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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Model to Improve Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for 'Intelligent Transportation'
From ACM TechNews

New Model to Improve Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for 'Intelligent Transportation'

A newly developed model improves the clarity of vehicle-to-vehicle transmissions needed to make intelligent transportation a reality. 

'virtual Lolita' Aims to Trap Chatroom Pedophiles
From ACM TechNews

'virtual Lolita' Aims to Trap Chatroom Pedophiles

Negobot, a "virtual Lolita" robot, poses as a 14-year-old girl and tries to identify pedophiles in online chatrooms. 

TV White Space Pilot Targets Connectivity Gaps at U.S. University
From ACM TechNews

TV White Space Pilot Targets Connectivity Gaps at U.S. University

West Virginia University recently announced plans to use vacant broadcast TV channels for wireless broadband services with its TV white space test network.

The End of Digital Tyranny: Why the Future of Computing Is Analog
From ACM Opinion

The End of Digital Tyranny: Why the Future of Computing Is Analog

Our world is ruled by 1s and 0s.

Writing Programs Using Ordinary Language
From ACM News

Writing Programs Using Ordinary Language

In a pair of recent papers, researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have demonstrated that, for a few specific tasks, it's...

Hugh Herr and the Liberating Age of Bionics
From ACM Opinion

Hugh Herr and the Liberating Age of Bionics

"It's extraordinary that we live in this day and age with all our wonderful modern technology, and still we have shoes that give us blisters," says Hugh Herr, with...

Miracle Material Graphene Could Deliver Internet One Hundred Times Faster
From ACM TechNews

Miracle Material Graphene Could Deliver Internet One Hundred Times Faster

Researchers have demonstrated incredibly short optical response rates using graphene, which could lead to much faster Internet speeds.

Attention, Shoppers: Store Is Tracking Your Cell
From ACM News

Attention, Shoppers: Store Is Tracking Your Cell

Like dozens of other brick-and-mortar retailers,Nordstrom wanted to learn more about its customers—how many came through the doors, how many were repeat visitors—the...

Fact or Fiction: Encryption Prevents Digital Eavesdropping
From ACM News

Fact or Fiction: Encryption Prevents Digital Eavesdropping

Since the dawn of the Web and ubiquitous free e-mail services over the past two decades, the need to secure personal information online has been evident but often...

Here Come the Arabic, Russian, and Chinese Net Addresses
From ACM News

Here Come the Arabic, Russian, and Chinese Net Addresses

ICANN, the organization in charge of a major overhaul of Internet addresses, said it has signed agreements that will bring Chinese, Russian, and Arabic domain names...

Predicting Earthquakes and Saving Lives--With Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

Predicting Earthquakes and Saving Lives--With Smartphones

A new app called CrowdShake provides early earthquake warnings by converting a smartphone's accelerometer into a seismometer. 

Breakthrough Could Lead to 'artificial Skin' That Senses Touch, Humidity, and Temperature
From ACM TechNews

Breakthrough Could Lead to 'artificial Skin' That Senses Touch, Humidity, and Temperature

A newly developed flexible sensor out of tiny gold particles could be used to create electronic skin. 

Censoring the News Before It Happens
From ACM Opinion

Censoring the News Before It Happens

Every day in China, hundreds of messages are sent from government offices to website editors around the country that say things like, "Report on the new provincial...

Computational Photography: The Snap Is Only the Start
From ACM News

Computational Photography: The Snap Is Only the Start

Imagine a camera that allows you to see through a crowd to get a clear view of someone who would otherwise be obscured, a smartphone that matches big-budget lenses...

Researchers Find Bug Bounty Programs Pay Economic Rewards
From ACM News

Researchers Find Bug Bounty Programs Pay Economic Rewards

Bug bounty programs can be as much as 100 times more cost-effective for finding security vulnerabilities than hiring full-time security researchers to do the same...

Modest Debut of Atlas May Foreshadow Age of 'robo Sapiens'
From ACM News

Modest Debut of Atlas May Foreshadow Age of 'robo Sapiens'

Moving its hands as if it were dealing cards and walking with a bit of a swagger, a Pentagon-financed humanoid robot named Atlas made its first public appearance...

Your Facebook Friends May Be Evil Bots
From ACM TechNews

Your Facebook Friends May Be Evil Bots

Groups of social bots could lead to disaster for large online destinations, or even threaten the fabric of the Internet, the economy, and society as a whole. 

Touchscreens 'a Small Step' in Innovation
From ACM News

Touchscreens 'a Small Step' in Innovation

The way we use digital devices has become big news.

Nasa's Opals to Beam Data From Space Via Laser
From ACM News

Nasa's Opals to Beam Data From Space Via Laser

NASA will use the International Space Station to test a new communications technology that could dramatically improve spacspacecraft communications, enhance commercial...

Kremlin Returns to Typewriters to Avoid Computer Leaks
From ACM News

Kremlin Returns to Typewriters to Avoid Computer Leaks

A source at Russia's Federal Guard Service, which is in charge of safeguarding Kremlin communications and protecting President Vladimir Putin, claimed that the...
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