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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Millions for Crypto Start-Ups, No Real Names Necessary
From ACM News

Millions for Crypto Start-Ups, No Real Names Necessary

Investors give money to pseudonymous developers. Venture capitalists back founders without learning their real names. What happens when they need to know?

NHL Launching Faceoff Probability Stat with AWS Technology
From ACM TechNews

NHL Launching Faceoff Probability Stat with AWS Technology

The National Hockey League is launching a faceoff probability statistic, using Amazon Web Services to apply 10 years of data and in-game analytics.

Fingertip Sensitivity for Robots
From ACM TechNews

Fingertip Sensitivity for Robots

A thumb-shaped sensor with a camera inside uses computer vision and a deep neural network to infer haptic contact information.

VR Farm Tour Expands Access to Urban Agriculture
From ACM TechNews

VR Farm Tour Expands Access to Urban Agriculture

Cornell University researchers have created a virtual reality tour of New York City's Red Hook Farms.

Here Comes the Full Amazonification of Whole Foods
From ACM News

Here Comes the Full Amazonification of Whole Foods

A newly revamped store in Washington shows how thoroughly Amazon has woven itself into the grocery shopping experience.

Pioneering Simulations Focus on HIV-1 Virus
From ACM TechNews

Pioneering Simulations Focus on HIV-1 Virus

Researchers used supercomputers to generate the first biologically authentic computer simulations of the HIV-1 virus liposome and genome capsid.

Stanford Scientists Combine AI, Atomic-Scale Images in Pursuit of Better Batteries
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Scientists Combine AI, Atomic-Scale Images in Pursuit of Better Batteries

A research team analyzed atomic-scale microscopic images using artificial intelligence to understand why rechargeable batteries wear out, paving the way for better...

Russia Intensifies Censorship Campaign, Pressuring Tech Giants
From ACM News

Russia Intensifies Censorship Campaign, Pressuring Tech Giants

Google, Apple and others were warned that they must comply with a new law, which would make them more vulnerable to the Kremlin's censorship demands.

Perovskite Artificial Retina Can Read Handwritten Numbers
From ACM TechNews

Perovskite Artificial Retina Can Read Handwritten Numbers

Researchers at Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah University of Science and Technology have constructed an artificial retina from perovskite materials.

Using ML to Understand How Brain Cells Work
From ACM TechNews

Using ML to Understand How Brain Cells Work

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers used machine learning and artificial intelligence to better understand how interacting traits influence brain cells'...

The Quiet Way Advertisers Are Tracking Your Browsing
From ACM News

The Quiet Way Advertisers Are Tracking Your Browsing

Cookies are on the way out—but not enough is being done about browser fingerprinting. So what is it?

UC Berkeley Robot Navigation Could Chart New Course for Self-Driving Systems
From ACM News

UC Berkeley Robot Navigation Could Chart New Course for Self-Driving Systems

An approach that uses hours of video and elements of reinforcement learning can guide a robot vehicle almost two miles without a full map of the surroundings.

Deep Learning Toolbox Now Apparently Includes Ground-Up Glass
From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Toolbox Now Apparently Includes Ground-Up Glass

Scientists suggest ground-up pieces of glass could help in securely encrypting facial images via a new optical cryptosystem.

Brazilian Academics Create Automated Fake News Detection Platform
From ACM TechNews

Brazilian Academics Create Automated Fake News Detection Platform

A team of researchers has developed a Web platform that can automatically detect fake online news.

Robot Helps Dairy Workers Make Havarti, Danbo
From ACM TechNews

Robot Helps Dairy Workers Make Havarti, Danbo

A cheese robot created by Klavs Martin Sørensen at Denmark's University of Copenhagen is employed at Danish dairy company Arla to help with quality control.

Google, Waymo Used Driverless Cars to Make Virtual San Francisco
From ACM TechNews

Google, Waymo Used Driverless Cars to Make Virtual San Francisco

Researchers at driverless car company Waymo and Google Research used self-driving vehicles to create a virtual model of San Francisco.

Learning to Improve Chemical Reactions with AI
From ACM TechNews

Learning to Improve Chemical Reactions with AI

Researchers working with the Temporal Analysis of Products reactor system are using artificial intelligence to study the role of catalysts in chemical reactions...

Medical Digital Twins: a New Frontier
From ACM News

Medical Digital Twins: a New Frontier

Today, a digital twin of the pancreas; tomorrow, the immune system?

3D-Printed Heart Helps Save Life of Baby Girl with Rare Condition
From ACM TechNews

3D-Printed Heart Helps Save Life of Baby Girl with Rare Condition

U.K. surgeons saved the life of a baby girl with a rare heart condition using a three-dimensionally-printed model of her heart.

E-Nose Sniffs Out the Good Whiskey
From ACM TechNews

E-Nose Sniffs Out the Good Whiskey

New research describes an electronic nose that can analyze whiskies and identify a whiskey’s brand with over 95% accuracy after a single whiff.
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