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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa
From ACM Careers

Call of Cyber Duty: Military Academies Take on Nsa

If Douglas MacArthur or Ulysses S. Grant went to the U.S. Military Academy today, they might be testing their defensive skills hunched in front of a computer screen...

Hard Disk Pioneer Stuart Parkin Wins Millennium Prize
From ACM News

Hard Disk Pioneer Stuart Parkin Wins Millennium Prize

Prof Stuart Parkin developed a type of data-reading head capable of detecting weaker and smaller signals than had previously been possible.

Is Fingerprint Security Reliable?
From ACM News

Is Fingerprint Security Reliable?

The strength of biometric locks on Apple's and Samsung's new phones may lie in their convenience.

New 'switch' Could Power Quantum Computing
From ACM News

New 'switch' Could Power Quantum Computing

Using a laser to place individual rubidium atoms near the surface of a lattice of light, scientists at MIT and Harvard University have developed a new method for...

Supreme Court Weighing When Online Speech Becomes Illegal Threat
From ACM News

Supreme Court Weighing When Online Speech Becomes Illegal Threat

When does an online threat become worthy of criminal prosecution?

Meet Your Unborn Child—before It's Even Conceived
From ACM News

Meet Your Unborn Child—before It's Even Conceived

Will my baby be healthy?

How the U.s. Built the World's Most Ridiculously Accurate Atomic Clock
From ACM News

How the U.s. Built the World's Most Ridiculously Accurate Atomic Clock

Throw out that lame old atomic clock that's only accurate to a few tens of quadrillionths of a second.

Sri Wearable Robots Make Soldiers Better, Stronger, Faster
From ACM News

Sri Wearable Robots Make Soldiers Better, Stronger, Faster

In the heart of Silicon Valley, lining the wall in one of the world’s most advanced robotics labs, is a row of sewing machines.

Twitter Is Surprisingly Accurate at Predicting Unemployment
From ACM News

Twitter Is Surprisingly Accurate at Predicting Unemployment

Twitter is full of relative junk: tweets you don't want to read from people you're not all that interested in knowing, almost all of them chiming in on topics (see ...

Off the Shelf, on the Skin: Stick-On Electronic Patches For Health Monitoring
From ACM TechNews

Off the Shelf, on the Skin: Stick-On Electronic Patches For Health Monitoring

Researchers have developed stick-on patches that incorporate commercial, off-the-shelf chip-based electronics for sophisticated wireless health monitoring. 

Hackers Lurking in Vents and Soda Machines
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Lurking in Vents and Soda Machines

Hackers are exploiting overlooked vulnerabilities in third-party access points ranging from online restaurant menus to soda machines to heating and cooling systems...

Stanford Computer Scientists Learn to Predict Which Photos Will Go Viral on Facebook
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Computer Scientists Learn to Predict Which Photos Will Go Viral on Facebook

Stanford University researchers have developed a method for predicting which photos on Facebook will go viral. 

The Bug that Rocked the Foundations of the Web
From ACM News

The Bug that Rocked the Foundations of the Web

Late on Monday afternoon, the details of one of the most serious security problems to ever affect the modern web were posted online.

Hackers Lurking in Vents and Soda Machines
From ACM News

Hackers Lurking in Vents and Soda Machines

They came in through the Chinese takeout menu.

Steve Matteson: Fonts in the Time of Wearables
From ACM Opinion

Steve Matteson: Fonts in the Time of Wearables

As gadgets get smaller, and mobile manufacturers find new ways to shrink their devices to fit on a user's wrist, people like Steve Matteson are focused on keeping...

High-Tech Items Giving Deaf-Blind Online Access
From ACM News

High-Tech Items Giving Deaf-Blind Online Access

Tanisha Verdejo loves to surf the Internet for shopping deals. She chats on Facebook, learns about new recipes and enjoys sending emails to friends and family.

5 Biometric Alternatives to the Password
From ACM News

5 Biometric Alternatives to the Password

There are many things that make you special: Your sense of humor, your dance moves, your personal style, the shape of your ear.

As Human Laws Grapple with Robots, There Are No Easy Answers
From ACM News

As Human Laws Grapple with Robots, There Are No Easy Answers

There's been a lot of buzz about robots lately.

The Complexonaut
From ACM Opinion

The Complexonaut

When he was in elementary school, Scott Aaronson, like many mathematically precocious kids of his generation, dreamed of making his own video games.

A Veteran Programmer Explains How the Stock Market Became "Rigged"
From ACM Opinion

A Veteran Programmer Explains How the Stock Market Became "Rigged"

A small group of financial firms are using their technological superiority to skim the top off the market, Michael Lewis claims in his new book "Flash Boys."
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