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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Real Reasons Apple's 64-Bit A7 Chip Makes Sense
From ACM Opinion

The Real Reasons Apple's 64-Bit A7 Chip Makes Sense

Apple injected a lot of marketing hyperbole into its claims about the wonders of 64-bit computing when it showed off the A7 processor at the heart of the new ...

Tackling Enterprise Threats From the Internet of Things
From ACM TechNews

Tackling Enterprise Threats From the Internet of Things

Security experts warn that a dire threat is posed by the poor security of the Internet of Things.

New Approach to Making Graphene Could Lead to Workable Transistors
From ACM News

New Approach to Making Graphene Could Lead to Workable Transistors

Researchers at Stanford have used DNA as a template to synthesize ultra-thin ribbons of graphene directly on silicon wafers. This new approach could ultimately...

Intel's Extensive Makeover
From ACM Careers

Intel's Extensive Makeover

While Apple talked about a couple of new products on Tuesday, Intel, with much less fanfare, talked about the transformation of a world, and itself.

Team Attempts to Restore Communications
From ACM News

Team Attempts to Restore Communications

Ground controllers have been unable to communicate with NASA's long-lived Deep Impact spacecraft.

Imagining a Cyberattack on the Power Grid
From ACM Opinion

Imagining a Cyberattack on the Power Grid

It's electrifying.

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions
From ACM News

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions

The birth of artificial-intelligence research as an autonomous discipline is generally thought to have been the monthlong Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial...

Open Source Career Opportunities Continue to Abound
From ACM TechNews

Open Source Career Opportunities Continue to Abound

Open source jobs remain a consistent source of career growth for technology professionals, according to statistics from August 2012 to August 2013. 

Nsa Surveillance Makes For Strange Bedfellows
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Surveillance Makes For Strange Bedfellows

The controversy over U.S. government surveillance has produced a king-size collection of strange bedfellows. Beneath the covers one finds both amusing ironies and...

The Big Data Employment Boom
From ACM Careers

The Big Data Employment Boom

Big data has been favorably cast as "the new oil" and held up as the economic counterweight to America's sinking manufacturing sector.

How the N.S.A Cracked the Web
From ACM News

How the N.S.A Cracked the Web

It's been nearly three months since Edward Snowden started telling the world about the National Security Agency's mass surveillance of global communications.

Quantum Chip Connected to Internet Is Yours to Command
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Chip Connected to Internet Is Yours to Command

University of Bristol researchers have brought quantum computing to the cloud, enabling anyone with a Web browser to be able to log in and run basic algorithms...

Tech Pioneer Vint Cerf on the Age of Context and Why You Can't Be a Citizen of the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Tech Pioneer Vint Cerf on the Age of Context and Why You Can't Be a Citizen of the Internet

Few people have as much claim as Vint Cerf to the title "Father of the Internet," but as the technologies he helped develop in the 1970s and 1980s become increasingly...

Your Phone Is Blabbing Your Location to Anyone Who Will Listen
From ACM News

Your Phone Is Blabbing Your Location to Anyone Who Will Listen

Everywhere you go, your phone is sending out signals that can be assembled to form a picture of your movements.

Drug Agents ­se Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing N.s.a.'s
From ACM News

Drug Agents ­se Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing N.s.a.'s

For at least six years, law enforcement officials working on a counternarcotics program have had routine access, using subpoenas, to an enormous AT&T database that...

Adept Emphasizes Energy-Efficient Parallelism
From ACM TechNews

Adept Emphasizes Energy-Efficient Parallelism

The European Union-funded ADEPT project is exploring the energy-efficient use of parallel technologies. ADEPT aims to help high-performance computing software...

The Proof in the Quantum Pudding
From ACM News

The Proof in the Quantum Pudding

In early May, news reports gushed that a quantum computation device had for the first time outperformed classical computers, solving certain problems thousands...

How Syrian Hackers Found the New York Times's Australian Weak Spot
From ACM News

How Syrian Hackers Found the New York Times's Australian Weak Spot

A hacking attack launched by the Syrian Electronic Army may have targeted the New York Timesand other U.S. media companies, but the weak link was Melbourne IT (...

Cost-Saving Computer Chips Get Smaller Than Ever
From ACM TechNews

Cost-Saving Computer Chips Get Smaller Than Ever

The European Union is funding a project that seeks to improve the reliability of terascale computing by improving chip design. 

How Snowden Did It
From ACM News

How Snowden Did It

When Edward Snowden stole the crown jewels of the National Security Agency, he didn't need to use any sophisticated devices or software or go around any computer...
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