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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Coach Will Train Hopeless Chatbots to Pass the Turing Test
From ACM News

AI Coach Will Train Hopeless Chatbots to Pass the Turing Test

"I can't define obscenity, but I know it when I see it." US Justice Potter Stewart's famous turn of phrase could also be an apt description of the Turing test,...

Technology That Could Revolutionize Banking
From ACM News

Technology That Could Revolutionize Banking

The Ripple cryptocurrency is being used by global banks to speed cross-border payments.

How Can We Stop Algorithms Telling Lies?
From ACM News

How Can We Stop Algorithms Telling Lies?

Algorithms can dictate whether you get a mortgage or how much you pay for insurance. But sometimes they're wrong – and sometimes they are designed to deceive.

The Search For the Solar System's Most Likely Place For Life
From ACM News

The Search For the Solar System's Most Likely Place For Life

Chris McKay has fallen out of love with Mars. The red, dusty, corroded world no longer holds the allure it once did.

New Nasa Tech Kills Trespassing Drones Without Touching Them
From ACM News

New Nasa Tech Kills Trespassing Drones Without Touching Them

In the most nightmarish drone scenarios, one of the little whirlybirds flies into an airliner, or wanders into military airspace, or swoops down on the White House...

Wheelchairs Get Robotic Retrofit to Become Self-Driving
From ACM TechNews

Wheelchairs Get Robotic Retrofit to Become Self-Driving

Researchers have used sensors and artificial intelligence to create self-driving electric wheelchairs.

Watch 3-D Movies at Home, Sans Glasses
From ACM TechNews

Watch 3-D Movies at Home, Sans Glasses

"Home3D" allows users to watch three-dimensional movies without wearing special glasses.

Nasa Video Soars Over Pluto's Majestic Mountains and Icy Plains
From ACM News

Nasa Video Soars Over Pluto's Majestic Mountains and Icy Plains

 In July 2015, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft sent home the first close-up pictures of Pluto and its moons – amazing imagery that inspired many to wonder what a...

­S to Create Independent Military Cyber Command
From ACM Careers

­S to Create Independent Military Cyber Command

After months of delay, the Trump administration is finalizing plans to revamp the nation's military command for defensive and offensive cyber operations in hopes...

Elon Musk Lays Out Worst-Case Scenario For AI Threat
From ACM News

Elon Musk Lays Out Worst-Case Scenario For AI Threat

Powerful technology will threaten all human jobs, could even spark a war, Tesla CEO says.

Want a Robot that Can Really Feel? Give It Whiskers
From ACM News

Want a Robot that Can Really Feel? Give It Whiskers

Among the many reasons humans are bizarre among mammals (the dearth of body hair, the bipedalism, the fact that someone invented the turducken) is a sad shortcoming...

Intel, While Pivoting to Artificial Intelligence, Tries to Protect Lead
From ACM Careers

Intel, While Pivoting to Artificial Intelligence, Tries to Protect Lead

The computers in modern data centers—the engine rooms of the digital economy—are powered mainly by Intel chips.

How Fake News Goes Viral; Here's the Math 
From ACM News

How Fake News Goes Viral; Here's the Math 

NASA runs a child-slave colony on Mars!

Nasa's Juno Spacecraft Spots Jupiter's Great Red Spot
From ACM News

Nasa's Juno Spacecraft Spots Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Images of Jupiter's Great Red Spot reveal a tangle of dark, veinous clouds weaving their way through a massive crimson oval.

Here's a Peek at the Iphone's Next Big Trick
From ACM News

Here's a Peek at the Iphone's Next Big Trick

We've all heard about the promise of augmented reality coming to the iPhone. With iOS 11 due later this year, Apple is releasing ARKit–a software that allows developers...

Stanford Researchers Find Intriguing Clues About Obesity By Counting Steps Via Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Researchers Find Intriguing Clues About Obesity By Counting Steps Via Smartphones

Stanford University researchers found that in countries with little obesity, people mostly walked a similar amount per day.

­sing Chip Memory More Efficiently
From ACM TechNews

­sing Chip Memory More Efficiently

Jenga is a new system that reallocates a chip's memory cache access in real time to create "cache hierarchies" designed to the needs of particular programs.

­a Pioneers More Effective Control For Border Patrol
From ACM TechNews

­a Pioneers More Effective Control For Border Patrol

Researchers are developing a framework for border surveillance that uses artificial intelligence to integrate data from different sources and respond in real time...

AI Research Seeks to Grow Trust Between Humans and Computers
From ACM TechNews

AI Research Seeks to Grow Trust Between Humans and Computers

Researchers have received a $7.55-million grant to find new ways to have artificial intelligence explain its decision-making process to human users.

Inside Earth, Visualized: Hd Video Models Planet's Core
From ACM News

Inside Earth, Visualized: Hd Video Models Planet's Core

Were it not for our Earth's magnetic field, the planet would be bombarded by charged particles from the sun.
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