into the body.

New Camera Designed By Stanford Researchers Could Improve Robot Vision and Virtual Reality
From ACM TechNews

New Camera Designed By Stanford Researchers Could Improve Robot Vision and Virtual Reality

A new four-dimensional camera captures almost 140 degrees of information, with implications for robot visual perception and virtual reality.

Neural Nets Model Audience Reactions to Movies
From ACM TechNews

Neural Nets Model Audience Reactions to Movies

Disney researchers applied deep-learning neural networks to develop a new way of evaluating movie audiences' reactions using facial expressions.

Reshaping Computer-Aided Design
From ACM TechNews

Reshaping Computer-Aided Design

Researchers have developed InstantCAD to facilitate interactive real-time editing, enhancement, and optimization of computer-aided design  models via a simpler...

The Rise of AI Is Forcing Google and Microsoft to Become Chipmakers
From ACM News

The Rise of AI Is Forcing Google and Microsoft to Become Chipmakers

By now our future is clear: We are to be cared for, entertained, and monetized by artificial intelligence.

Saturn Surprises As Cassini Continues its Grand Finale
From ACM News

Saturn Surprises As Cassini Continues its Grand Finale

As NASA's Cassini spacecraft makes its unprecedented series of weekly dives between Saturn and its rings, scientists are finding—so far—that the planet's magnetic...

Holograms Taken to New Dimension
From ACM TechNews

Holograms Taken to New Dimension

Researchers say they have developed a method to create inexpensive full-color two- and three-dimensional holograms.

Level ­p: How Video Games Evolved to Solve Significant Scientific Problems
From ACM News

Level ­p: How Video Games Evolved to Solve Significant Scientific Problems

In the early 1950s, just as rock 'n' roll was hinting at social change, the first video games were quietly being designed in the form of technology demonstrations—and...

Concerned About Connected Car Privacy? Bluetooth Sensors Used to Track Traffic
From ACM News

Concerned About Connected Car Privacy? Bluetooth Sensors Used to Track Traffic

One big promise of the connected car revolution has been the potential to help clear up traffic problems.

DARPA Calls For Post-Moore Ideas
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Calls For Post-Moore Ideas

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Electronics Resurgence Initiative aims to cultivate partnerships and advance progress of post-Moore's Law technologies...

Who Will Control the Swarm?
From ACM TechNews

Who Will Control the Swarm?

Researchers at Stanford University believe future device swarms will operate via centralized management.

Bikes May Have to Talk to Self-Driving Cars For Safety's Sake
From ACM TechNews

Bikes May Have to Talk to Self-Driving Cars For Safety's Sake

Researchers envision bicycles communicating with autonomous vehicles so the latter can predict cyclists' movements.

Iarpa Announces Map of the World Challenge For Satellite Imagery
From ACM TechNews

Iarpa Announces Map of the World Challenge For Satellite Imagery

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity has launched the functional Map of the World Challenge.

The Emerging Science of Computational Psychiatry
From ACM News

The Emerging Science of Computational Psychiatry

Machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing the study and understanding of mental illness.

Hacker-Proof Coding
From Communications of the ACM

Hacker-Proof Coding

Software verification helps find the faults, preventing hacks.

Pittsburgh Gets a Tech Makeover
From ACM Careers

Pittsburgh Gets a Tech Makeover

In 2015, Monocle magazine, a favorite read of the global hipsterati, published an enthusiastic report on Lawrenceville, the former blue-collar neighborhood here...

From Mars Rover: Panorama Above 'perseverance Valley'
From ACM News

From Mars Rover: Panorama Above 'perseverance Valley'

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity recorded a panoramic view before entering the upper end of a fluid-carved valley that descends the inner slope of a large...

We Could Build a Galactic Internet but It May Take 300,000 Years
From ACM News

We Could Build a Galactic Internet but It May Take 300,000 Years

If there are advanced alien civilizations in the Milky Way, we ought to be thinking about how to say hello to our neighbours.

Robot Physical Therapist Helps People Walk Again After a Stroke
From ACM TechNews

Robot Physical Therapist Helps People Walk Again After a Stroke

A new smart harness uses artificial intelligence to help people regain their mobility following certain neurological injuries.
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