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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Emerging Technologies at Siggraph 2013 Could Yield New Markets Tomorrow
From ACM TechNews

Emerging Technologies at Siggraph 2013 Could Yield New Markets Tomorrow

This year's SIGGRAPH conference featured SIGGRAPH 2013 Studio, which provided an opportunity for attendees to explore a wide array of new techniques and media. 

How a Satellite Called Syncom Changed the World
From ACM News

How a Satellite Called Syncom Changed the World

In the fall of 1957, the Soviet Union's newly launched Sputnik satellite would regularly streak across the Los Angeles sky, a bright dot in the black night.

Could the Government Get a Search Warrant For Your Thoughts?
From ACM Opinion

Could the Government Get a Search Warrant For Your Thoughts?

We don't have a mind reading machine.

I'm Still Waiting For My Phone to Become My Wallet
From ACM Opinion

I'm Still Waiting For My Phone to Become My Wallet

During the sweltering heat wave earlier this month, it seemed too hot to wear much, carry much or do much of anything at all.

Your Body Is the Computer
From ACM News

Your Body Is the Computer

The last few years have presented an unprecedented shift in the computing world as PCs are being replaced with mobile devices. But now that a large portion of the...

Supercomputing Heads For the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing Heads For the Cloud

A new cloud computing facility in Australia will be used for research in areas that require big-data analysis, such as climate change and earth system science. 

Software Experts Attack Cars, to Release Code As Hackers Meet
From ACM News

Software Experts Attack Cars, to Release Code As Hackers Meet

Car hacking is not a new field, but its secrets have long been closely guarded.

Want to Be a Professor? Choose Math
From ACM Careers

Want to Be a Professor? Choose Math

Are you an aspiring scientist with quantitative chops and a strong desire for a faculty career?

Nsa Growth Fueled By Need to Target Terrorists
From ACM News

Nsa Growth Fueled By Need to Target Terrorists

Twelve years later, the cranes and earthmovers around the National Security Agency are still at work, tearing up pavement and uprooting trees to make room for a...

How Samsung Is Beating Apple in China
From ACM Careers

How Samsung Is Beating Apple in China

Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook believes that "over the arc of time" China is a huge opportunity for his pathbreaking company. But time looks to be on the side of...

Court Says Skipping Ads Doesn't Violate Copyright. That's a Big Deal.
From ACM News

Court Says Skipping Ads Doesn't Violate Copyright. That's a Big Deal.

In 1984, the Supreme Court rejected Hollywood's argument that the record button on the Betamax VCR made its manufacturer, Sony, liable for copyright infringement...

Pin-Punching Robot Can Crack Your Phone's Security Code In Less Than 24 Hours
From ACM News

Pin-Punching Robot Can Crack Your Phone's Security Code In Less Than 24 Hours

There's nothing particularly difficult about cracking a smartphone’s four-digit PIN code.

Solid State Drives Transform Data Centers
From ACM News

Solid State Drives Transform Data Centers

Enterprises increasingly are incorporating solid-state drive technologies into their data centers.

The Mooc That Roared
From ACM Careers

The Mooc That Roared

Georgia Institute of Technology is about to take a step that could set off a broad disruption in higher education: It's offering a new master's degree in computer...

For Nsa Chief, Terrorist Threat Drives Passion to 'collect It All,' Observers Say
From ACM News

For Nsa Chief, Terrorist Threat Drives Passion to 'collect It All,' Observers Say

In late 2005, as Iraqi roadside bombings were nearing an all-time peak, the National Security Agency's newly appointed chief began pitching a radical plan for halting...

Research Update: Genome Editing Becomes More Accurate
From ACM News

Research Update: Genome Editing Becomes More Accurate

Earlier this year, MIT researchers developed a way to easily and efficiently edit the genomes of living cells. Now, the researchers have discovered key factors...

A New Approach to Information Storage
From Communications of the ACM

A New Approach to Information Storage

Disk drives and solid-state drives have long served as the foundation for computer storage, but breakthroughs in molecular and DNA science could revolutionize the...

Patient, Heal Thyself
From Communications of the ACM

Patient, Heal Thyself

New handheld medical diagnostic tools promise more efficient, lower-cost healthcare — but at what price?

Curiosity Makes Its Longest One-Day Drive on Mars
From ACM News

Curiosity Makes Its Longest One-Day Drive on Mars

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity drove twice as far on July 21 as on any other day of the mission so far: 109.7 yards (100.3 meters).

World's Cheapest Computer Gets Millions Tinkering
From ACM TechNews

World's Cheapest Computer Gets Millions Tinkering

The Raspberry Pi was designed to help children learn to code; nearly 1.5 million of the Linux-based devices have sold in 18 months. 
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