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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Humanoid Robot That Sees and Maps
From ACM TechNews

Humanoid Robot That Sees and Maps

New computer-vision algorithms  enable the humanoid robot Roboray to build real-time three-dimensional visual maps for more efficient movement. 

How Nasa Steers the International Space Station Around Space Junk
From ACM News

How Nasa Steers the International Space Station Around Space Junk

Orbiting about 250 miles (400-ish km) above our heads is one of the most complex and expensive engineering projects that the human race has ever put together: the...

Huawei's Best-Kept Secret: An Army of Engineers
From ACM Careers

Huawei's Best-Kept Secret: An Army of Engineers

Huawei Technologies Co. has made a name supplying network equipment to clients world-wide, but the Chinese company's emphasis on research and development over manufacturing...

Why the Airline Industry Needs Another Data Revolution
From ACM News

Why the Airline Industry Needs Another Data Revolution

Over the years, airline travel has been a prime testbed for advanced computing and data tools.

The Internet of Cars Is Approaching a Crossroads
From ACM News

The Internet of Cars Is Approaching a Crossroads

The phrase "vehicle-to-vehicle communications" might currently mean little more than a few choice words hurled through an open car window.

In Worldwide Surveillance Age, U.s. Has Big Edge
From ACM News

In Worldwide Surveillance Age, U.s. Has Big Edge

The saga of Edward Snowden and the NSA makes one thing clear: The United States' central role in developing the Internet and hosting its most powerful players has...

Physicists Discover the Secret of Quantum Remote Control
From ACM News

Physicists Discover the Secret of Quantum Remote Control

Teleportation is one of the more extraordinary phenomena in the quantum world.

The Only Thing Programmers Have to Fear Is... All of These Things
From ACM Careers

The Only Thing Programmers Have to Fear Is... All of These Things

Software developer is generally considered a pretty good job, and with good reason.

The Last Survivors of the End of the World
From ACM News

The Last Survivors of the End of the World

In 2 billion years' time, life on Earth will be confined to pockets of liquid water deep underground, according to PhD astrobiologist Jack O'Malley James of the...

The Immortal Life of the Enron E-Mails
From ACM News

The Immortal Life of the Enron E-Mails

Former Enron executive Vincent Kaminski is a modest, semi-retired business school professor from Houston who recently wrote a 960-page book explaining the fundamentals...

Meet the Most Important Tech Company You've Probably Never Heard Of
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Most Important Tech Company You've Probably Never Heard Of

Never trust gadget-makers’ claims about battery life.

'shields to Maximum, Mr. Scott'
From ACM TechNews

'shields to Maximum, Mr. Scott'

Researchers are working with the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration to develop ballistic limit curves. 

Nus Team Creates Realistic Robot Carp, First Robot Fish With Autonomous 3D Movement in Asia
From ACM TechNews

Nus Team Creates Realistic Robot Carp, First Robot Fish With Autonomous 3D Movement in Asia

A robot fish is ready to be programmed for specific functions, such as exploring the nooks and corners of wreckage for underwater archeology. 

New ATM Designs Imitate Online and Mobile Banking
From ACM News

New ATM Designs Imitate Online and Mobile Banking

Before heading to lunch, Kirsten Keary-Taylor, 29, uses an iPhone app to request $20 from a nearby ATM. Passing the cash machine on her way out, she scans it with...

Manage Your Smart Home with a Single Gesture
From ACM News

Manage Your Smart Home with a Single Gesture

Our homes will get a lot smarter in the coming years, allowing us to use a smartphone to manage an integrated system of appliances and other electronics from any...

Investors Buy Into Software-Defined Networks, Will Customers Follow?
From ACM News

Investors Buy Into Software-Defined Networks, Will Customers Follow?

As Superstorm Sandy bore down on the East coast last year, companies with data centers in its path needed another location fast. But moving computer servers is...

Encryption Has Foiled Wiretaps For First Time Ever, Feds Say
From ACM News

Encryption Has Foiled Wiretaps For First Time Ever, Feds Say

For the first time, encryption is thwarting government surveillance efforts through court-approved wiretaps, U.S. officials said Friday.

Nasa Decommissions Its Galaxy Hunter Spacecraft
From ACM News

Nasa Decommissions Its Galaxy Hunter Spacecraft

NASA has turned off its Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) after a decade of operations in which the venerable space telescope used its ultraviolet vision to study...

A Cutting-Edge Second Look at the Battle of Gettysburg
From ACM News

A Cutting-Edge Second Look at the Battle of Gettysburg

The technological limits of surveillance during the American Civil War dictated that commanders often decided where to deploy their troops based largely on what...

Bitcoin Draws Attention of California Regulators
From ACM News

Bitcoin Draws Attention of California Regulators

Even the state of California can't quite figure out what the bitcoin Internet currency phenomenon is all about—or whether it's legal in California.
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