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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo, Google Data Centers Worldwide, Snowden Documents Say
From ACM News

NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo, Google Data Centers Worldwide, Snowden Documents Say

The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents...

The Clever Circuit That Doubles Bandwidth
From ACM News

The Clever Circuit That Doubles Bandwidth

A startup spun out of Stanford says it has solved an age-old problem in radio communications with a new circuit and algorithm that allow data to be sent and received...

Web Giants Threaten End to Cookie Tracking
From ACM News

Web Giants Threaten End to Cookie Tracking

The end could be near for cookies, the tiny pieces of code that marketers deploy on Web browsers to track people's online movements, serve targeted advertising,...

Dm Warns of Enemies' Cyber War Against Iran
From ACM News

Dm Warns of Enemies' Cyber War Against Iran

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan warned of enemies' possible plots to wage a cyber war against the country to destroy Iran's scientific...

Driverless Cars Are Further Away Than You Think
From ACM Opinion

Driverless Cars Are Further Away Than You Think

A silver BMW 5 Series is weaving through traffic at roughly 120 kilometers per hour (75 mph) on a freeway that cuts northeast through Bavaria between Munich and...

The Information-Gathering Paradox
From ACM Opinion

The Information-Gathering Paradox

Consumer trust is a vital currency for every big Internet company, which helps to explain why the giants of Silicon Valley have gone to great lengths in recent...

Why Facebook Is Teaching Its Machines to Think Like Humans
From ACM TechNews

Why Facebook Is Teaching Its Machines to Think Like Humans

Facebook is turning to deep learning to teach computers to more closely imitate the human brain, with the goal of gaining greater insight into individual users. ...

­.k. Official ­rges ­.s. Government to Adopt a Digital Core
From ACM Opinion

­.k. Official ­rges ­.s. Government to Adopt a Digital Core

When he read about the technical failures plaguing, Mike Bracken said it felt like a real-life version of the movie Groundhog Day.

In Cyberarms Race, North Korea Emerging As a Power, Not a Pushover
From ACM News

In Cyberarms Race, North Korea Emerging As a Power, Not a Pushover

Often dismissed as a laggard in the global cyberarms race, North Korea has long been seen as a chronic cyber-superpower wannabe.

The Secrets of Online Money Laundering
From ACM News

The Secrets of Online Money Laundering

Money laundering is increasingly becoming a cybercrime.

The Cybersecurity Industry Is Hiring, But Young People Aren't Interested
From ACM Careers

The Cybersecurity Industry Is Hiring, But Young People Aren't Interested

Check it out, I'm working on a reboot of The Graduate, set in 2013.

Last Command Sent to Planck Space Telescope
From ACM News

Last Command Sent to Planck Space Telescope

The Planck space telescope has been turned off after spending nearly 4.5 years soaking up the relic radiation from the Big Bang and studying the evolution of stars...

Google: 'where Will Future Quantum Computer Scientists Come From? Our Best Guess: Minecraft'
From ACM Careers

Google: 'where Will Future Quantum Computer Scientists Come From? Our Best Guess: Minecraft'

Google is hoping to inspire children's interest in quantum computing by using one of their favourite digital pastimes: Minecraft.

Legal Issues with Robots
From Communications of the ACM

Legal Issues with Robots

Who is responsible when property is damaged or someone is injured by an automated system? Existing product liability laws have not yet been tested in the context...

IBM ­nveils Computer Fed By 'electronic Blood'
From ACM TechNews

IBM ­nveils Computer Fed By 'electronic Blood'

IBM has released a prototype of a computer modeled after the human brain that uses liquid both to fuel and cool the system. 

Wall Street Banks Learn How to Survive in Staged Cyber Attack
From ACM News

Wall Street Banks Learn How to Survive in Staged Cyber Attack

In a staged simulation called Quantum Dawn 2, bank executives in charge of operations, technology, and crisis planning were tasked with detecting how a massive...

Contractors See Weeks of Work on Health Site
From ACM News

Contractors See Weeks of Work on Health Site

Federal contractors have identified most of the main problems crippling President Obama's online health insurance marketplace, but the administration has been slow...

From ACM News

Big Data Heralds Return of the Cray Supercomputer

"Big data" means big computers, and good news for Cray Inc.

Managing the Deluge of 'big Data' From Space
From ACM News

Managing the Deluge of 'big Data' From Space

For NASA and its dozens of missions, data pour in every day like rushing rivers.

Ibm Seeks to Marry Biological and Artificial Computing
From ACM TechNews

Ibm Seeks to Marry Biological and Artificial Computing

IBM is seeking insights about biological and artificial computing by building next-generation systems that meld concepts from both worlds. 
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