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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Explore Angkor Wat with Google Street View
From ACM News

Explore Angkor Wat with Google Street View

Angkor, what remains of the capital of the Khmer Empire, is an incredibly beautiful place, but it's also very remote: tucked in the Cambodian jungle, at the intersection...

How Your Location Data Is Being Used to Predict the Events You Will Want to Attend
From ACM TechNews

How Your Location Data Is Being Used to Predict the Events You Will Want to Attend

Researchers are tapping data from location-based social media network Foursquare to learn what makes people more likely to attend one event rather than another.

Harnessing the Power of Hashtags to Tackle Climate Change
From ACM TechNews

Harnessing the Power of Hashtags to Tackle Climate Change

The #Climate mobile app is designed to help build momentum for climate change policies by connecting influential persons to nonprofits via a social network model...

A Fundamental Theory to Model the Mind
From ACM News

A Fundamental Theory to Model the Mind

In 1999, the Danish physicist Per Bak proclaimed to a group of neuroscientists that it had taken him only 10 minutes to determine where the field had gone wrong...

If You Like Immersion, You'll Love This Reality
From ACM Opinion

If You Like Immersion, You'll Love This Reality

The news that Facebook paid $2 billion for a virtual reality start-up, Oculus VR, might strike you as a bit zany.

Cheaper Joints and Digits Bring the Robot Revolution Closer
From ACM News

Cheaper Joints and Digits Bring the Robot Revolution Closer

The Atlas humanoid robot, unveiled last year by Boston Dynamics, a company later acquired by Google, is a marvel.

Orienteering For Robots
From ACM News

Orienteering For Robots

Suppose you're trying to navigate an unfamiliar section of a big city, and you’re using a particular cluster of skyscrapers as a reference point.

The Story of Cortana, Microsoft's Siri Killer
From ACM Opinion

The Story of Cortana, Microsoft's Siri Killer

Technically, Cortana isn't supposed to exist for at least another 500 years, but that's not stopping Microsoft from bringing her to life this week.

NASA Space Assets Detect Ocean inside Saturn Moon
From ACM News

NASA Space Assets Detect Ocean inside Saturn Moon

NASA's Cassini spacecraft and Deep Space Network have uncovered evidence Saturn's moon Enceladus harbors a large underground ocean of liquid water, furthering scientific...

In the Long Run: Keeping Track of Athletes with Wearable Tech
From ACM TechNews

In the Long Run: Keeping Track of Athletes with Wearable Tech

Researchers have developed a wireless position location system that works anywhere conventional global-positioning systems satellites cannot reach.

With California's Red Light Cameras, Are Pictures Admissible Evidence?
From ACM News

With California's Red Light Cameras, Are Pictures Admissible Evidence?

Carmen Goldsmith was driving her BMW through Inglewood, a Los Angeles suburb, when she ran a red light.

Physicists Are Building an Nsa-Proof Internet
From ACM News

Physicists Are Building an Nsa-Proof Internet

It's long been the Holy Grail of communications: technology that not only maximizes privacy, but also reveals when a message had been intercepted or copied.

Wanna Build a Rocket? Nasa's About to Give Away a Mountain of Its Code
From ACM News

Wanna Build a Rocket? Nasa's About to Give Away a Mountain of Its Code

Forty years after Apollo 11 landed on the moon, NASA open sourced the software code that ran the guidance systems on the lunar module.

'electronic Skin' Equipped with Memory
From ACM News

'electronic Skin' Equipped with Memory

Researchers have created a wearable device that is as thin as a temporary tattoo and can store and transmit data about a person's movements, receive diagnostic...

Vint Cerf: CS Changes Needed To Address Iot Security, Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Vint Cerf: CS Changes Needed To Address Iot Security, Privacy

The Internet of Things has tremendous potential but also poses a tremendous risk if the underlying security of Internet of Things devices is not taken into account...

Twitter Maps Show Americans' Beer Preferences
From ACM TechNews

Twitter Maps Show Americans' Beer Preferences

University of Kentucky (UK) researchers mapped tweets to discover the real-world preferences of brews and beer brands in the United States. 

Optical Information Processing on Chips Inspired by Human Brain
From ACM TechNews

Optical Information Processing on Chips Inspired by Human Brain

The way the human brain works is the inspiration for a new technique for optical information processing on chips. 

NSA Performed Warrantless Searches on Americans' Calls and Emails
From ACM TechNews

NSA Performed Warrantless Searches on Americans' Calls and Emails

The U.S. National Security Agency has performed warrantless searches of its databases to obtain data from Americans' phone calls and emails. 

While Warning of Chinese Cyberthreat, ­.s. Launches Its Own Attack
From ACM Opinion

While Warning of Chinese Cyberthreat, ­.s. Launches Its Own Attack

The U.S. government has long complained about Chinese hacking and cyberattacks, but new documents show that the National Security Agency managed to penetrate the...

Exomars Scientists Narrow Down Landing Sites
From ACM News

Exomars Scientists Narrow Down Landing Sites

Scientists have picked four potential landing sites for a European rover designed to search for life on Mars.
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