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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computer Scientists Have Created the Most Accurate Digital Model of a Human Face
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Have Created the Most Accurate Digital Model of a Human Face

Imperial College London researchers have automated the generation of three-dimensional morphable models used to represent human faces.

The AI Revolution Is Making Game Characters Move More Realistically
From ACM News

The AI Revolution Is Making Game Characters Move More Realistically

When we talk about artificial intelligence in games, we usually picture smarter or more realistic enemies that don't come off as mindless automatons.

An Ostrich-Like Robot Pushes the Limits of Legged Locomotion
From ACM News

An Ostrich-Like Robot Pushes the Limits of Legged Locomotion

What looks like a tiny mechanical ostrich chasing after a car is actually a significant leap forward for robot-kind.

Can Social Networks Help You Get Into Shape?
From ACM TechNews

Can Social Networks Help You Get Into Shape?

Researchers at the University of Southern California are studying whether social networks can help make people healthier.

Disney Projection System Shines Makeup on Actors During Live Performances
From ACM TechNews

Disney Projection System Shines Makeup on Actors During Live Performances

The Makeup Lamps system tracks an actor's movements and expressions during live stage performances so the actor's face can be painted with light.

Hybrid Digital-Analog Circuits Can Increase Computational Power of Chaos-Based Systems
From ACM TechNews

Hybrid Digital-Analog Circuits Can Increase Computational Power of Chaos-Based Systems

Combining digital and analog elements in nonlinear, chaos-based integrated circuits boosts their computational power by enabling a larger number of inputs to be...

Beyond Moore's Law
From ACM News

Beyond Moore's Law

Chipmakers are exploring what comes after they reach the predicted limits of integrated circuit density, complexity.

Researchers Examining How State-of-the-Art Camera That Mimics Human Eye Could Benefit Robots and Smart Devices
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Examining How State-of-the-Art Camera That Mimics Human Eye Could Benefit Robots and Smart Devices

Researchers are developing a camera-based artificial vision system for robots and smart devices that simulates the human eye.

Meet the People Who Train the Robots (to Do Their Own Jobs)
From ACM Careers

Meet the People Who Train the Robots (to Do Their Own Jobs)

What if part of your job became teaching a computer everything you know about doing someone's job—perhaps your own?

Mapping the Edge of Reality
From ACM TechNews

Mapping the Edge of Reality

Researchers have developed a genetic algorithm to confirm the rejection of classical ideas of causality.

The Pentagon's Seek-and-Destroy Mission For Counterfeit Electronics
From ACM News

The Pentagon's Seek-and-Destroy Mission For Counterfeit Electronics

The Pentagon has known for years that a significant number of the replacement parts it buys for its missile guidance and satellite systems contain substandard counterfeit...

Nasa Spacecraft Dives Between Saturn and Its Rings
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Dives Between Saturn and Its Rings

NASA's Cassini spacecraft is back in contact with Earth after its successful first-ever dive through the narrow gap between the planet Saturn and its rings on April...

Wireless Power Could Enable Ingestible Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Wireless Power Could Enable Ingestible Electronics

Researchers have developed a method for wirelessly powering ingestible electronic devices.

When Artificial Intelligence Evaluates Chess Champions
From ACM TechNews

When Artificial Intelligence Evaluates Chess Champions

Jean-Marc Alliot at the Computer Science Research Institute of Toulouse in France has developed a system that directly ranks chess players based on the quality...

The Next Era of Drones Will Be Defined By 'swarms' 
From ACM News

The Next Era of Drones Will Be Defined By 'swarms' 

What do you picture when you think of a drone?

Supercomputing: Probing the Future
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing: Probing the Future

A new automated probe system for gauging the performance of computer elements is designed to run 100 times faster than current supercomputers, while consuming far...

How the ­pdate Framework Improves Security of Software ­pdates
From ACM TechNews

How the ­pdate Framework Improves Security of Software ­pdates

New York University professor Justin Cappos has been developing The Update Framework (TUF) for eight years to help organizations update their software securely....

New Dependent Routing Technique Helps Eliminate Algorithmic Bias
From ACM TechNews

New Dependent Routing Technique Helps Eliminate Algorithmic Bias

Researchers have developed a new method to counter algorithmic bias, with the goal of proving algorithms can guarantee fairness in resource allocation.

New Method Enables More Realistic Hair Simulation
From ACM TechNews

New Method Enables More Realistic Hair Simulation

Disney researchers say they have developed a new method that makes it possible to realistically simulate hair by observing real hair in motion.

'iceball' Planet Discovered Through Microlensing
From ACM News

'iceball' Planet Discovered Through Microlensing

Scientists have discovered a new planet with the mass of Earth, orbiting its star at the same distance that we orbit our sun.
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