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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

High-Speed Drones Revolutionizing How We Watch Winter Sports
From ACM TechNews

High-Speed Drones Revolutionizing How We Watch Winter Sports

Custom-built, high-speed racing drones are being used to film the Natural Selection Tour, the first time such technology has been used in live broadcast.

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere
From ACM TechNews

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere

The activities of tens of thousands of bubbles in foamy flows can be simulated computationally.

How Do You Teach a Goldfish to Drive? First, You Need a Vehicle
From ACM TechNews

How Do You Teach a Goldfish to Drive? First, You Need a Vehicle

Researchers are teaching animals how to drive, in order to understand how experience affects learning and how brains adapt to change.

Where a Thousand Digital Eyes Keep Watch Over the Elderly
From ACM TechNews

Where a Thousand Digital Eyes Keep Watch Over the Elderly

Over 1,000 sensors line the streets of the Itami suburb of Osaka, Japan, as part of an effort to track elderly people with dementia.

As Automakers Add Technology to Cars, Software Bugs Follow
From ACM News

As Automakers Add Technology to Cars, Software Bugs Follow

As automakers add technology to cars, software bugs follow.

Technique Improves AI Ability to Understand 3D Space Using 2D Images
From ACM TechNews

Technique Improves AI Ability to Understand 3D Space Using 2D Images

A new technique uses two-dimensional images to improve the ability of artificial intelligence programs to identify three-dimensional objects.

New Database Reveals How Much Humans Are Messing With Evolution
From ACM News

New Database Reveals How Much Humans Are Messing With Evolution

Some animals and plants are rapidly adapting to our warming, polluted world. How alarming that is depends on your perspective.

Student-Built Robot Rover on Track to Explore the Moon
From ACM TechNews

Student-Built Robot Rover on Track to Explore the Moon

Iris, a tiny wheeled robot built by students at Carnegie Mellon University, is expected to be the first uncrewed rover from the U.S. to explore the Moon.

Food-Tracking AI System to Reduce Malnutrition in LTC Homes
From ACM TechNews

Food-Tracking AI System to Reduce Malnutrition in LTC Homes

Researchers have developed a smart system that uses artificial intelligence to track food consumption by residents of long-term care communities.

The New Spy Wars
From ACM News

The New Spy Wars

A tale about Israel, Pegasus, and the world.

VR 'Shopping Task' Could Help Test for Cognitive Decline in Adults
From ACM TechNews

VR 'Shopping Task' Could Help Test for Cognitive Decline in Adults

A virtual reality test can be used to assess an individual's functional cognition, and eventually may be used to test for age-related cognitive decline.

Infrared Goggles, Vibrating Armband Help the Blind 'See'
From ACM TechNews

Infrared Goggles, Vibrating Armband Help the Blind 'See'

Researchers incorporated a pair of infrared cameras into prototype goggles to help blind and visually impaired people navigate their environment intuitively.

Dairy-Tech Startup Created a Step Counter for Cows
From ACM TechNews

Dairy-Tech Startup Created a Step Counter for Cows

India's Stellapps Technologies has come up with what CEO Ranjith Mukundan describes as "a device which is like a Fitbit for cattle."

European Oil Port Terminals Hit by Cyberattack
From ACM TechNews

European Oil Port Terminals Hit by Cyberattack

Major oil terminals at some of Western Europe's biggest ports have been hit by a cyberattack.

A Revolution in Haptics
From ACM News

A Revolution in Haptics

New technology solutions allow users to 'touch' the virtual.

True Story? Lie Detection Systems Go High-Tech
From ACM TechNews

True Story? Lie Detection Systems Go High-Tech

A new method of lie detection developed by researchers at Israel's Tel Aviv University uses electrodes affixed to the face to determine if someone is lying.

Algorithm That Mapped Omicron Shows Path Forward
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm That Mapped Omicron Shows Path Forward

The antigenic cartography algorithm, which can two-dimensionally map laboratory data on viral strains, has helped scientists keep up with genetic variants.

Physical Systems Perform ML Computations
From ACM TechNews

Physical Systems Perform ML Computations

Cornell University researchers have trained physical systems to execute generic machine learning computations.

Bug Lurking for 12 Years Gives Attackers Root on Most Major Linux Distros
From ACM TechNews

Bug Lurking for 12 Years Gives Attackers Root on Most Major Linux Distros

Polkit, a system-wide privilege manager for Unix-like operating systems, contains a 12-year-old memory-corruption vulnerability.

Smartphone, MD: Going Viral
From ACM TechNews

Smartphone, MD: Going Viral

A smartphone application and laboratory kit can diagnose COVID-19, COVID variants, and flu virus infections.
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